Anatomy Chapter 4 check points

  1. Define histology
    The study of tissues
  2. Iddentify the four major types of tissues in the body
    • Epithelial 
    • Connective
    • Muscle
    • Neural
  3. List 5 important charactheristics of epithelial tissue
    • Cellularity
    • Polarity
    • Attachment
    • Avascularity
    • Regeneration
  4. 4 essential functions of Epithelial tissue
    • Provide Physical Protection
    • Control Permeability
    • Provide Sensation
    • Produce Specialized Secretions
  5. What is the probable function of an epithelial surface whose cells bear many microvilli?
    Absorption or secretion 
  6. Identify the various types of epithelial cell junctions?
    • tight junction
    • cap junction
    • desmosomes
  7. What is the functional significance of gap junctions?
    They  form a narrow passageway that lets small molecules and ions pass from cell to cell
  8. Identify the three cell shapes of characteristic of epithelial cells.
    • squamous
    • stratified
    • cuboidal
  9. When classifying epithelial tissue, the number of layers of cells determins whether it is simple or stratified. A single layer of cells is termed ______, whereas multiple layers of cells are known as _________.
    • simple
    • stratisfied 
  10. Using a light microscope, a tissue appears as a simple squamous epithelium. Can this be a sample of the skin surface? Why or why not? 
    Yes, it is the first layer of skin
  11. Why do the pharynx, esphagus, anus, and vagina have a similar epithelial organization?
    so they can shed rapidly
  12. Name the two primary types of glandular epithelia
    • Endocrine glands
    • Exocrine glands
  13. The secretory cells of sebaceous glands fill with secretions and then rupture, releasing their contents. Which mode of secretion is this?
    holocrine secretion
  14. Which type of gland releases its secretions directy into the extracellular fluid?
  15. Identify several functions of connective tissues
    • Establishing a structural framework for the body
    • Transporting fluids and dissolved materials 
    • Protecting delicate organs
    • Supporting, surrounding, and interconnecting other types of tissue
    • Storing energy reserves, especially in the form of triglycerides
    • Defending the body from invading microorganisms
  16. LIst the three categories of connective tissues
    • Connective tissue proper
    • Fluid connective tissues
    • Supporting connective tissues
  17. Identify the populations of cells found in connective tissue proper
    • Loose connective tissues (adipose tissue)
    • Dense connective tissues ( tendons)
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Anatomy Chapter 4 check points