POLI 4021 Mid term LSU-Process of getting to the supreme court

  1. Writ of certiorari 
    1st step in appealing to the supreme Court 
  2. Apellate Briefs
    A document containing the legal written arguements in a case filed with a court by a party prior to a hearing or trail 
  3. Amicus Curiae
    • *friend of the court
    • briefs submited by interseted parties of the dispute
  4. Rule of four 
    At least 4 justices must agree to hear a case before certiorari   is grantsed 
  5. Oral arguements 
    both side tyically have 30 mins to present their case. 
  6. Conference vote 
    •  Justices meet in private to discuss the case and vote on the outcome 
    •  The party with  vote wins
  7. Affirmed
    when the US supreme court upholds the lower courts ruleing 
  8. Reversed
    when the courtoverturns the lower courts decision 
  9. Remanded
    when the supremem court sends the case back down to the lower court for a rehearing
  10. Opinion writer
    after the confrenece vote, the cheif justice or the most senior justice in the majority determines the majority opinion writer
  11. Majority Opinion
    The written opinion of the majority of the judges expressing the outcome of the case and the legal reasoning 
  12. Concurring opinion 
    Written opinion in non-unaniomus  cases by judges that agrees with the outcome but not the reasonings 
  13. Dissenting Opinion
    written opinion in non-unanimios  cases by judges disagreeing with the majority opinion 
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POLI 4021 Mid term LSU-Process of getting to the supreme court
POLI 4021 Mid term LSU-Process of getting to the supreme court