Functional Kinesiology

  1. What are the muscles responsible for scapular retraction?
    • middle trapezius
    • rhomboids
  2. What muscles are responsible for scapular protraction?
    • Serratus anterior
    • Pectoralis minor
  3. What muscles are responsible for scapular elevation?
    • Upper trapezius
    • levator scapula
    • rhomboids
  4. What muscles are responsible for scapular depression?
    • Lower trapezius
    • pectoralis minor
  5. What muscles are responsible for scapular upward rotation?
    • Upper trapezius
    • Lower trapezius
    • Serratus anterior
  6. What muscles are responsible for scapular downward rotation?
    • Rhomboids
    • Levator scapulae
    • Pectoralis minor
  7. What muscles are responsible for shoulder flexion?
    • Anterior deltoid
    • Pectoralis major (clavicular)
  8. What muscles are responsible for shoulder extension?
    • Posterior deltoid
    • latissimus dorsi
    • Teres major
    • Pectoralis major (sternal head, from 180-120* flexion)
  9. What muscles are responsible for shoulder abduction?
    • Deltoid
    • Supraspinatus
  10. What muscles are responslible for shoulder adduction?
    • Pectoralis major
    • teres major
    • latissimus dorsi
  11. What muscles are responsible for horizontal abduction?
    • Posterior deltoid
    • infraspinatus
    • teres minor
  12. What muscles are responsible for horizontal adduction?
    • Pectoralis major
    • anterior deltoid
  13. What muscles are responsible for external/lateral shoulder rotation?
    • Posterior deltoid
    • Teres minor
    • infraspinatus
  14. What muscles are responsible for internal/medial shoulder rotation?
    • Latissimus dorsi
    • teres major
    • subscapularis
    • Pectoralis major
    • Anterior deltoid
  15. What muscles are responsible for elbow flexion?
    • Brachialis
    • brachioradialis
    • biceps brachii
  16. What muscles are responsible for forearm pronation?
    • pronator teres
    • pronator quadratus
  17. What muscles are responsible for forearm supination?
    • Biceps brachii
    • supinator
  18. What muscles are responsible for wrist flexion?
    • Flexor carpi radialis
    • Flexor carpi ulnaris
    • [palmaris longus]
  19. What muscles are responsible wrist extension?
    • Extensor carpi radialis longus
    • extensor carpi radialis brevis
    • extensor carpi ulnaris
  20. What muscles are responsible for radial deviation?
    • flecor carpi radialis
    • extensor carpi radialis longus
  21. What muscles are responsible for ulnar deviation?
    flexor carpi ulnaris, extensor carpi ulnaris
  22. What muscles are responsible for hip flexion?
    • Rectus femoris
    • iliospoas
    • [pectineus]
  23. What muscles are responsible for hip extension?
    • Gluteus maximus
    • semitendinosus
    • semimembranosus
    • biceps femoris (long head)
  24. What muscles are responsible for hip abduction?
    • gluteus medius
    • gluteus minimus
  25. What muscles are responsible for hip adduction?
    • pectinues
    • adductor longus
    • adductor brevis
    • adductor magnus
    • gracilis
  26. What muscles are responsible for external/lateral hip rotation?
    • Gluteus maximus
    • deep rotators (piriformis, obturator externus, obturator internus, quadratus femoris, gamellus superior, gamellus inferior)
  27. What muscles are responsible for knee extension?
    • Quadriceps group:
    • -rectus femoris
    • -vastus lateralis
    • -vastus medialis
    • -vastus intermedialis
  28. What muscles are responsible for knee flexion?
    • hamstring group:
    • -semitendinosus
    • -semimembranosus
    • -biceps femoris
    • popliteus *unlocks knee from the screw home mechanism*
    • gastrocnemius
  29. What muscles are responsible for ankle plantar flexion?
    • gastrocnemius
    • soleus
    • Assistors:
    • plantaris
    • Tibialis posterior
    • Flexor digitorum longus
    • flexor hallucis longus
    • peroneus longus
    • peroneus brevis
  30. What muscles are responsible for ankle dorsiflexion?
    • Tibialis anterior
    • [Extensor hallucis longus]
    • [Extensor digitorum longus]
    • [peroneus tertius]
  31. What muscles are resonsible for ankle inversion?
    • Tibialis anterior
    • Tibialis posterior
    • [flexor hallucis longus]
  32. What muscles are responsible for ankle eversion?
    • Peroneus longus
    • peroneus brevis
    • [peroneus tertius]
  33. What muscles are responsible for capital extension?
    • Suboccipital group:
    • -Obliquus capitis inferior
    • -Obliquus capitis superior
    • -Rectus capitis posterior minor
    • -Rectus capitis posterior major
  34. What muscles are responsible for capital flexion?
    • The prevertebral group:
    • -Longus Colli
    • -Longus capitis
    • -Rectus capitis anterior
    • -Rectus capitis lateralis
  35. What muscles are responsible for cervical flexion?
    • Sternocleidomastoid
    • [scalenes]
  36. What muscles are responsible for cervicle extension?
    • Splenius capitis
    • Splenius cervices
    • Erector spinae (longissimus, iliocostalis, spinalis)
    • Transversopinalis (rotatores, multifidus, semispinalis)
    • Interspinales
  37. What muscles are responsible for cervical lateral flexion?
    • Sternocleidomastoid
    • Splenius capitis
    • Splenius cervices
    • Scalenes
    • Erector spinae (longissimus, iliocostalis, spinalis)
    • Intertransversarii
  38. What muscles are responsible for cervical rotation?
    • Sternocleidomastoid (contralateral)
    • Transversospinalis (contralateral)
    • Splenius capitis
    • Splenius cervices
  39. What muscles are responsible for trunk flexion?
    • Rectus abdominis
    • Abdominal internal oblique
    • Abdominal external oblique
  40. What muscles are responsible for trunk extension?
    • Erector spinae (bilateral contraction) (longissimus, iliocostalis, spinalis)
    • Transversospinalis (bilateral contraction) (rotators, multifidus, semispinalis)
    • Interspinales
  41. What muscles are responsible for trunk lateral flexion?
    • Intertransversarii
    • Quadratus lumborum
    • Erector spinae (longissimus, iliocostalis, spinalis)
    • Internal oblique
    • External oblique
  42. What muscles are responsible for trunk rotation?
    • Internal oblique (ypsilateral)
    • External oblique (contralateral)
    • Transversospinalis (rotatores, multifidus, semispinalis)
  43. What muscles are responsible for abdominal compression?
    • Rectus abdominis
    • External oblique
    • Internal oblique
    • Transverse abdominis*
  44. What is the limitation (capsular pattern) of atlanto-occiputa joint?
    extension, side flexion equally limited
  45. What is the limitation (capsular pattern) of the cervical spine?
    side flexion and rotation equally limited, extension
  46. What is the limitation (capsular pattern) of the glenohumeral joint?
    lateral rotation, abduction, medial rotation
  47. What is the limitation (capsular pattern) of the sternoclavicular joint?
    pain at extreme of range of movement
  48. What is the limitation (capsular pattern) of the acromioclavicular joint?
    Pain at extreme of range of movement
  49. What is the limitation (capsular pattern) of the ulnohumeral joint?
    flexion, extension
  50. What is the limitation (capsular pattern) of the radiohumeral joint?
    flexion, extension, supination, pronation
  51. What is the limitation (capsular pattern) of the proximal radioulnar joint?
    pronation, supination
  52. What is the limitation (capsular pattern) of the distal radioulnar joint?
    full range of movement, pain at extremes of rotation
  53. What is the limitation (capsular pattern) of the wrist?
    flexion and extension equally limited
  54. What is the limitation (capsular pattern) of the trapeziometacarpal joint?
    abduction, extension
  55. What is the limitation (capsular pattern) of the metacarpophalangeal and interphalangeal joints?
    flexion, extension
  56. What is the limitation (capsular pattern) of the thoracic spine?
    side flexion and rotation equally limited, extension
  57. What is the limitation (capsular pattern) of the lumbar spine?
    side flexion and rotation equally limited, extension
  58. What are the limitations (capsular patterns) of the Sacroiliac, symphysis pubis, and sacrococcygeal joints?
    pain when joints are stressed
  59. What is the limitation (capsular pattern) of the hip joint?
    flexion, abduction, *medial rotation (sometimes the most limited)
  60. What is the limitation (capsular pattern) of the knee joint?
    flexion, extension
  61. What is the limitation (capsular pattern) of the tibiofibular joint?
    pain when the joint is stressed
  62. What is the limitation (capsular pattern) of the talocrural joint?
    plantarflexion, dorsiflexion
  63. What is the limitation (capsular pattern) of the talocalcaneal (subtalar) joint?
    limitation of varus range of movement
  64. What is the limitation (capsular pattern) of the midtarsal joint?
    dorsiflexion, plantar flexion, adduction, medial rotation
  65. What is the limitation (capsular pattern) of the 1st MTP joint?
    extension, flexion
  66. What is the limitation (capsular pattern) of the 2nd - 5th MTP joint?
  67. What is the limitation (capsular pattern) of the interphalangeal joint?
    flexion, extension
  68. Loose packed position of facet?
    midway between flexion and extension
  69. Loose packed position of temporomandibular joint?
    Mouth slightly opened
  70. Loose packed position of the glenohumeral joint?
    55 degrees abduction, 30 degrees horizontal adduction
  71. Loose packed position of AC joint?
    arm resting by side in normal physiological position
  72. Loose packed position of ulnohumeral (elbow) joint?
    70 degrees flexion, 10 supination
  73. Loose packed position of radiohumeral joint?
    full extension, full supination
  74. Loose packed position of the proximal radioulnar joint?
    70* flexion, 35* supination
  75. loose packed position of Distal radioulnar?
    10* supination
  76. Loose packed position of the wrist/radiocarpal joint?
    Neutral with slight ulnar deviation
  77. Loose packed position of the carpometacarpal joint?
    Midway between abduction - adduction and flexion - extension
  78. Loose packed position of the MCP joint?
    slight flexion
  79. Loose packed position of the IP joint (hands)?
    slight flexion
  80. Loose packed position of the hip joint?
    30*flexion, 30* abduction, slight lateral rotation
  81. Loose packed position of the knee?
    25* flexion
  82. Loose packed position of Talocrural (ankle) joint?
    10* plantar flexion, midway between max inversion & max eversion
  83. Loose packed position of the subtalar joint?
    midway between extremes of ROM
  84. Loose packed position of the midtarsal joint?
    Midway between extremes of ROM
  85. Loose packed position of the TMT joint?
    midway between extremes of ROM
  86. Loose packed position of MTP joint?
  87. Loose packed position of the IP joint (feet)?
    slight flexion
  88. Close packed position of the facet joint?
  89. Close packed position of the temporomandibular joint?
    clenched teeth
  90. Close packed position of the GH joint?
    abduction, ER
  91. Close packed position of the AC joint?
    abd to 90*
  92. Close packed position of the SC joint?
    max shoulder elevation
  93. Close packed position of the ulnohumeral (elbow) joint?
  94. Close packed position of the radiohumeral joint?
    elbow flexion 90*, supination 5*
  95. Close packed position of the proximal radioulnar joint?
    5* supination
  96. Close packed position of the distal radioulnar joint?
    5* supination
  97. Close packed position of the radiocarpal (wrist) joint?
    extension with radial deviation
  98. Close packed position of the of the MCP (fingers) joint?
    full flexion
  99. Close packed position of the MCP (thumb) joint?
    full opposition
  100. Close packed position of the of the IP joint?
    full extension
  101. Close packed position of the hip joint?
    full extension, IR
  102. Close packed position of the knee?
    full extension, ER of tibia
  103. Close packed position of the talocrural (ankle)?
    max DF
  104. Close packed position of the subtalar joint?
  105. Close packed position of the midtarsal joint?
  106. Close packed position of the tarsometatarsal joint?
  107. Close packed position of the MTP joint?
    full extension
  108. Close packed position of the IP (foot) joint?
    full extension
Card Set
Functional Kinesiology
Functional kinesiology & capsular patterns