Parietal lobe

  1. Perceptual dysfucntion categories
    • Agnosias
    • Spatial disorders
    • Unilateral neglect
    • Apraxias
    • Aphasias
  2. What is an agnosia?
    Inability to recognise or make sense of incoming sensory information
  3. Anosognosia
    • Failure to perceive illness, a defect or the denial of a defect or lack of awareness for a hemiplegia
    • Laterality: Non-dominant hemisphere
  4. Asomatognosia
    • Disturbance of body scheme, a lack of awareness of body structure and failure to recognise body parts and their relationship to each other. Unaware of, or confused regarding the ownership of a limb
    • Laterality: Non-dominant hemisphere
  5. Autopagnosia
    • Disturbance of the body scheme, a lack of awareness of body structure and failure to recognise body parts and their relationship to each other
    • Laterality: Dominant parietal lobe
  6. Prosopagnosia
    • Inability torecognise faces
    • Laterality: Non-dominant hemisphere
  7. Spatial disorders
    • Visuospatial
    • Visuoperceptual
    • Topographical disorientation
  8. Visuospatial disorders
    • Spatial relations disorder
    • Laterality: Parietal lobe of the non-dominant
  9. Visuoperceptual
    Form discrimination: inability to distinguishbetween different types and forms 
  10. Topographical disorientation
    • Route finding difficulty
    • Laterality: Parietal lobe of non-dominant hemisphere
  11. Unilateral neglect
    • Person appears to ignore sensory information from the side  
    • Apparent lack of awareness on the part of the client with regard to loss of half their world
  12. Types of apraxia
    • Ideomotor  
    • Ideational 
    • Constructional   
    • Dressing
  13. Ideomotor
    An impairment of the capacity to perform purposeful movement not due to any primary or motor or sensory deficit or because of lack of comprehension, attention or willingness to perform the movement. Inability to imitate gestures or perform purposeful motor tasks on command. The task may be performed automatically
  14. Ideational
    The inability to carry out activities on command or automatically because the patient doesn’t understand the concept of the act. They do not have an idea of what to do.
  15. Constructional
    • Term usedwhen there is evidence of poor drawing and constructional capabilities
    • Laterality: non-dominant
  16. Dressing
    • Inability to orientate clothing to the body in terms of order and laterality. Descriptive term used when there is evidence of poor dressing performance
    • Laterality: non-dominant
  17. Aphasia
    An acquired disorder of language
  18. Expressive aphasia
    • Inability to express oneself using spoken or written language
    • Laterality: Majority of cases left hemisphere
  19. Receptive aphasia
    • Inability to understand spoken or written language
    • Laterality: Majority of cases left hemisphere
  20. Global aphasia
    • Inability to understand or express spoken or written language
    • Laterality: Majority of cases left hemisphere
  21. Dyslexia and agraphia
    • Disorders of reading and writing
    • Laterality: Majority of cases left hemisphere
  22. Dyscalculia
    • Difficulty with calculations 
    • Laterality: left or right
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Parietal lobe
Terms of pathology