intro neuro pt b

  1. The Motor Relearning Programme for Stroke - whose theory? what kind of theory?
    • Carr and Shephard
    • biomechanical and motor learning
  2. The Motor Relearning Programme for Stroke - tell me about it
    • basic premise: pts must actively be involved in re-learinginmovements based on the biomechanical necessities of the tasks and on their refinement of motor output
    • basically: get pts motivated, have them learn basics, then get them to more complicated tasks and closer to motor norms
  3. what is skill? - descriptive list generated in class
    reproducable acquired (not innate) complex mvmnt, goal-directed, serves a function, measurable, energy efficient, has finesse
  4. how does performance differ from learning?
    • performance = doing
    • learning = the journey, the process. It's measurable thru performance, it's contingent on motivation, it's dynamic (you may forget things), it may not always lead to optimal performance
  5. Ann M. Gentile is known for what?
    • she made a taxonomy of tasks
    • she's into the behavioral model for skill acquisition
  6. Gentile's 2 types of goal-directed activity
    • investigatory: ex - I was hungry so I went to the fridge to look for food
    • adaptive: ex - swaying on the subway to stay upright
  7. 3 levels on which Gentile (or the behavioural model? I'm not sure) analyzes tasks
    • action
    • movemnet
    • neuromotor processes
  8. movement, simple def
    "means by which action is realized"
  9. mvmnt strategy
    plan or approach used to achieve a goal
  10. movement pattern
    form of mvmnt, detailed squence of components (muscle activity, joint angle change, etc)
  11. in Gentile's taxonomy of task the tasks can be classified by __ and __. And then these are broken up further, how?
    • Environment and Function of the activity
    • Env: regulatory conditions (stationary or body and/or object in motion) and intertrial variability (low/high)
    • Function: body orientation (stability or transport) and w/wo manipulation
  12. In Gentile's taxonomy, stationary + no intertrial variability =
    closed task
  13. In Gentile's taxonomy, stationary + intertrial variability =
    variable motionless
  14. In Gentile's taxonomy, in motion + no intertrial variability =
    consistant motion
  15. In Gentile's taxonomy, in motion + intertrial variability =
    open task
  16. what to do in the cognitive stage of learning
    • focus on goals and general features of task
    • get baseic framework for completing task
    • do trial and error - lets you group info into categories
    • eval spatial and temporal (speed) features
    • formulate a basic motor plan by simplifying the task, decreasing the degrees of freedom
    • learn to appreciate subtle preparatory postural adjustments
  17. what's happening in the associative stage for a closed task?
    • you're concentrating on regulatory features
    • you're practicing --> decreased variablility in performance so it becomes hopefully controlled or automatic
  18. what's happening in the associative stage for an open task?
    it's an ever-changing env, so performance is dependant on env.
  19. what happens in automatic or control stage of learning
    • pt learns to adapt over a greater range of contexts
    • pt has highly developed scanning and preparatory system, and now can adapt more easily
    • pt is thinking forward at this point, thinking of what will happen next in the task
  20. summary of skill acquisition - learner goes from __ to __
    explicit learning (learning to do a task and interact w env - most improvement happens in this stage)--> implicit learning (adjusting movement in advance by gradually learning the most efficient way to execute task - slow process)
  21. things to think about in env when learning a task
    • start w minimal distractions
    • gradually add them to increase info-processing abilities of pt, and to better mimic real world envs
  22. external/extrinsic feedback
    • comes from outside the performer or is verbalized by the performer
    • guides the pt's selective attention
    • must be stage specific
    • must attend to important spatial and temporal regulatory features
  23. internal/intrinsic feedback
    • comes from withing the performerbased on sensory receptors (joints, ears, eyes...)
    • may be distorted in pt w CP, stroke, sensory loss
  24. outcome feedback
    • aka knowledge of results -- about the mvmnt outcome, did pt accomplish the goal?
    • PT can guide this if it's not obvious to pt
  25. feedback about the movement
    • aka knowledge of performance
    • this is about the movement pattern produced, not the goal attainment - ex. focus on control of the many degrees of freedom
  26. 3 types fo practice
    • blocked: has limited variablility in env conditions. better w initial learning, esp w whole body tasks
    • random: may be better for the skilled learner or during initial learning of simple manipulative tasks
    • mental: thinking it thru or watching someone do it
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intro neuro pt b
intro neuro pt b