HIS 101 FALL 2012

  1. The idea of the Mandate of Heaven was
    introduced by the Zhou Dynasty and it served to legitimize its power.
  2. The writer of China's most famous work on military strategy was
    Sun Tzu
  3. In the Chinese written Language the symbol for wife is characterized by
    a woman with a broom.
  4. The lengthiest dynasty in Chinese history was the
  5. An extension of "filial piety" to include care for the deceased, by burning replicas of useful objects to accompany them to the next world was
    veneration of ancestors
  6. China was most vulnerable to attack and invasion from the
    northern frontier
  7. The conversations between Confucious and his disciples are found in the
  8. A popular philosophy during the "hundred schools" period that stressed that human beings were by nature evil and need strict laws was
  9. Chinese geography
    isolated it from other centers of civilizations
  10. One of the earliest ideas was that the universe was divided into two primary forces of good and evil, light and dark, male and female, called the
    yang (sun) and the yin (moon)
  11. the caste system
    was applicable to every member of Indian society
  12. India's first empire was founded about 320 BC by
    Chandragupta Maurya
  13. India is divided from the rest of Asia by the
    Himalayan Mountains
  14. Siddhartha Gautama
    defined the Middle Way to human happiness.
  15. The Aryans
    dominated ancient India after their arrival from the north
  16. The two major cities of the Indus River Vally civilization
    were Mohenjo-Daro and Harappa
  17. What army of occupation was followed in India by Chandragupta Maurya?
    the army of Alexander the Great
  18. Ashoka's reign was noted for
    it's peace and toleration
  19. The Mahabharata and the Ramayana are examples of
    epic Indian poems
  20. The sudra was the lowest of the "twice-born" castes. True or False?
  21. Egyptian Hieroglyphs
    used sacred characters as picture signs.
  22. The word Mesopotamia is derived from the Greek word meaning
    land between the rivers
  23. Neanderthal man lived primarily in
  24. THe earliest hominids
    lived in Africa.
  25. Hammurabi is best known for his
    code of laws.
  26. The Phoenician culture is most noted in history for
    devising an alphabet
  27. Which of the following did the Hittites introduce as a new, invincible means of warfare during the conquest of Babylon?
    weapons made of iron
  28. Babylonian dominance over much of Mesopotamia was established by
  29. Isreal reached its height in worldly might and splendor during the reign of
  30. Zoroaster founded a religion that
    established ethical percepts
  31. The ancient philosopher Socrates left no writings but did create a question and answer technique for dialog called the
    Socratic method
  32. Hippocrates is considered by many the father of
    modern medicine
  33. The armies of Alexander the Great conquered civilizations as far east as
  34. The Illiad and the Odyssey, famous examples of the Greek epic poetry, were written by
  35. Cleisthenes was the famous lawmaker of Athens, he created a way to deal with enemies of the state.  It was called
  36. The first known writer of the Greek tragedy was
  37. The legendary lawgiver who devised the Spartan system for military training of young men was
  38. The conquests of Alexander the Great helped to develop and spread this culture after his death.
    Greek/Hellenistic culture
  39. The greek polis was
    a city-state
  40. By 700 BC a new military order was created by using heavily armed infantrymen called
  41. The Roman family was headed by the leading or dominant male member of the household called the
  42. The "three man rule" was set up between Caesar, Crassus, and Pompey to contral the political climate in Rome.
    first triumvirate
  43. Augustus was responsible for setting up the roughly 9,000 men who would guard the emperor
    praetorian guard
  44. This famous soldier was assassinated after being named "dictator for life" in 47 BC.
    Julius Caesar
  45. This major religion arose during the first century and would spread throughout the Roman empire.
  46. The Carthaginian general who almost defeated Rome was
  47. This was a symbol used by the Etruscan kings, it was an ax bound by a bundle of rods.
  48. The name of the upper class who controlled the republic.
  49. The name of the lower class that insisted the laws of Rome be written down.
  50. PaxRomana refers to (3)...
    the end of a century off violence.

    the end of the Roman Republic.

    200 years of Roman imperialism and peace.
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HIS 101 FALL 2012
HIS 101 FALL 2012 EXAM