BibLe FiNaLs

  1. member of church at jerusalem; served as secretary for Paul and Peter (he wrote what they said in 1 Peter and 1-2 Thessalonians
  2. Paul was a mentor to him; "Paul's son"
  3. pronoun change in Acts; show how the author Luke writes in 1st person meanin he was there for the activity; changed in Troas
    "we" sections
  4. "Macadonian town"; hometown of Luke and location of medical center; conversion of Lydia comes here (1st European to ever be saved); exorcism of a slave girl; Paul and Silas go to jail and sing hymns, jailer is saved and they are released
  5. 3 sabbaths occur; Pauls own people eventuall reject him and he began to focus on the Gentiles of the town; "free city"; capital of Macedonia; port city, main road;
  6. birthplace for democracy; location of the worlds greatest university; Paul the only one here; Paul addresses the philosophers in the marketplace on Mars Hill here...
  7. Capital of Acaah, mostly slaves; porty city, slave trade center, slums, poverty, immortality; worship the patron goddess Aphrodite "sex, love"; ppl had sex to worship
  8. greek for "appearance, coming, arrival"; when ppl thought of Jesus coming they thought he was going to be in the form of king, dignitary, military hero
  9. like 1st coming when Jesus will once again set a foot on Earth
    2nd coming
  10. Jesus is in air and people rise to meet him there; latin for "raptus" which means snatching away; olivet discourse
  11. Is Rapture the 2nd coming?
  12. What proceeds the coming? Paul says this must occur first
    Spiritual: Falling away
  13. after Apostasy, this occurs; "son of destruction"
    idiom=some one destined for destruction
    this person will think he is god, but he is actually going to be powered by satan
    "man of lawlessness"
  14. birthplace: alexandria, egypt; jewish and christian, pastor at corinth; maybe helped with hebrews
  15. a port city on the agean sea; paul mentions the Jerusalem Collection or offering here; paul spends 3 years; is on the western edge of asia minor/turkey; placed where east meets west; home of John; accessible by land and by sea; home of the goddess Artemis (Dianna) held one of the 7 wonders of the world; Paul spent his longest ministry here; Paul performs miracles, exorcises demon possesed, revives sorcerors to quit sorcery ways and commit to Jesus
  16. famine, proves Gentile Christians are good ( they offer money )
    Jerusalem Offering or Council
  17. 1st letter is considered to be before 1 corinthians;
    THEME: do not associate with immoral ppl
    some thought to be in 2 corinthians
    -Paul refers to how he wrote YOU
    previous letter
  18. Paul's 2nd visit to Corinth
    Painful visit
  19. Paul tells the people of Corinth he is coming back for his 3rd visit; this is his 3rd letter
    "I'm coming again"
    harsh letter
  20. Paul's 3rd visit to Corinth
    winter of contentment
  21. (singular) explains that you and i are a body part. Christ is the head.
    body of christ
  22. spiritual gift that is common
  23. earthly languages, heavenly (prayer) language; is a proof of salvation
    tongues languages
  24. greek 'skolos'=stake (Physical illness)
    thorn in the flesh
  25. known as the magna carta of christian freedom and liberty
    THEME: freedom from legalism
  26. jewish false teachers who taught circumcision and law as necessary for salvation; in galatians
  27. date and audience of galatians
    • early date: south galatians (book of act)
    • late date: north galatians (early church tradition, rep of being fickle, spoke celtic)
  28. 9 of them; is singular (all or nothing); the Spirit produces the fruit in you; not self effort
    fruit of the spirit
  29. our choice, response; begins our relationship to God
  30. Gods confirmation of that choice; entitles us to every benefit of that relationship
  31. ROMANS
    • OCCASION: Paul answers 2 questions 1. what is the role of the ot law? 2. what is the role of israel?
    • THEME: faith in christ, the only groud for mankind's acceptance by God
    • REVELATION: Paul reveals Revelation in Romans (God reveals)
    • General rev- creation, conscience Special rev-scripture
  32. prison letters that Paul wrote while he was in prison at these 3 locations
    ephesus, caeserea, and rome
  33. ephesians, philemon, colossians, philippians
    prison epistles/ prison letters
  34. the letters of the NT are _____ (results from and responses to a specific occasion)
    did not teach doctrine as their primary purpose, used specific theology to meet the unique needs of their readers
    occasional literature
  35. the oldest NT books
    1-2 Thessalonians
  36. how to interpret
    history and literature
  37. Audience of 1-2 Thessalonians
    • 1. Morally weak-gentile converts, godfearers tempted by their past lives
    • 2. Idles-eschatology
    • 3. Faint hearted
  38. Purpose of 1-2 Thessalonians
    • 1 Thess- encourage new christians facing persecution to persever in their faith
    • 2 thess- counteract the influence of false teachers (doctrine-eschatology)
  39. Characteristics of Apocalyptic
    • -Exclusively predictive or futuristic
    • -Veiled/symbolic-->highly imaginative language, use of numbers
    • -Eschatological dualism-->2 aeons 1. present 2. age to come (future)
    • eschatological events were an in-breaking of God into history and an end of history
    • -Literary phenomena
    • -Secrets revealed long ago to certain chosen men
    • -Pseudepigraphical
    • -Heavens and earth destroyed and replaced
    • -Elect would reign in the new age
    • -Teachings were in the form of visions
    • -Pessimistic view of the present
    • ***apocalyptic derived from prophecy...its message is a re-adaptation of the old prophetic message within a new situation***
  40. 4 approaches
    • !. IDEALISM-continuous struggle between good and evil Christianity eventually triumps
    • 2. PRETERISM-persecution of Christianity by Rome; Rome fell, but Christianity prevailed
    • 3. HISTORICISM-symbolic presentation of Church History, from the Apostolic Age to the Last Judgment
    • 4. FUTURISM-description of a coming painful and chaotic time, from the Tribulation to the Eternal State
  41. jesus returns before a literal 1000 year reign
  42. jesus presently rules at God's right hand
  43. jesus will return after the whole world has converted to christianity
  44. pretribulationism
    rapture: tribulation 3 1/2 years, great tribulations 3 1/2 years
  45. midtribulationism
    tribulation 3 1/2 years-rapture-great tribulation 3 1/2 years
  46. posttribulationism
    tribulation 3 1/2 years-great tribulation 3 1/2 year- rapture
  47. seven churches
    • COMMENDATION: smyrna and philadelphia
    • REBUKE: sardis and laodicea
    • COMMENDATION AND REBUKE: ephesus, pergamum, and thyatira
  48. son of Philip. Taught by Aristotle.
    -334 BC when began conquest of world
    -By 332 had already conquered Syria, Palestine, and Egypt
    -331 captured Persia. (Greek domination began after defeat of Persia)
    -He also conquered Armenia, Mesopotamia, and India
    -On june 13 he died unexpectedly of malaria (in Babylon).
    -He had not planned a succession before he died so his generals split up and stabilized the empire. Each general ruled a sector of the empire(they became known as diadochi) corruption among them eventually occurred.
    alexander the great
  49. spread of Greek culture. (which was achieved during the reign of Alexander the great)
  50. son of Antiochus III
    -claimed to be God in the flesh. (DEUS – “epiphanes” meaning greek for manifested or revealed one)
    -Jews did not believe in Antiochus 4 b/c the y are monotheistic. They mocked him and called him “Epihpames” instead which means “mad man”
    - Antiochus was angered by this and harassed the Jews and meddled with their Temples. (Desecreted the Jews Holy place)
    antiochus IV
  51. Word got to Egypt that Antiochus 4 had died (when in reality he was still alove). While the Jews were celebrating his death, Antiochus 4 came upon them and became a very very angry little man. In December 167 Antiochus 4 tore down the Temple of God and began his torturing methods upon them. This time became known as the
    abomination of desolution
  52. (8 day celebration): Feast of Dedication: Festival of Lights
    -Judas and group of Jews captured the Holy City of Jerusalem and the Temple. They did not overtake the ACRA but the reclaim the templ on Dec. 25 164 BC.
  53. the original language of the New Testament
  54. Responsible for the The Chapter Divisions in the Old and New Testaments.
    Stephen Langton (archbishop)
  55. “Robert Estienne” responsible for verse divisions in the New Testament.
  56. collection of sacred writings “list, standard, measure”
    -a list of authoritative books NOT a authoritative list of books.
  57. the art and science of interpretation. (facts are facts fut interpretation of the facts differ)
  58. son of Antipater
    -initially made tetrarch of Galilee by Mark Antony
    -when Mark Antony and Octavius begin to fight he does not take sides because he friends with both of them.
    -Flees to rome when parthians set out to kill him
    -at Rome he granted King of Palestine
    -eventually defeats the Parthians and rules in Palestine
    -People like him because he was loyal
    -Known as a master builder. He is responsible for harbor Caesarea in Palestine
    -Has 10 wives
    herod the great
  59. (4BC – 39 AD) son of Herod the great
    -ruled lands of Galilee and Perca
    -he was vain, arrogant and morally weak
    -he married his brothers wife (Herodias)
    -John the Baptist condemned his marriage to his sister-in-law and it angers him so he puts John the Baptist in jail. Herodias (the wife) orders John’s head on a platter.
    -actually questions Jesus before he goes on trial. Jesus says nothing and Jesus is sent back to Pontius pilot
    -is eventually banished to Spain (by the roman emperor Caligula) where he dies.
  60. “half Jews”
    -considered ‘half Jews” because they married foreigners (which God told them not too)
    -Jews normally did not talk to Samaritans.
  61. Rome’s first emperor (Augustus Caesar)
    -ends up fighting Mark Antony for the rule of Rome and wins.
    -expands empire
    -closed door to temple of god Janus (pax romana period)
    -builds roman roads
    -established postal service
    -created civil services (police, garbage pick up, fireman)
    octavious (augustus)
  62. means “Roman Peace”
    -period between 27 BC and 180 AD
    -Safe roads
    -Economy flourished
    -Better Standard of living
    -Rome only fought if chose too
    pax Romana
  63. English word comes from “dunamis” (dynamite/dynamic)
    -not magical, requires faith, initiated by a word.
    -acted parables
  64. always appears with the word “wonder”
  65. required no moral quality
    -evoked amazement and astonishment (which wears off). Jesus is not impressed with wonder, he wants commintment.
  66. (in all 4 gospels)
    -not used in Old Testament and rarely appears after the gospels
    -referred to as internal (inside people) and also referred to as “not of this world”
    -The reign of God as “King” God’s active reign in the world
    kingdom of God
  67. Mark refers to Jesus as this using it as a umbrella term. [meaning it referred to Jesus as the person and his mission –(suffer and die)
    son of man
  68. attitudes you be. 8 happy statements. 8 characteristics of any person who is a member of the kingdom.
  69. meaning “to see”
    -gospels Matthew Mark and Luke all see together.
  70. meaning doctrine of Christ
    -who he is (person)
    -what he did (works)
  71. “in the flesh”
    -what we celebrate at Christmas (jesus birth)
  72. relative of Jesus
    -transitional figure meaning books of Old Testament but her ushers on the coming of the Messiah. (the one)
    -he is the final prophet
    -refers to his baptisms as water baptisms representing “repentance.” He speaks of one who will come and baptize with spirit and fire (judgement)
    john the baptist
  73. has conversation with Jesus at night
    -Member of Sanhedrin
    -Jesus tells him that “he must be born again!” (is confused because he is thinking literally and not spiritually)
    -Becomes a bold follower of Jesus
  74. “good news” was not a literary term until Mark detailed the life and ministry if Jesus Christ
  75. easy to remember saying that vividly captures a commonly held value of truth.
  76. referred to as Little because the big one is in Revelations
    -lengthy response from Jesus in the synoptics when disciples as about the end of the world.
    -Jesus tells them there will be 3 signs of the end: (end of disciples lives), (end of temple and Jerusalem), and (Jesus will return)
    little apocalypse
  77. “to suffer”
  78. (1st martyr) first to die for the Christian Faith. Stoned to death.
  79. (1st Missionary)
    -missioned to Samaritan cities and Ethiopan enuch
  80. capital of Syria
    -where the 2nd church was at. The church was mission minded and funded all of Pauls missions.
    -Here the term “Christian” was first referred to as followers of Jesus.
  81. (grandson of Herod the Great)
    -ruled over the territory of his uncles (Archaleaus, Antipas, and Philip)
    -considered “King” (unlike uncles)
    -was well liked by Jews because he persecuted Christians.
    herod agrippa I
  82. adopted by Roman emperor Claudius and his wife Agrippina.
    -succeeds Claudius as emperor at age 13.
    -First 5 years were good but the last 9 years of his reign were terrible. They were known as the “Reign of Terror”
    -He was responsible for the death of his own mother Agrippina
    -Had several wives. He just wanted to have a good time. (chariot races)
    -He sets Rome on fire in 64 AD and blamed the fire on Christians.
    -After he blames the Christians for the fire, he begins to persecute the Christians. (Paul was beheaded and Peter was crucified upside down because of him)
    - He eventually commits suicide after his bodyguards turn against him.
  83. went on first missionary journey with Paul and John Mark.
    -nickname was “son of encouragement”
  84. non Jewish people who decided to remain like they were because they didn’t want to be circumcised.
  85. 2 source theory
    • Matthew = Mark + Q
    • Luke = Mark + Q
  86. 4 source theory
    • Matthew = Mark + Q + M
    • Luke = Mark + Q + L
  87. catalysts
    • 1.Maccion “the heretic”
    • a.lived in 2nd century AD
    • b.published lists of cannon of what should be read (Luke and Paul)
    • 2.Rise of the Gnostic Writings
    • a.Gnosticism – not a religion but a cult. “distortion of Christianity”
    • b.Gnostics are dangerous because they talk about God and scripture but they are wrong (Divinci Code) 3. Persecution of Christians
  88. criteria
  89. 1.Apostolicity (Authorship)
    • a.Book be written by an apostle, someone who is associated with an apostle, or someone connected with Jesus.
    • 2.Orthodoxy –(content)
    • a.A book that does not Contradict any other scripture.
    • 3.Catholicity – (content)
    • a.A book that enjoyed widespread acceptance for a long period of time.
  90. -communal group
    -monastic (secluded from corruption of society)
    -pledged themselves to be celibate
    -initiation of 2-3 years where they had to give up all wealth.
    -Prayer baptism study and scripture were daily routine
    -John the Baptist thought to have been one
  91. -supported Herod family and Romans (Caesar)
    -mostly political
  92. -freedom fighters
    -believed to submit to Rome=treason before God.
    -Only allegiance = God
    -Disciple Simon the Canaanite
    -Sicarii – was the sup group within (assasins)
  93. “the Council”
    -high supreme court for Jews
  94. principles of the gospel
    • convert the reader
    • edify – build, fortify, encourage (every community of faith)
    • present the Christian significances of Jesus
  95. composition of the gospels
    • 1.Selectivity
    • 2.Arrangement
    • 3.Adaption
  96. why were the gospels written?
    • 1. To hasten the spread of the gospel message faster than “door-to-door” by “word-of-mouth”
    • 2. to preserve the first hand memories of Jesus before the apostles and other eyewitnesses died
    • 3. to prepare for the future, however long
    • 4. to counter the fraudulent, written accounts of Jesus’ life and ministry
    • 5. to instruct new converts
  97. why are there 4 gospels?
    • - Each gospel emerged from a specific setting
    • - Each gospel has a unique plan, purpose, and properties
    • - Each gospel is a “portrait,” presenting a distinctive view of Jesus
    • - One gospel would not have satisfied the diverse sprititual demands in each community of faith, Jewish Christian and Gentile Christian. No Gospel has more or less authority than another.
  98. matthew
    • Date: 75-100 AD
    • Place: Antioch (Syria)
    • Audience: Jewish Christians
  99. mark
    • Date: 64 -70 AD (EARLIEST GOSPEL)
    • Place: most likely in Rome
    • Audience: Gentiles
  100. luke
    • Date: 70-90 AD
    • Place: most likely in Rome
    • Audience: wrote to Theophilus “God Lovers
  101. john
    • Date: late 90’s AD (LATEST GOSPEL)
    • Place: Ephesus
    • Audience: Jewish Christians
  102. i am sayings
    • - “I AM” (no predicate) = claims to be God.
    • - “I AM” + (predicate)
    • Bread, door, good shepard, resurrection, life, vine,truth
  103. virgin birth
    Born of virgin mother who was either of young marriageable age of no sexual background
  104. jesus' baptism
    baptized by John the Baptist
  105. jesus' temptation
    • tempted by satan 3 different times to come over to dark side
    • 1.stones to bread
    • 2.jumping off the templ
    • 3.worshipping satan
  106. jesus's galilean ministry
    • Highlights
    • - arrest of JTB
    • - call of the 12
    • - rejection on Sabbath at Synagogue in Nazareth
    • - Sermon on the Mount
    • - Calming of the Storm
    • - Gadarene Demoniac
    • - Rejection by Family
    • - Opposition by Religious Leaders
    • - Feeding of 5,000
    • - Walking on Water
    • - Feeding 4,000
    • - Caesarae-Philipi Confession
    • - Transfiguration
  107. jesus' miracles
    • 1. To glorify God the Father
    • 2. To testify for God’s love for suffering humanity
    • 3. To fulfill Old Testament Prophesies as he is the Messiah
    • 4. To lead people to faith and power at work in Jesus.
  108. sermon on the mount
    • Contrasts (6)
    • 1. Murder
    • 2. Adultery
    • 3. Divorce
    • 4. Swearing
    • 5. Revenge
    • 6. Love
  109. parables
  110. Purposes
    • 1. To make the unfamiliar familiar
    • 2. to call for a response
    • 3. to seize the attention of the hearers
    • 4. to sift out hardened hearts
  111. Caesarea-philippi confession
    • Jesus asked questions about this place of worship
    • 1.) Who do people say I am?
    • JTB, Elijah
    • 2.) Who do YOU say that I am?
    • peter replies to this question saying “you are the Christ, Son of the Living God”
    • Jesus replies and says, “ your right I am the Christ, I will become the suffering servant”
    • Peter then tries to hush Jesus for him saying that
  112. Transfiguration
    • - reveals Jesus’ divinity
    • - foreshadows what Jesus would look like on Easter Sunday (his resurrected body)
    • - tells how Jesus’ face shown like the sun and his clothes became white as light
    • - Transfiguration only is told about in the synoptics
    • - No launderer could have duplicated such a shade of white
    • - Jesus’ clothes flashed like lightning
    • - Moses and Elijah appear to talk to Jesus from could that appears
    • - they talk about how Jesus fulfills the law and prophecies
    • - the topic was passion week
    • - after God speaks there is no more cloud, Moses , or Elijah and Jesus looks like he did before
  113. what did jesus' death accomplish?
    • 1. Justification – legal term (not guilty)
    • 2. Propitiation – means literally to appease someones wrath (God’s). satisfying his holiness and justice making forgiveness possible
    • 3. Expiation – act of making amends, views sins as a failure to meet an obligation
    • 4. Forgiveness – financial term to cancel a debt. “forgiveness is costly and always involves suffering”
    • 5. Sacrifice – absolutely necessary in OT times. Sacrifice offered a protection in OT. Every time you would break the law in the past you had to give a sacrifice.
    • 6. Ransom – Jesus’ life is a payment to ?
    • 7. Redemption – marketplace concept to buy back.
    • 8. Reconciliation – we broke the relationship but out of his love and mercy he invited us back. We are the ones that walked away so he is reconciling us.
  114. resurrection significances
    • 1. to be head of all thing
    • 2. to give us gifts
    • 3. to perfect our salvation
    • 4. to give us the holy spirit
    • 5. to defeat death thus insuring our own resurrection
  115. author of acts
  116. holy spirits ministry
    • - our helper, comforter
    • -convicts us
    • - baptizes us, the process of which we become members of God’s family.
    • - Sealed us
    • - Fills us – we are his temple
    • - Our teacher – guide into all truth and reminds us of what Jesus taught.
    • - Gives us gifts, equipping us to serve God.
    • - Prays for us
    • - Our deposit (down payment) – payment in full to be received later in heaven.
    • - According to the New Testament a person cannot be a Christian without the Holy Spirit.
  117. 1st missionary highlights
    • - In 47 AD Paul, Barnabus, an John Mark flee to the Roman controlled island of Cyprus.
    • - In Cyprus they talk to the Pro Council about Jesus. The talk is interrupted by a Jewish false teacher (sorcerer), and Paul rebukes him telling him that he will be blind for a season. (And sure enough the sorcerer goes blind). As a result of this the Pro Council gives Barnibus, Paul, and John Mark a favorable hearing.
    • - Barnibus’ nickname is “the son of encouragement”
    • - They go to Perga and John Mark decides to go home. John Mark’s departure offends Paul (sees that John Mark is giving up)
    • - After this they go to Pisidian Antioch then to Iconium. (not apart of highlights)
    • - After they are rejected at Iconium, they continue to Lystra. Here Paul heals a lame man and locals think that Paul and Barnibus are gods (Jupiter and Mercury). After Paul tells the people that him and Barnibus are in fact not gods, Paul gets stoned by the people. Barnibus gets Paul up and they leave to Derbe where they back track the rest of their journey.
  118. jerusalem council issue
    - to decided if the Christian Jews should reach out to the Gentiles. They don’t understand how the Gentiles who never practiced Jewish law before Jesus can go straight to following Jesus. (This is the issue). Paul, Barnibus, and Peter are supporters to trying to outreach to the Gentiles.
  119. jerusalem council decision
    - The issue results in the Gentiles being outreached too. They decided at the council that the Gentiles do not need to be circumcised or go through any Old Testament law to become Gentile Christians.
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