NUTR 775 10.9 vocab

  1. CVA
    • cerebralvascular accident “stroke”
    • blood flow to part of brain stops
  2. Arrhythmia
    irregular heart beat
  3. CABG(Coronary Artery Bypass Surgery)
     Veins from the legs or an artery from the chest is used to alter blood flow around a diseased vessel
  4. Thrombus
    a stationaryblood clot that blocks an artery 
  5. Myocardium
  6. electrocardiogram (EKG)
    ·         is a transthoracic interpretation of the electrical of theheart over a period of time
  7. Homocysteine
    aminoacid elevated levels promote buildup of arterial plaque.  Have procoagulant properties. Inducesplatelet aggregation
  8. Echocardiography
    sonagram of heart beat
  9. Ischemia
      Insufficient blood flow to tissue resulting from obstruction or constriction of the blood vessel.
  10. Metabolic syndrome
    group of risk factors that occur together increasing risk for HD, stroke, and type 2diabetes.  (central abiposity)
  11. MI (myocardial infarction)
    blood flow to a part of your heart is blocked for a long enough time that part of the heart muscle is damaged or dies
  12. Phytosterols
    plant sterols
  13. HMG CoA Reductase
    rate controlling enzyme of metabolic pathway, producing cholesterol
  14. Angioplasty
    percutaneouscoronary intervention (PIC) procedure that uses a balloon to break up plaquedeposits in an occluded artery
  15. Gangrene
    consequenceof CHD. death of tissue in part of body
  16. Embolus
    travelingblood clot
  17. Aneurysm
    outwardbulging of blood vessel
  18. CPK-MB
     test is a cardiac marker used to assist diagnoses of an acute myocardial infarction
  19.  Stress test
    is a test used in medicine and cardiology to measure the heart's ability to respond to external stress in a controlled environment
  20. Angina
    dullpain in chest
  21. Troponin
    highlyspecific to cardiac injury.  Rises inserum 3-12 hours after an MI.  Remainselevated for 5-9 days for troponin I and 14 days for troponin II
  22. C-Reactiveprotein
  23. Bile acid sequestrates
     bind bile acids in intestines, increase excretion of bile, clear LDL from blood, can result in loss of FSV
  24. Nicotinic acid
    form of niacin, high doses needed, reduces TG, Increases HDL, may harm liver, niacin flush
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NUTR 775 10.9 vocab
10.9 vocab