want-satisfying power of a good or service; form, time, place, ownership
form utility
conversion of raw materials and components into finished goods and services
time utility
avalability of goods and services when customers want them
place utility
availability of goods and services at convienent locations
ownership utility
ability to transfer title to goods or services from marketer to buyer
the activity, set of institutions, and processes for creating, comunicating, delivering, and exchanging offerings that have value for customers, clients, partners, and society at large
four eras in history of marketing
- production - "a good product will sell itself" - prior to 20's
- sales - "creative advertising and selling will overcome consumers resitance and persuade them to buy" - prior to 50's
- marketing - "the consumer rules! find a need and fulfill it" - since 50's
- relationship - "longterm relationships lead to success" - since 90's
marketing myopia
mgmts failure to recognize the scope of its business; product orientated over customer orientated mgmt endangers growth.
person marketing
marketing efforts designed to cultivate the attention, interest, and preferences, of a target market toward a person
place marketing
marketing efforts to attract people and organizatoins to a particular geographic area
cause marketing
identificaton and marketing of a social issue, cause, or idea to selected target markets
event marketing
marketing of sporting, cultural, and charitable activities to selected target markets
organization marketing
marketing by mutual-benefit, service, and govt organizations intended to persuade others to accept goals, recieve their services, or contribute to them in some way
transaction based marketing
buyer and seller exchanges characterized by limited communications and little or no ongoing relationships between parties
mobile marketing
marketing messages transmitted by wireless tech
interactive marketing
buyer seller comunications in which the customer controls the amount and type of info recieved from a marketer through such channels as the internet and virtual reality kiosks
social marketing
the use of online social media as a communications channel for marketing messages
buzz marketing
word-of-mouth messages that bridge the gap between its company and its products
strategic alliances
partnerships in which two or more companies combine resources and capital to create competitive advantages in a new market
8 universal marketing functions
buying, selling, standardizing and grading, financing, transporting, storing, risktaking, securing marketing information