SLCC Physio Lab Mid-term

  1. Homeostasis
    Home/o = same stasis = stable
  2. Hypothesis
    a tentative explanation for an observation
  3. Circadian rhythms:
    the body’s internal clock
  4. Mean
    add all #;s and divide by the total count of #’s
  5. Median
    middle number
  6. Mode
    most frequent number
  7. Range
    The difference between the highest and lowest. (subtract the 2)
  8. Standard Deviation
    • 1. Find the mean
    • 2. Subtract mean from every #
    • 3. Square the mean from every #
    • 4. Add all #’s together
    • 5. Divide by one less than the total #
    • 6. Obtain the square root
  9. Accuracy
    Accuracy is how close a measured value is to the actual (true) value.
  10. Precision
    Precision is how close the measured values are to each other. Repeatability
  11. BMI
  12. What is the function of Biruet Reagent?
    Used to detect protein.  The more protein the deeper the blue.
  13. Optical Density
    ability to absorb light
  14. Dependent Variable
    • measured to determine if the manipulation of the independent variable had any effect.
    • Plot on the y-value
  15. Independent Variable
    a factor that is manipulated in an experiment

    Plot on the x-value
  16. Diffusion
    movement of particles from high to low until equilibrium is reached
  17. Factors that effect diffusion:
    • 1. Particle size
    • 2. Temperature
    • 3. Size of concentration gradient
    • 4. Barriers and semipermeable
    • 5. MembraneViscosity of liquid
  18. Permeable Solute
    can cross the membrane
  19. Impermeable solutes
    cannot cross the membrane
  20. Dialysis
    diffusion of solutes across a semipermeable membrane
  21. Osmosis
    diffusion of water across a semipermeable membrane
  22. Tonicity
    a measure of the osmotic pressure gradient (as defined by the water potential of the two solutions) of two solutions separated by a semipermeable membrane
  23. Hypotonic
    • 1. lower concentration of solutes outside the  cell
    • 2. water moves into the cell
    • 3. hemolyse
  24. Isotonic
    • 1. Equilibrium
    • 2. No movement
  25. Hypertonic
    • 1. Higher concentration of solutes outside the
    •     cell
    • 2. Water moves out of the cell
    • 3. Crenate

  26. Which way will water flow across a membrane?
    High to low concentration
  27. Enzymes
    biological catalysts
  28. 3 types of Digestive Enzymes
    • Lipase : for Lipids
    • Amylase : for Carbs
    • Pepsin : for protein
  29. Substrate 
    substance that enzymes reacts and modifies to form a new product.
  30. Iodine test 
    detect starch prestances
  31. Benedict’s test 
    test for maltose
  32. Biurets 
    test for protein
  33. What is the purpose of Bile Salts
    help digest fatty food by emulsifying the fat
  34. Emulsification 
    the breakdown of large fat globules into smaller, uniformly distributed particles. It is accomplished mainly by bile acids in the small intestine
  35. What is ELISA
    Check for enzyme-linked antibodies or Antibody Titer
  36. Sequence of steps in an ELISA

                        A.S.E.A.B.S  (ate sea biscuts)
    • 1. Antigen
    • 2. Wash
    • 3. Serum
    • 4. Wash
    • 5. Enzyme linked antibody
    • 6. Wash
    • 7. Substrate
  37. Epitope
    specific site of an antigen that causes the production of an antibody
  38. Antibody titer
    a measurement of how much antibody an organism has produced that recognizes a particular epitope
  39. What is the purpose of the enzyme linked ANTIBODY
    So it can bind to the antiogen
  40. Western blot
    used to detect specific proteins in the given sample of tissue
  41. Spatial
    increase in overall strength of a contraction that increases motor units
  42. Concentration Time
    the time the muscle contracts
  43. Relaxation
    the time the muscle relaxes
  44. Temporal summation
    increased rate of stimulus
  45. Latent Period
    the time that the muscle sits after stimulis occurred  
  46. Motor unit
    a single motor neuron plus all the muscle fibers to which it connects.
  47. Tentanization
    The steady state of contractions when muscle stimulation is at a higher frequency.
Card Set
SLCC Physio Lab Mid-term
Labs 1-6