en101 vocab 5-7

  1. inundation
    • inundate
    • 1. To cover with water, especially floodwaters.
    • 2. To overwhelm as if with a flood;
    • 범람, 침수
    • [from unda, wave]
  2. fervid
    • 1. Marked by great passion or zeal: a fervid patriot.
    • 2. Extremely hot; burning.
    • [Latin fervidus, from fervēre, to boil]
    • 열렬한
  3. enhance
    • to make greater; th heighten
    • 지위, 가치를 늘리다
  4. bastion
    • a projection form a fortification, arranged to give a wider firing range; any strong defense or bulwark
    • 보루, 요새, 수호자
  5. compound
    to complicate or intensify, as bt the introduction of a new element
  6. mete
    • [OE metan, to measure] 
    • to allot or distribute, deal out 할당, 배당하다
  7. pillage
    • 1. To rob of goods by force, especially in time of war; plunder.
    • 2. To take as spoils.
    • 약탈, 강탈하다
  8. impotent
    • 1. Lacking physical strength or vigor; weak.
    • 2. Lacking in power, as to act effectively; helpless:
    • 무력한
  9. mercenary
    • 1. Motivated solely by a desire for monetary or material gain.
    • 2. Hired for service in a foreign army.
    • 용병, 용병의
  10. aggravate
    • 1. To make worse or more troublesome
    • 2. To annoy or exasperate
    • [Latin aggravāre, aggravāt- : ad-, ad- + gravāre, to burden (from gravis, heavy; see gwerə-1in Indo-European roots).]
    • (질병이나 좋지 못한 상황을) 악화시키다
  11. hierarchy
    • any group of persons or things arranged in successive orders or classes, each of which is subject to or dependent on the one above it
    • 사회 계급, 체계
  12. espouse
    • [L. sponsus, betrothed, to promise solemly] to take as a spouse, marry; now, to support, advocate
    • (주의・정책 등을) 옹호하다
  13. repository
    • A place where things may be put for safekeeping; a warehouse; a museum.
    • 저장소, 보관소
  14. pawn
    • a personal subject to the will of another; a tool
    • 졸병, 저당물, 담보물
  15. pernicious
    • [L. per- (intensive) + nex, viloent death] Tending to kill or hurt; very injurious or destructive
    • 치명적인
  16. collusion
    • secret agreement or cooperation for fraudulent or deceitful purposes
    • 공모, 결탁
  17. tenure
    • [L. tenere, to hold] Act,right, manner, or therm of holding something--as landed property or a position or office
    • 재임 기간, 재임
  18. recalcitrant
    • [L. recalcitrans, pr.part. of recalcitrare, to kick back, from calcitrare, to kick, heel] stubbornly disobedient; obstinately definat of authority
    • 저항하는, 다루기 힘든
  19. pugnacity
    • [L. pugnare, to fight, from pugnus, fist] quarrelsome disposition; combativeness
    • 호전적
  20. vestige
    • [L. vestigium, footprint] trace or visible sigh left by something vanished or lost
    • 자취, 흔적
  21. dexterity
    • [L. dexter, skillful, on the right side] skill and ease in physical activity, especially in using the hands
    • 재주
  22. inarticulate
    • [L. articulare, to utter distinctly] Incapable of giving cogerent, clear, or effective expresstion to one's ideas or feeling
    • 불분명한
  23. temporal
    • 1. Of, relating to, or limited by time
    • 2. Of or relating to the material world; worldly
    • 3. Lasting only for a time; not eternal; passing
    • 현세적인, 속세의, 시간의 제약을 받는
  24. melee
    • 1. A confused struggle or fight at close quarters.
    • 2. A confused tumultuous mingling, as of a crowd
    • 아수라장
  25. itinerant
    • Traveling from place to place, especially to perform work or a duty: an itinerant judge;
    • 떠돌아다니는
  26. retrogress
    • 1. To return to an earlier, inferior, or less complex condition.
    • 2. To go or move backward
    • 되돌아가다, 후퇴하다, 역행하다
  27. evict
    • 1. to put out from a property by legal process; expel
    • 2. to force out; eject
    • 쫓아내다
  28. predatory
    • 1. Living or characterized by preying on other animals
    • 2. Living or characterized by plundering, pillaging, or marauding
    • 포식성의
  29. amass
    • 1. To gather together or accumulate a large quantity of (something)
    • 2. To be the site of (an increasing mass), especially as a result of neglect
    • 모으다, 축적하다
  30. vicisstitude (VI CI SSI TI TUDE- 2 s')
    irregular changes or variations
  31. precarious
    • [L, precari, to pray]
    • dependent upon the will of another; now, risky, uncertai; hazardous, dangerous 위태로운
  32. augment (no "e" between g and m)
    to make greater, as in size or quantity
  33. demise
    • 1. Death, the end of existence or activity; termination 종말
    • 2. Law Transfer of an estate by lease or will.
  34. enmity
    • 1. Deep-seated, often mutual hatred 원한, 증오
    • 2. A feeling or state of hatred or animosity
  35. analogous
    • 1. Similar or alike in such a way as to permit the drawing of an analogy. 유사한
    • 2. Biology Similar in function but not in structure and evolutionary origin.
  36. mundane
    • 1. Of, relating to, or typical of this world; secular.
    • 2. Relating to, characteristic of, or concerned with commonplaces; ordinary. 일상적인
  37. convoke
    call; To cause to assemble in a meeting; convene 소집하다
  38. promulgate
    [L, promulgare, to make known] To make known or announce officially and formally
  39. factor
    [L. a mkaer, from facere] one of the elements or causes that contribute to produce a result
  40. meteoric
    • 1. Of, relating to, or formed by a meteoroid. 유성의
    • 2. Of or relating to the earth's atmosphere.
  41. syndicate
    a council or body of officer designated to transact business for others; an association of individuals united to negotiate some business or to prosecute some enterprise reqiring large capial 연합체
  42. lucrative
    Producing wealth; profitable: a lucrative incom 
  43. tenet
    • A doctrine, principle, or position held as part of a philosophy, religion, or field of endeavor. 교리
  44. redoubtable
    inspiring fear or awe; formidable
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en101 vocab 5-7
en101 vocab p5-6