Fibroiod Tumors of the uterus or leiomyomas
- Most commoon tumor of the female reporductive system
- 1 in 5 women may have finroid during childbearing years
- affect women over age of 30, but rare under 20
- Often skrink and cause no symptoms in women who have fone through menopause
- Vary in size (green-pea to cantaloupe-sized)
Fibroiod Tumors -Causes
- Unknown, may be estrogen
- Cannot be prevented
Fibroiod Tumors -Symptoms
- No Symptoms
- Bleeding between periods
- Abdominal fullness, gas or constipation
- increased urinary frequency
- Heavy menstral bleeding and passage of blood clots
- Prolonged menstrual period
- Pelvic Cramping
- Pain during intercoruse
Fibroiod Tumors - Diagnostic Procedures
- Pelvic examination
- ultrasound
- sonography
- hysteroscopy
Fibroiod Tumors - Treatment
- oral contraceptives
- uterine artery embolization
- foucsed ultrasound
- endometrial ablation
- myomectomy
- hysterectomy
Ovarian cancer
- Fifth most common casue of cancer in women in the US
- Causes more death than any other types of female reproductive cancer
- Cause unknown
Ovarian cancer - Risk factors
- age
- obesity
- early menstration
- late menopause
- not having children or having first child after 30
- Family history of ovarian, breast, or colorectoral cancer
- Personal hystry of Breast Cancer
Ovarian cancer-Ways to reduce risk
- Oral contraceptives
- tubal ligation
- hystroectomy
- child bearing
- breast feeding
Ovarian cancer-symptoms
- Externsive metastases may occur prior to symptoms
- Bloating
- Pelvic or abdominal pain
- changes in urinary urgancy or frequency
- trouble eating or feeling full quickly
Ovarian cancer - Diagnostic Procedures
- No Screening available
- CT or MRI
- Ultrasound
- Protien tumor marker CA 125 blood test