PPD 499 Midterm 3.0

  1. Feasibility Analysis
    Deciding whether to undertake rehabiltation or expansion

    Examine hisotiral and current factors internally and externally
  2. Health Ratio
    Ratio between total rental costs and sales

    • supermarkets: 1-3
    • resturants: 10 or more
  3. what are the costs of parking
    15,000 in parking structure

     30,000 below ground
  4. What are typical parking dimenisions
    18 x 9

    20 x 10 in grocery
  5. Outparcel
    Parcel in middle of parking lot  (bank, gas station)
  6. 1/3 rule
    Width should be 1/3 the size of depth
  7. HVAC
    Heating Venting Air Conditioning
  8. Are are ideal dimensions on sidewalks
    15 x 20
Card Set
PPD 499 Midterm 3.0
Chapter 5 book, and Chapter 4 lecture