Incident Management

  1. A Department of Homeland Security system designed to enable federal, state, and local gonvernment and private-sector and nongovernment organizations to effectively and efficiently prepare for, prevent, respond to, and recover from domestic incidents, regardless of cause, size, or complexity, including acts of catastrophic terrorism.
    National Incident Management System (NIMS)
  2. A system implemented to magane disasters and MCIs in which section chiefs, including finance, logistics, operations, and planning, report to the IC.
    Incident Command System (ICS)
  3. When individual units or different organizations make independent and often inefficient decisions about the next appropriate action.
  4. In incident command, the subordinate positions under the commander's direction to which the workload is distributed; the supervisor/worker ratio.
    Span of Control
  5. What is the appropriate supervisor to worker ratio for ICS?
    1 supervisor to 3-7 workers
  6. In incident command, the position that oversees the incident, establishes the objectives and priorities, and from there develops a response plan.
  7. The overall leader of the ICS to whom commanders or leaders of ICS divisions report.
    Incident Commander (IC)
  8. A command system used in larger incidents in which there is a multiagency response or multiple jurisdictions are involved.
    Unified Command System
  9. A command system in which one person is in charge, generally used with small incidents that involve only one responding agency or one jurisdiction.
    Single Command System
  10. The designated field command center where the IC and support personnel are located.
    Command Post
  11. The end of the incident command structure when an incident draws to a close.
    Termination of Command
  12. The process of directing responders to return to their facilities, when work at a disaster or MCI has finished, at least for those particular responders.
  13. In incident command, the position in an incident responsible for accounting of all expenditures.
  14. In incident command, the position that helps procure and stockpile equipment and supplies during an incident.
  15. In incident command, the position that carries out the orders of the commander to help resolve the incident.
  16. In incident command, the position that ultimately produces a plan to resolve any incident.
  17. An oral or written plan stating general objectives reflecting the overall strategy for managing an incident.
    Incident Action Plan
  18. In incident command, the person who gives the "go ahead" to a plan or who may stop an operation when rescuer safety is an issue.
    Safety Officer
  19. In incident command, the person who keeps the public informed and relates any information to the press.
    Public Information Officer (PIO)
  20. An area designated by the IC, or a designee, in which PIOs from multiple agencies disseminate information about the incident.
    Joint Information Center (JIC)
  21. In incident command, the person who relays information, concerns, and request among responding agencies.
    Liaison Officer
  22. Upon arrival at an ICS scene, where would you check-in first?
    Finance Section
  23. A branch of operations in a unified command system, whose three designated sector positions are triage, Tx, and transport.
    Medical Incident Command
  24. The person in charge of the incident command triage sector who directs the sorting of pt. into categories in a MCI.
    Triage Supervisor
  25. The person, usually a physician, who is in charge of and directs EMS personnel at the Tx area in a MCI.
    Treatment Supervisor
  26. The location in a MCI where pt. are brought  being triaged and assigned a priority, where they are assessed, treated, and monitered until transport to the hospital.
    Treatment Area
  27. The person in charge of the transportation sector in a MCI who assigns pt. from the Tx area to awaiting ambulances in the transportation area.
    Transportation Supervisor
  28. The area in a MCI where ambulance and crews are organized to transport pt. from the Tx area to receiving hospitals.
    Transportation Area
  29. In incident command, the person who locates an area to stage equipment and personnal and tracks unit arrival and deployment from the staging area.
    Staging Supervisor
  30. In incident command, the person who establishes an area that provides protection for responders from the elements and the situation.
    Rehabilitaton Supervisor
  31. The area that provides protection and Tx to fire fighters and other personnel working at an emergency.
    Rehabilitation Area
  32. In incident command, the person appointed to determine the type of equipment and resources needed for a situation involving extrication or special rescue.
    • Extrication Supervisor
    • Rescue Supervisor
  33. In incident command,  the person who works  area medical examiners, coroners, and law enforcement agencies to coordinate the disposition of dead victims.
    Morgue Supervisor
  34. An emergency situation involving three or more pt. or that can place great demand on the equipment and personnel of the EMS system or has the potential to produce multiple casualties.
    Mass-Casuality Incident (MCI)
  35. A agreement between neighboring EMS systems to respond to MCIs or disasters in each other's region when local resources are insufficient to handle the response.
    Mutual Aid Response
  36. The process of sorting pt. based on the severity of injury and medical need to establish Tx and transport priorities.
  37. A type of pt. sorting used to rapidly categorize pt.; the focus is on speed in locating all pt. and determining an initial priority as their conditions warrent.
    Primary Triage
  38. A type of pt. sorting used in the Tx sector that involves retriage of pt.
    Secondary Triage
  39. Name the four triage categories. Remeber IDME.
    • I - Immediate (Red)
    • D - Delayed (Yellow)
    • M - Minor (Green)
    • E - Expectant (Black)
  40. A pt. sorting process that stands for Simple Triage And Rapid Treatment and uses a limited assessment of the pt. ability to walk, respiratory status, hemodynamic statue, and neurologic status.
    START Triage
  41. What does START stand for in START Traige.
    • S - Simple
    • T - Triage
    • A - And
    • R - Rapid
    • T - Treatment
  42. A sorting system for pediatric pt. younger then 8yo or weighing less than 100 lbs.
  43. In START Triage what is the "normal" breathing rate?
    10 - 29
  44. In JumpSTART Triage what is the normal breathing rate?
    15 - 45
  45. Define AVPU.
    • A - Alert
    • V - Verbal
    • P - Pain
    • U - Unresponsive
  46. Define SALT Traige.
    • S - Sort
    • A - Assess
    • L - Lifesaving Interventions
    • T - Treatment and/or Transport
  47. A widespread event that disrupts community resources and functions, in turn threatening public safety, citizens' lives, and property.
  48. An area set up by physicians, nurses, and other hospital staff near a major disaster scene where pt. can receive further triage and medical care.
    Casualty Collection Area
  49. Any substance that is toxic, poisonous, radioactive, flammable, or explosive and causes injury or death  exposure.
    Hazardous Material (HAZMAT)
  50. An area where individuals can be exposed to toxic substances, lethal rays, or ingnition or explosion of hazardous materials.
    Danger Zone
  51. Areas at a HAZMAT incident that are designated as hot, warm, or cold, based on safety issues and the degree of hazard found there.
    Control Zones
  52. The area immediatly surrounding a HAZMAT spill/incident site that is directly dangerous to life and health.
    • Hot Zone
    • Exclusionary Zone
  53. The area located between that hot zone and the cold zone at a HAZMAT incident where the decontamination corridor is located.
    • Warm Zone
    • Contamination Reduction Zone
  54. The designated area in a HAZMAT incident where all pt. and rescers must be decontaminated  going to another area.
    Decontamination Area
  55. The process of removing or neutralizing and properly disposing of HAZMAT from equipment, pt., and rescue personnel.
  56. A safe area at a HAZMAT incident for the agencies involved in the operations.
    • Cold Zone
    • Outer Perimeter
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Incident Management