Female Reproductive

  1. The hormone secreted by the ovary that selectively suppresses FSH secretion is ____________.
    The hormone secreted by the ovary that selectively suppresses FSH secretion is inhibin.
  2. The contricted part of the uterus that protrudes into the vagina is called the ________.
    The contricted part of the uterus that protrudes into the vagina is called the cervix.
  3. The release of an egg from the ovary is called _______.
    The release of an egg from the ovary is called ovulation.
  4. Follicles and oocytes develop during a portion of the ovarian cyle called the ____ phase.
    Follicles and oocytes develop during a portion of the ovarian cyle called the follicular phase.
  5. An ovarian follicle is considered a secondary follicle when it develops a cavity call the ___________.
    An ovarian follicle is considered a secondary follicle when it develops a cavity call the antrum.
  6. In the luteal phase, the ovaries secrete mainly __________, which prepares the uterus for pregnancy.
    In the luteal phase, the ovaries secrete mainly progesterone, which prepares the uterus for pregnancy.
  7. The hormone that stimulates granulosa cells to screte estradiol is _________.
    The hormone that stimulates granulosa cells to screte estradiol is FSH.
  8. The ______ ohase begins with menstruation, day1 to ovulation, day __________.
    The follicular phase begins with menstruation, day1 to ovulation, day 14.
  9. The ______ phase is after ovulation to day ________.
    The luteal phase is after ovulation to day 28.
  10. Hyperemesis gravidarum is a state of severe _____ early in pregnancy.
    Hyperemesis gravidarum is a state of severe vomiting early in pregnancy.
  11. The process of giving birth is called _________.
    The process of giving birth is called parturition.
  12. The degeneration of ovarian follicles that never ovulate is called ________.
    The degeneration of ovarian follicles that never ovulate is called Atresia.
  13. Name the femal external genitalia
  14. What is the hormone detected by home pregnancy tests?
  15. The appearance of pubic and axillary hair....
  16. Name the middle part of tub.... it is muscular and ciliated.
  17. What causes mammary secretions the 1 to 3 days?
  18. Name the superios curvature of the uterus.
  19. Name the narrow section of tube at the uterus.
  20. Name the serosa of the uterus
  21. True or False
    Most of the females eggs degenerate before she is born.
  22. True or False
    Prolatin is not secreted until after a woman gives birth
  23. True or False
    Cow's milk does not contain enough protein for adeguate infant nutrition.
  24. True or False
    Colostrum contains immunoglobins
  25. True or False
    Prolactin promotes milk synthesis, but is suppressed by steroids.
  26. True or False
    Milk flows into a single large lactiferous duct immediately behind the nipple.
  27. True or False
    There are no mucous glands in the vagina.
  28. True or False
    a woman's blood cholestrol level tends to rise after menopause.
  29. True or False
    Menarche does not signify the ability to become pregnant.
  30. True or False
    Estrogen only inhibits FSH, while inhibin inhibits both FSH and LH.
  31. Homologous to the bulbourethral gland of the male is the ___________ of the female.
    Homologous to the bulbourethral gland of the male is the Bartholin glands of the female.
  32. Homologous to the male prostate is the _________ of the female.
    Homologous to the male prostate is the paraurethral (Skene) glands of the female.
  33. The middle layer of the uterus is called the _____________, which is acted on by ____ to produce contrations for labor.
    The middle layer of the uterus is called the myometrium, which is acted on by oxytocin to produce contrations for labor.
  34. The attachment site of the embryo is the uterus is called the ______________ and it formes the materal part of the ______________.
    The attachment site of the embryo is the uterus is called the endometrium and it formes the materal part of the placenta.
  35. The inner layer of the mucosa of the uterus which is shed during mentration is called the ________.
    The inner layer of the mucosa of the uterus which is shed during mentration is called the stratum functionalis.
  36. The uterine artery is a branch of the ________________ that lead to arcuate arteries that give off ____________ arteries that supply the endometrium.
    The uterine artery is a branch of the internal iliac arteries that lead to arcuate arteries that give off spiral arteries arteries that supply the endometrium.
  37. The change of the vaginal epithelium from simple cuboidal to stratified squamous is called _______________
    The change of the vaginal epithelium from simple cuboidal to stratified squamous is called metaplasia
  38. HIV ifrom infected semen enter through _____cells in the mucosa.
    HIV ifrom infected semen enter through dendritic (antigen-presenting cells) cells in the mucosa.
  39. Breast cancer occurs in 1 of ___ American women.
    Breast cancer occurs in 1 of 8 (over 10%) American women.
  40. Prevention of breast cancer include self-breast exams done _____________(peroid of time). Mammograms every ______ years from 40 to 49 yrs/old, and _________ after the age of 50.
    Prevention of breast cancer include self-breast exams done monthly(peroid of time). Mammograms every 2 years from 40 to 49 yrs/old, and yearly after the age of 50.
  41. Puberty in boys and girls is triggered by the release of ____________ hormone by the hypothalamus that triggers the ____________ to release _____ and _________(2 hormones)
    Puberty in boys and girls is triggered by the release of gonadotropin-releasing hormone by the hypothalamus that triggers the anterior pituitary to release FSH and LH(2 hormones)
  42. If the body fat fall below _____% menstration may stop.
    If the body fat fall below 22% menstration may stop.
  43. ___________ is the midlife change in hormone, occurs in women when ____(how many) eggs remain.
    climacteric is the midlife change in hormone, occurs in women when 1,000(how many) eggs remain.
  44. The sexual cycle includes ________ cycle and the __________ cycle.
    The sexual cycle includes ovarian cycle and the menstrual cycle.
  45. The production of eggs is termed ________, which produces a ____________ gamete through meiosis.
    The production of eggs is termed oogenesis, which produces a haploid gamete through meiosis.
  46. The stage from primary oocyte to fertilization is termed ______.
    The stage from primary oocyte to fertilization is termed egg or ovum.
  47. Meiosis I is stimulated by FSH and produces a large daughter cell called ____ and a smaller cell called ________
    Meiosis I is stimulated by FSH and produces a large daughter cell called secondary oocyte and a smaller cell called first polar body
  48. Secondary oocte undergo a part of meiosis II to _________, but this is not completed unless this occurs _____________
    Secondary oocte undergo a part of meiosis II to metaphase, but this is not completed unless this occurs fertilization
  49. The pathway of control of the sexual cycle: hypothalamus to _________ to ovaries to ____________
    The pathway of control of the sexual cycle: hypothalamus to pituitary to ovaries to uterus
  50. Once a follicle moves deep into ovary, it takes _____ months for the egg to ovulate.
    Once a follicle moves deep into ovary, it takes 2 months for the egg to ovulate.
  51. Best time to become pregnant is within ___ hrs of _____________.
    Best time to become pregnant is within 24 hrs of ovulation.
  52. Corpus luteum is the _____________, its development is regulated by ___________.
    Corpus luteum is the ovulated follicle, its development is regulated by LH.
  53. Corpus luteum involutes of no fertilization occur and becomes a scar called the ___________.
    Corpus luteum involutes of no fertilization occur and becomes a scar called the corpus albicans.
  54. Menstrual phase of the menstrual cycle are days ______ to ________, average blood loss is ____mL.
    Menstrual phase of the menstrual cycle are days 1 to 5, average blood loss is 40mL.
  55. Proliferative phase are days ___ to _____, with rebuilding of endometrium, stimulated by _______.
    Proliferative phase are days 6 to 14, with rebuilding of endometrium stimulated by estrogen.
  56. _______ phase are days ___ to _____, thickening of endometrium with fluid accumulation, stimulated by _______.
    Secretory phase are days 15 to 26, thickening of endometrium with fluid accumulation, stimulated by progesterone.
  57. Prementrual phase or ________ phase is last _______ days, ________ levels drop, the layer of endometrium called ___________ sloughs off and is part of the mentrual fluid.
    Prementrual phase or ischemic phase is last 2 days, progresterone levels drop, the layer of endometrium called stratum functionalis sloughs off and is part of the mentrual fluid.
  58. The peroid of pregnancy called _______ lasts ____ days or __________ weeks, measured from the first day of the last peroid.
    The peroid of pregnancy called gestation lasts 280 days or 40 weeks, measured from the first day of the last peroid.
  59. Extra Fe++ required for mother during pregnancy is _ mg/day, for fetus is ___ mg/day.
    Extra Fe++ required for mother during pregnancy is 600 mg/day, for fetus is 375 mg/day.
  60. Requires extra Vitamin ____ to stop bleeding and Vitamin ___ to absorb Ca+
    Requires extra Vitamin K to stop bleeding and Vitamin D to absorb Ca+
  61. Mother's blood volume increases by ___ L of blood or about ______%
    Mother's blood volume increases by 1-2 L of blood or about 30%
  62. Weight gain in pregnancy averages about ____ lbs, with largest part- ____ lbs the fetus; then ____ lbs of blood and fluid; the 4 lbs of ______; fat is 3 lbs: uterus and breasts about ____ lbs each
    Weight gain in pregnancy averages about 24 lbs, with largest part- 7 lbs the fetus; then 6 lbs of blood and fluid; the 4 lbs of placenta; fat is 3 lbs: uterus and breasts about 2 lbs each
  63. Early weak contractions in pregnancy called ____________
    Early weak contractions in pregnancy called Braxton-Hicks contractions
  64. 3 stages of labor: 1st is longest ________ Stage for ____________ hours with thinning of the cervix called _______, maximum diameter of cervix is _____ cm and amniotic fluid is discharged 2nd stage is ________ last _________mins in primipara (can be 1 min in multipara) - head crowns and baby is born. 3rd stage is __________ stage, with loss of ______ mL of blood.
    3 stages of labor: 1st is longest dilation Stage for 8-24 hours with thinning of the cervix called effacement, maximum diameter of cervix is 10 cm and amniotic fluid is discharged 2nd stage is expulsion last 30 - 60 mins in primipara (can be 1 min in multipara) - head crowns and baby is born. 3rd stage is placental stage, with loss of 350 mL of blood.
Card Set
Female Reproductive