CNA Quiz 1 Review

  1. Long-term Care
    people  who need 24 hour supervised nursing care for on-going conditions - once called nursing homes.
  2. terminal illness
    expected to die from the illness
  3. Chronic
    condition lasting a long time possibly till death such as physical disabilities, heart disease, stroke and dementia
  4. Home health care
    provided in a person's home. Usually for older an chronically ill but are well enough to stay in their own homes. Possibly when weak after surgery or a fall
  5. Assisted living
    daily care (ADL's - showers, bathroom, meals, dressing) May also help with medication. Skilled 24-hour care not nessasary. Take place in facilities and may be attached to long-term facilities
  6. Adult Daycare
    care during daytime workin hours for people who need help butand generally healthy (simply old or forgetfull) They provide a break for families so that they don't have to send their loved one to a home because they cant take care of them while they are at work
  7. Acute care
    given inhospitals and ambulatory surgical centers. Admitted for short stays for surgery or diseases. 24-hr skilled care for temporary, but serious, illnesses or injuries
  8. Skilled care
    Medically necessary care given by a skilled nurse or therapist.
  9. Subacute care
    given in hospital or in a lon-term care facility. Subacute care is given to people who have had an acute injury or illness or problem resulting from a disease. Need more care than long-term care facilites and less then acute illnesses reuire.
  10. outpatient care
    Given for less than 24 hours for people who had surgery or tretments and need skilled care
  11. Rehabilitation 
    Physical, occupational and speech therapists restore or imporve function after an illness or injury.  
  12. hospice care
    given in facilities or homes for people who have six months or less to live. give physical and emotional care and comfort. also support for families
  13. ADL's stand for...
    Activites for dail living
  14. ADL's include
    • Physical occupational and speech therapy 
    • wound care
    • care of tubes and catheters
    • Nutrition therapy
    • management of chronic diseases such as AIDS Diabetes Chronic obstructive pulmonary disease (COPD) cancer, and congestive heart failure CHF
  15. Medicare
    funds for 65 years or older patients
  16. Medicaid
    low-income people determined by income and special circumstances
  17. CNA's are not allowed to do the following
    insert /remove tubes, change sterile dessings, and give tube feedings in addition to many other things.
  18. Nursing Assistant or Certified nursing assistant
    • provide personal routine care (bathing and toileting)
    • takes vital signs
  19. Registered Nurse (RN)
    licensed professional who has completed two to four years of education. Provide skilled nursing care. Assigns tasks and supervises daily care of residents by nursin asssistants
  20. Care plan includes
    outlines steps and taskss the care team must perform and how often and how 
  21. Licensed practical Nurse(LPN)(LVN)
    completed one to two years of education - gives medications and treatments. may supervise nursing assistants daily care of residents
  22. Physicianor Doctor (MD or DO)
    diagnose disease or disability and prescribe treatment. (DO stands for Doctor of Osteopathic Medicine)
  23. Physical Therapist(PT)
    • evaluates a person and develops a treatment plan with goals to increae movement, improve circulation, promote healing, reduce pain, prevent disability, and regain or maintain mobility
    • gives heat, cold, massage, ultrasound, electricity and exercise to muscles, bones and joints.
    • Safely use a walker, cane, or wheelchair. offered at two degree levels: doctor and masters. 
  24. occupational Therapist(OT)
    help residents learn to compensate for disabilites. Help residents with ADL's with assistive or adaptive devices. (using a special fork to eat by yourself) (doctor)
  25. Speech-Language Pathologist (SLP)
    identifies communication disorders, addresses factor involved in recovery and develops a plan of care to meet recovery goals. Uses exercises to teach how to improve or overcoe speech problems. (say after a stroke) use a picture board to communicate pain or thirst
  26. Registered Dietitian (RD)
    creates diets for residents with special needs to improve health and help manage illness. 
  27. medical Social Worker (MSW)
    counseling, gets clothing and personal items in family is not involved or absent too often. books appointments and transporrtation. 
  28. Activities Director
    arranges activites meant to improve and maintain residents' well-being and to prevent further complications from illness or disability. (recreational therapist)
  29. Policy
    couse of action that should be taken everytime a certain situation occurs. ( healthcare information should be kept confidential
  30. procedure
    method or way of doing something.
  31. Activites not listed in the care plan should...
    not be performed
  32. OBRA stands for:
    Omnibus Budget Reconciliation
  33. OBRA sets:
    a minimum standard for nursing assistant training. - at least 75 hours and pass a state exam. and for staff requirments. Complete assessments on every resident. Survays of facilites are done 9 to 15 months 
  34. Cite
  35. find a problem through a OBRA survay
  36. Residents' Rights
    • How the resident must be treated while in the facility
    • Quality of life
    •  Services an activites to maintain a high level of wellness
    • the right to be fully informed regarding rights and services
    • the right to particpate in their own care ( Informed consent)
    • The right to make independent choices
    • the right to privacy and confidentiality
    • The right to dignity, respect, and freedom
    • The right to security of possesions
    • Rights during transfers and discharges
    • the right to complain
    • right to visits
    • rights with regard to social services
  37. Neglect
    • harm a person physically mentally or emotionally by failing to provide needed care
    • can be (purposeful) Active neglect or (unintentional) Passive neglect
  38. Negligence
    actions or the failure to act or provied proper care for a resident that results in uninteded injury
  39. malpractice
    person is injured due to professional misconduct through negligence carelessness or lack of skill
  40. Abuse
    purposely causing physical mental or emotional pain or injury to someone
  41. Physical Abuse
    slapping bruising, cutting, rough handling
  42. Psychological abuse
    emotionally harming a peron by threatening, scaring, humiliating intimidating, isolating, insulting, or treating him or her as a child. 
  43. Verbal abuse
    spoken or written words that treaten embarrassess or insults a person
  44. Assault
    treatening to touch a person without his/her permission. (ex: telling the patient you'll slap them if they don't stop yelling )
  45. Battery
    actually touching someone with out permission ( forcing a resident to eat a meal )
  46. Sexual Abuse
    forcing sexual acts on a person against their will (sharing pornographic pictures)
  47. Financial abuse
    stealing, taking advanage of or improperly using the money property or other assets of another
  48. Domestic violence
    abuse by spouses intimate partners or family members. ( physical sexual or emotional 
  49. workplace violence
    abuse of staff by residents or other staff members. verbal physical or sexual (discussion about sexual subjects)
  50. False imprisonment
    unlawful restraint of someone which affects the peron's freedom of movement. 
  51. Involuntary seclusion
    separating a person from others against the person's will (confind to his/her room without consent
  52. Sexual harassment
    unwelcome sexual advance or behavior that creates an intiidating or hostile / offensive working environment.
  53. Substance Abuse
    legal or illegal drugs, cigarettes or alcohol in a way that harms oneself or others
  54. Reporting abuse is not an option - it is the law
    Reporting abuse is not an option - it is the law
  55. Ombudsman
    • assist residents
    • legal advocate for residents  Older Americans Act (OAA) federal law that requires all states to have an ombudsman program 
    • takes action if there are problems
    • resolve conflicts
    • Ongoin presence in long-term care facilites.
  56. Confidentiality
    • keep private thigns private 
    • protect information to related to the well-being of the patient ( urinary output, scars, ect.)
  57. Health Insurance Portability and Accountability Act (HIPAA)
    • 1996 then 2001 then 2002 final revision
    • keep health info private and secure
    • facilities MUST take proper steps to protect health info.
    • People can be fined (100 to 250,000) or imprisoned if information is leaked.
  58. PHI
    protected health information: name address telephone number social security email address and mecical record number.
  59. Do not record any care before it has been done
    Do not record any care before it has been done
  60. Minimum Data set (MDS) 
    detailed form with guidelines for assessing residnets. Lists what to do if resident problems are idenified. Facilites must complete the MD Sfor each resident with 14 days of admission and again each year. Must be reviewed every 3 months. Also a new assesment is done if something changes with the patient
  61. Incident
    accident or unxpected event during the couse of care
  62. Sentinel event
    accident or incident that results in grave physical or psychological injury or death. (Serious problem : patient falls, you make a mistake, sexual remarks, expsed to blood or body fluids
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CNA Quiz 1 Review