
  1. Aconthosis and Spur cells
  2. Basophilic Stipling
    Lead Poisoning
  3. Echinocytes and Burr cells
  4. Heinz Bodies
    G6Pd deficiency
  5. Howell-Joly bodies
    • Asplenia
    • Splenic Dysfunction
  6. Hypersegmented Neutrophils
    • Folate
    • B12 deficiency
  7. Iron inclusions in RBC of bone marrow
    Ringed sideroblast cells
    Polychromatophilic stipling
    Nl to high Fe, ferritin and TIBC saturation
    Sideroblastic anemia
  8. Parasites in RBC
    • Malaria
    • Babesiosis
  9. Polychromasia
  10. Rouleaux formation
    Multiple Myeloma
  11. Target Cells
    • Thalassemia
    • Liver disease
  12. Tear dropped RBC'
  13. Microcytic anemia with nl to elevated retic count
    • Hemoglobunopathy
    • Thalassemia
  14. Microcytic anemia with low retic count?
    • Anemia of chronic disease
    • Iron deficiency
    • Lead poisoning
    • Sideroblastic anemia
  15. Normocytic anemia with nl or elevated retic count
    • Acute blood loss
    • Hemolytic anemia
    • Medications
  16. Normocytic anemia with low retic count
    • Anemia of chronic disease
    • Aplastic anemia
    • Cancer
    • Dysplasia
    • Endocrine failure (TSH, Pituitary)
    • Renal failure
  17. Macrocytic anemia with low retic count
    • B12 deficiency
    • Cirrhosis, liver disease
    • folate deficiency
    • Methotrexate or phenytoin
  18. DDx for high PT
    • DIC
    • Liver failure
    • Warfarin Use
  19. DDx for high PTT
    • DIC
    • Hemophilia A or B
    • Heparin Use
    • Severe Liver failure
    • von Willebrands disease
  20. DDx for high bleeding time
    • DIC
    • ITP
    • TTP
    • von Willebrands disease
  21. Which coagulopathy has a high bleeding time and normal platelet count
    vonWillebrand disease
  22. Thrombocytopenia with hx of URI
  23. Which coagulation factors use vit K?
    2, 7, 9, 10
  24. What is the difference between hemophilia A and B
    • A: low factor VIII
    • B: low factor IX
  25. Difference between ITP and TTP?
    TTP has low RBC
  26. Treatment for TTP?
    • plasmapheresis
  27. Which coag factor is not produced in the liver?
  28. How do you reverse Heparin
    Protamine sulfate
  29. Pancytopenia, hx of radiation therapy, small child
  30. Pancytopenia, auer rods DIC, over age 30
  31. WBC > 50,000, Philedelphia chromosome, blast crisis, splenomegaly, myelodysplasia/myelofibrosis
  32. Male, over 50, lymphadenopathy, lymphocytosis, infections, smudge cells, splenomegaly
  33. Over 50, plaque like itchy skin rash that doesn't improve, cerebriform nuclei (butt cells) on smear, pautrier abscesses
    • Mycosis fungoides
    • Sezary syndrome
  34. Child with hx of EBV from africa
    Burkitts lymphoma
  35. Cancer associated with HTLV-1
    T-cell Leukemia
  36. 15-35 yo, Reed-Sternberg cells (owl eyes), cervical lymphadenopathy, night sweats
    Hodgkins disease
  37. Over 40, Bence Jones protein, Osteolytic lesions, high Ca level
    Multiple Myeloma
  38. Over 40, Hyperviscosity, IgM spike, Cold agglutinins
    Waldenstroms disease
  39. Retinoblastoma, Osteogenic sarcoma. Syndrome?
  40. Parathyroid, Pituitary, Pancreas. Syndrome?
    MEN I
  41. Thyroid, Pheochromocytoma, Parathyroid
    MEN IIa
  42. Thyroid, Pheochromocytoma, Mucosal Neuromas
    MEN IIb
  43. Familial polyposis, osteomas, soft tissue tumors
    Gardners syndrome
  44. Familian polyposis, CNS tumors
    Turcots syndrome
  45. Perioral freckles, non-cancerous GI polyps, non-colon cancer.
  46. Neurofibromas, cafe-au-lait spots, pheochromocytomas, bone cysts, Wilms tumor, leukemia
    Neurofibromatosis type 1
  47. Bilateral acoustic schwannomas
    Neurofibromatosis type 2
  48. Hemangiomas in cerebellum, renal cell cancer, cysts in liver/kidney.
    von Hippel-Lindau disease
  49. Stomach cancer that spreads to ovaries
    Krukenberg tumor
  50. 10-30 yo, sunburst or codmans triangle in distal femur or proximal tibia
  51. Liver tumor in child
  52. Woman of reproductive age taking OCP with tumor in liver
    Hepatic Adenoma
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USMLE Step2 Prep cards