Micro Lab Final

  1. SIM tube stands for what?
    Sulfide Indole Motiliy
  2. SIM tube: How you know get motility?
    Can't see stab line. Stab line is cloudy.
  3. SIM tube: How you know get indole?
    Turns red when Kovacs agent added.
  4. SIM tube: How you know get sulfide?
    Get black in tube.
  5. TSI slant stands for?
    Triple Sugar Iron
  6. TSI slant is what kind of media?
  7. TSI slant: Butt yellow, slant red. What means?
    Glucose fermented.
  8. TSI slant: Butt yellow, Slant yellow. What means?
    Glucose and Lactose fermented.
  9. TSI slant: Tube is black.
    Hydrogen Sulfide produced.
  10. Bacitracin disks test for?
    Group A Strep.
  11. Streptococcus Pyogenes cause what?
  12. Group A strep infect what?
    Skin, bloodstream, pneumonia, arthritis, meningitis.
  13. What is MSA plate?
    Mannitol Salt Agar.
  14. What type media is MSA plate?
  15. MSA selective for what? How come?
    S.aureus. They like salt. MSA get 7.5% salt.
  16. MSA change color. What happened?
    S.aureus fermented the mannitol. changed the ph lvl.
  17. How can you use MSA to tell between S.aureus and S.epidermis?
    S.aureus is the one that likes to ferment mannitol. The rest don't.
  18. What coagulase test used for?
    Find "pathogenic" S. aureus.
  19. Staphylococcus is coagulase positive. Which is it?

    A) S. aureus
  20. Staphylococcus is negative for mannitol fermentation. Which is it?

    B) S. epidermis
  21. Staphylococcus is resistant to novobiocin. Which is it?

    C) S. saprophyticus
  22. Hemolysis means?
    Catabolize RBC.
  23. What breaks down RBC in hemolysis?
  24. On BAP. The area around bacteria is green. What happened? What hemolysis is it?
    Bacteria released hemolysins to break down RBC partially. Alpha hemolysis.
  25. On BAP, area around bacteria is clear. What happened? What hemolysis is it?
    Bacteria is able to COMPLETELY break down RBC. Beta hemolysis.
  26. On BAP, area around bacteria is red. What happened? What hemolysis is it?
    Bacteria can't lyse RBC. No change. Gamma hemolysis.
  27. What does MAC stand for and what does it do?
    • MacConkey plate.
    • Inhibit gram +
    • Promote gram -
    • PH indicator and lactose.
    • If it changes color, lactose has been fermented and pH level changed.
    • Completely inhibit growth of gram + but can sometimes inhibit some gram -.
  28. What does EMB stand for and what it do?
    • Eosin-Methylene blue.
    • Inhibit gram +
    • Promote gram -
    • PH indicator and lactose.
    • Allow some gram + to grow in limited way
    • Metallic green colonies is E.coli and Klebsiella pneumoniae
  29. Metallic green colonies on EMB is what?
    E. coli and Klebsiella pneumoniae.
  30. What is IMViC test for?
    • Indole
    • Mythel Red
    • Vogus-Proskauer
    • i=is just added for nothing.
    • Citrate
  31. What is indole?
    By product of amino acid metabolism.
  32. What is Methyl Red for?
    • pH indicator.
    • Red: acid.
    • Yellow: less acidic.
  33. Voges-Prokauer is for?
    Detects presence of acetoin from glucose metabolism.
  34. Citrate test is for?
    If citrate is used as the only source of carbon for high-energy production, then it changes color.
  35. How to test for catalase?
    Put bacteria on slide and add hydrogen peroxide. If get bubbles, it has catalase.
  36. How to tell between Staph and Strep from catalase test?
    Staph is positive.

    Strep is negative.
  37. Geletin tubes test for what bacteria?
    Test for Pseudomonas and Serratia.
  38. Spirit blue agar to test for?
    Lipid metabolism.
  39. How to test for indole?
    Indole is a by product of tryptophan. So use tryptophan broth. When indole is mixed with Kovacs reagent, it turns red.
  40. Group A Strep is?
    Strep Pyogenus.
  41. Group B strep is?
    Strep. Agalactiae
  42. Group D Strep is?
    Enterococcus Faecalis.
  43. What did we use streptex cards for?
    We took antigens from Group A, B, D strep and put on strip. Took antibodies and put on strip to watch agglutination.
  44. How do Phenol red tubes work?
    Phenol red is a pH indicator.
  45. Phenol red tube is red/orange with turbidity. What happened. Alkali or acid?
    Sugar was not fermented. Alkali.
  46. Phenol red tube is yellow with turbidity. What happened. Acid or Alkali?
    Sugar was fermented. Acid.
  47. Durham tubes are used to...?
    Trap gas.
  48. Urea slant used for?
    See if bacteria can catabolize urease to ammonia and CO2.
  49. Urea slant is pink. What happened.
    Positive for urease.
  50. Urea slant has no color change. What happened?
    Negative for urease.
  51. What organisms were used on urea slants?
    • E. coli
    • Proteus mirabalis
  52. API20E used for?
    ID of gram - rods from enteric samples.
  53. Entero tubes used for?
    ID of oxidase negative gram - rods.
  54. Oxy/Ferm tubes used for?
    Oxidase positive gram - rods.
  55. Pseudominas aeruginosa is an oxidase ____ gram ____ ____?
    Positive. Negative. Rod.
  56. Define: Fomite.
    Inanimate object that transport bacteria but does not allow for it to grow.
  57. Define: Portal of Entry.
    Entranceway through which the specific microbe is able to invade the host.
  58. Define: Reservoir of infection.
    Any object, living or not, that allows microbe to grow, reproduce, and maintain infectiveness.
  59. Define: Serology.
    Science which employs serum to detect antigens and antigens to detect antibodies in serum.
  60. Define: Epidemiology.
    Study of spread of disease within a specific population or group.
  61. Define: Mycology.
    Study of fungi.
  62. Define: Differential media.
    Allows all microbes to grow on it, but type of growth indicate bacterial type.
  63. Define: Selective media.
    Allows certain microbes while inhibiting everything else.
  64. What bacteria is the most common cause of traveler's diarrhea?
    Enteroxgenic E. coli.
  65. What causes respiratory disease in infants?
    Group B strep.
  66. What sugar in TSI has the lowest concentration?
  67. Group D Strep hemolysis type is?
  68. How does MAC inhibit gram positive?
    Bile salts and crystal violet.
  69. Bacteria on MAC plate is purple. What happened?
    Lactose was fermented and pH indicator tripped.
  70. What is PEA plates used for?
    Selective for gram positive.
  71. What is used in the bile solubility test to distinguish the Streps?
  72. How to test for starch hydrolysis?
    Put on starch plate. Then iodine. Iodine will look like shoyu if exposed to starch. It's clear around bacteria if starch is used.
  73. Nitrate reduction tube is red after adding reagents A and B. What happened?
    Bacteria broke down Nitrate to Nitrite.
  74. Nitrate reduction tube didn't change after reagents A and B. What happened?
    • Bacteria either:
    • 1) reduced all nitrate to nitrogen gas
    • 2) didn't do anything to nitrate.

    To test, zinc is added. It reduces nitrate to nitrite. If it's red, nitrite was produced from the zinc so the bacteria didn't do anything. If no change, bacteria reduced nitrate to nitrogen gas.
  75. CAMP test to test for?
    Group B strep.
  76. How does CAMP test work?
    S. aureus can't hemolysize RBC completely. When group B strep is combined, it enhances S. aureus. So surrounds turn clear.
  77. Why shouldn't do catalase test on blood plate?
    Blood contains catalase.
  78. What does E. coli look like on an EMB plate?
    Metallic green.
  79. Proteus mirabalis swarms agar plates. True or False?
  80. Enterobacteriaceae oxidase + or -?
  81. Enterobactericeae lactose fermentator?
  82. Strep Group A (pyogenes) is what type of hemolysis?
  83. Strep group B (agalactiae) hemolysis type?
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Micro Lab Final