Doctrine of the Church

  1. Sacraments in the Nt
    • Baptism
    • Eucharist
    • Footwashing
  2. Eucharist and its Origins
    • fellowship meals
    • Last supper with disciples
  3. Eucharist in Early chuch
    • Fellowship meals cont
    • Lords supper annual celebration
  4. Eucharist and Paul
    • emphasis on Jesus Death
    • Emphasis on community not elements
    • end of meal
  5. Baptism origins
    • John Baptized
    • Jesus Baptized
  6. Baptism and early christianity
    • Continunity- repentence and prepatory
    • new elements- Jesus name and rite of entry
  7. Paul and Baptism
    • deepens symbol to union w/ christ
    • changed direction of relfection
    • eschaton to past
  8. Footwashing 
    • Only found in John 13
    • Diciples commanded to cont practice
    • early church did it
    • Takes place in traditional eucharist in narrative
  9. RCC Theology of Sacraments
    • invisible grace in an invisible sign
    • they cause or make present what they signify
  10. 7 Sacraments of RCC and grouping
    • Initiator
    • baptism
    • confirmation
    • eucharist
    • healing
    • anointing sick
    • pennance 
    • vocation
    • holy orders
    • marriage
  11. RCC and baptism
    • necessary for salvation
    • anointed with sacred chism (signifies gift of Holy Spirit in life)
    • White garments ( put on Christ)
    • candle( Christ light of world)
  12. RCC and Confirmation
    • necessary for the completion of Baptismal grace
    • received when age of reason
    • anointed with sacred chism ( sign consecration)
  13. RCC and Eucharist
    • served at age of reason
    • transubstantiation
    • effect:
    • increase union with the Lord
    • forgives venial sins
    • preserves the recipient from grave sins
  14. RCC and Pennance
    • reconciliation
    • feeling sorry (contrition)
    • confess to priest
    • satisfaction- repair harm done
    • absolution-grant forgivness
  15. RCC and annointing the sick
    unites, strenthens, forgives, restores, prepares
  16. RCC and Holy Orders
    Ministerial Priesthood differes from common Priesthood
  17. RCC and Marriage
    • Perfects the human love of the spouse
    • strengthens indissoluble unity
Card Set
Doctrine of the Church
Essay 1