Origen Biography
- 185 - born in alexandria
- 202 - father was martyred in perseuction by severus
- 203 - appointed head of christian school in alexandria
- 214 - well known outside
- 215 - expounded scripture before eastern bishops
- 219 - writes on first principles and begins commentary on john
- 229 - debates gnostic Candidus
- 231-2 ordained presbyter
- 253 - dies at Tyre
relationship to clement
- cl: passive to authorities (and philosophy)
- o: outspoken and fearless
origen's contribution to christianity (5)
- 1) first systematic theology
- 2) defended christianity successfully
- 3) optimistic view of salvation
- 4) developed exegetical method
- 5) development of mysticism
On first Principle (point and outline)
- point: systematic theology!
- outline:
- book 1 - God (Godself; falling away; rational creatures in relation to God)
- book 2 - World: mixture of spiritual and material
- book 3: free will and conflict between good and evil
- book 4: scripture
6 points on scripture exegesis
- 1) levels (3)
- 2) necessity of figurative language
- 3) principles determining imposisibility of literal interpretation (unworthy of God/irrational, impossible)
- 4) method (look for story of soul, scripture interprets scripture)
- 5) reasons for concealment/revelation (educative/secretive)
- 6) limits of piety
theological system of exitus and reditus (5)
- 1. authority of church teaching (need reason)
- 2. basic principles of journey (end is beginning)
- 3. christology (anti-docetic, one nature)
- 4. triad (equality, subordination)
- 5. anthropology (worth of receiving God, bodily nature is foethought of God, Sin, freedom of will)
Christian Life - origen
- 1. prayer - contemplation of God
- 2. resurreciton
- 3. ecclesiology
- 4. saraments (baptism, eucharist)
reception in history of christian thought
- 1. anathema - souls of men pre-existed
- 2. anathema - soul of Lord pre-existed
- 3. anathema - punishement of demons and impious men is temporary