Intro to Justice Sys #2 (part 2)

  1. Early forms of Policing
    • constables, beadles, magistrates
    • night watchmen doing "rounds"
    • mutual pledge/frank pledge system: required by law to participate in watch
    • thief takers and "bounties"
    • Shire-reeve (sheriff)
  2. John and Henry Fieldings
    • Bow Street runners- foot patrol
    • horse patrol
    • crime publications (people made aware of crimes)
    • neighborhood watch
    • wanted posters
  3. Sir Robert Peel
    • Helped create the modern concept of the police force
    • Officers were called "bobbies" and "peelers"
  4. Federal Agencies
    • FBI: federal bureau of investigation
    • CIA: central intelligence agency
    • US Marshals: in charge of protecting court houses, witness protection
    • Coast Guard: homeland security
    • ATF: alcohol, tobacco, fire arms
    • ICE: imigration and customs enforcement
  5. State Agencies
    • Highway patrol
    • State bureau of investigations
  6. Local/Municipal Agencies
    • City park police
    • Sherrifs department
    • City police
  7. Private Security
    • corporate police: background checks/on site security
    • campus police
  8. Reserve Policing
    • similar to Army reserve
    • trained just like all police officers
    • serve only when needed
    • has an everyday job
  9. Vigilante Justice
    everyday people who believe that police can't protect us all of the time so they take matters into their own hands
  10. Divisions inside of large police departments
    • emergency services
    • major crimes
    • special opporations
    • metro
    • juveniale
    • vice
    • narco
    • robbery-homicide
  11. Community Policing
    Collaborative effort between the police and the community to identify the problems of crime/disorder and develop solutions
  12. Police discretion
    the freedom to choose among a variety of alternatives in conducting police operations
  13. Search Warrant
    • document issued by judge allowing police to search any personal property or home of suspect
    • must have probable cause to get one
    • Time restraint: 48 hrs
  14. Arrest warrant
    • Simmilar to search warrant but it is to make an arrest of a suspect
    • Time restraint: 30 days
  15. Who can issue a warrant?
    a judge/magistrate
  16. Illinois vs. Gates
    In establishing probable cause for the issuance of a search warrant, magistrates ma make a commonsense decision whether there is a fair probability that the contraband can be found in a particular place
  17. Exceptions allowing police to search without warrants
    • consent
    • hot pursuit
    • exigency
    • plain fiew
    • inventory
    • abandoned property
    • open fields
    • private citizen search
    • boarder search
    • administrative
  18. consent
    given by home owner
  19. hot pursuit
    chasing suspect to home after oberved a felony
  20. exigency
    enter to help people in home to save a life
  21. plain view
    traffic stop --> sees illigal item sitting out in car
  22. inventory
    arrestees property is inventoried/searched
  23. abandoned property
    no owner, police can enter
  24. private citizen search
    • citizen searches anothers property and turns contraban into police
    • police can not ask a citizen to do this, must be done on their own vilition
  25. border search
    able to do this in the interest of national security
  26. administrative search
    businesses (that sell alcohol)/schools can be searched at any time
  27. Terry vs. Ohio
    if an officer believes a crime is about to be commited, he is allowed to search the suspect's outer clothing
  28. Chimel vs. California
    • the lunge area rule
    • when arresting an individual, can only search in immediate area of individual after arrest
  29. Minnesota vs. Dickerson
    • established "plain feel"
    • if performing a Terry frisk and a weapon is found, it can be seized
  30. Delaware vs. Prouse
    police can't radomly stop motorists to check license/registration without probable cause
  31. Mapp vs. Ohio
    evidence collected by violating 4th ammendment rights must be excluded from trial
  32. Escrobedo vs. Illinois
    when suspect is being accused of commiting a crime, they have the right to talk to their attorney
  33. Miranda vs. Arizona
    officers must read miranda rights
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Intro to Justice Sys #2 (part 2)
Intro to Justice Sys #2 (part 2)