Today,_______elements have been identified._____ are naturally occurring and ____ have been artificially produced in high energy particle accerlerators.
118, 92, 26
An _____is the smallest paricle that has all the properties of an element.
_______ model of the atom is a miniature solar system in which ______ revolve around the _______ in prescribed orbits or ________ ________.
Bohr's, electrons,nucleus, energy levels
Although the Bohr atom represents the best way to picture an atom for our purposes, the details of atomic structure are much more accurately described by a newer model called _______ ________( ).
quantum chromodynamics(QCD)
The fundamental particles of the atom are the _____, _____, and the _________. The ______ and _____, because they are found in the nucleus, are called __________.
*quarks, gluons, etc. are not considered here because they are not important to radiologic science
electron, proton, neutron, proton, neutron, nucleons
More than ______ subatomic particles have identified and mapped by physicists using high energy ______ ________. or "atom smasherss".
100, particle accelerators
Electrons are very small particles that carry one unit of _______ electric charge. Their mass is only ______'
negative, 9.1 x 10⁻³¹kg
Because an atomic is extremely small it is expressed in ___ _____ _______( ).
atomic mass units(amu)
One amu is equal to ________ of the mass of a _______ atom.
one twelth(1/12), carbon 12
The electron mass is __________ amu.
When precision is not necessary then a system of whole numbers called ______ ____ ______ are used.
atomic mass numbers
The nucleus contains particles called ______ , of which there are two types: ______ and ______.
nucleons, protons, neutrons
The proton carries ____ unit of ____ electric charge.
one, positive
The neutron carries ____ charge; it is electrically _______.
no, neutral
The atom is esentially ______ space.
The number of ______ determines the ______ ______ of an element.
protons, chemical beahvior
The number of protons determines the ______ _______.
chemeical element
Elelments that have the same number of protons but a different number of neutrons are called ______.
- isotopes
- *remember the p so you know that isotopes have the SAME number of PROTONS
Electrons only exist in certain ____ which represent different ______ _______ _____ or ______ _____.
shells, electron binding energies, energy levels
For identification purposes the electron orbital shells are given the codes ______, ____, _____, and so forth, to represent the relative binding energies of electrons from closest to farthest from the nucleus.
The closer an electron is to the nucleus the ______ its binding energy.
In their normal state atoms are electrically ______. The electric charge being______.
If atom has an extra electron or has had an electron removed, it is said to be ________.
Atoms can not be ionized by the addition of subtraction of _______.
_______is the removal or addition of an electron from an atom.
The maximum number of electrons that can occupy an electron shell is expressed by the equation__________.
2n² where n=the shell number
Physicists call the shell number, n, the _________ _______ _________.
principal quantum number
The number of electrons in the outermost shell is equal to it's _______ in the periodic table and determines it's ______.
group, *valence
- *valence here refers to combining power
- http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Valence_%28chemistry%29
The number of the outermost electron shell(n) is equal to it's ___________ in the periodic table.
Dmitriv Mendeleev showed that if the elements where arranged in order of increasing mass, a _____repetition of similar ______ _______ occurred. His work resulted in the first ______ _______ of the elements. It showed that all of the then known elements could be placed into ____ groups.
periodic, chemical properties, periodic table, eight
Do electrons have mass?
yes! 9.1 x 10⁻³¹kg
very very very light
No outer shell can contain more than_______electrons.
All atoms with one electron in the outer shell lie in _____ ____ in the periodic table, and all atoms with two electrons in the outer shell lie in ______ ______ and so forth.
group 1, group 2
What group and period does and atom that has 3 electrons in it's outer shell and has 4 shells?
Group 3, Period 4
What is the maximum number of electrons that can exist in the N shell?
- 32
- * the formula is :
- 2n² where n=the shell number, 2 x 4²=32
- n=4 (K=1, L=2, M=3,N=4. etc)
- remember the shell names START with K
The orderly progression from smallest to largest atom is interrupted in the fourth period. Instead of simply adding electrons to the next shell, electrons are added to an inner shell. The atoms associated with this phenomenon are called __________ ___________ .
transitional elements
The force that keeps an electron in orbit is the ______ force.
like a racecar on a track
In the normal atom the centripetal force just balances the force created by the electron velocity or the ______ ______.
centrifugal force
like a salad spinner
The strength of the attachment of an electron to the nucleus is called the ______ _____ ______.
electron binding energy
The closer an electron is to the nucleus the _____ ______ it is bound. For instance, K shell electrons have ______ binding energies than L shell electrons, L shell electrons are ____ tightly bound to the nucleus than M shell electron, and so forth.
more tightly, higher, more
Which electrons have more electron binding energy: M shell electrons or O shell electrons?
closer to the nucleus-more electron binding energy
The ______ the total number of electrons in an atom, the the more tightly each is bound. For instance,the electrons in a K shell with more electrons will have _____ binding energy than a K shell with ____ electrons.
greater, greater, less
The larger and more complex the atom, the ______ the Eb for electrons in any given shell.
It generally takes ______energy to ionize a large atom than a small atom.
Approximately _____ to ionize tissue atoms. This is called the _______ _______.
34eV, ionization potential
Abbreviations for elements are called _______.
chemical symbols
The number of protons is called the ______.
atomic number(symbolized by Z)
 - The elements are arrangend in order of atomic number in the periodic table(Hydrogen is 1, Helium is 2, Lithium is 3, etc)
The number pf protons plus the number of neutrons in the nucleus is called the atomic ___ _____.
(atomic) mass number (symbolized by A)
- *remember that the atomic mass number is always a whole number because it doesn't represent the PRECISE mass.
The atomic mass number and the precise mass of an atom are ______ _______.
not equal
The _____ ________ is determined by calculating the average of all the isotopes.
elemental mass
Atoms that have the same atomic number but different atomic mass numbers are __________.
- *same number of protons
- because they have different numbers of neutrons
______nuclei have the same atomic mass number but different atomic numbers
- Isobars
- *remember the A for same atomic mass #/ different atomic #
- same number of nucleons but varying amounts of protons and neutrons.
Atoms that have the same number of neutrons but a different number of protons are called ________.
______ have the same atomic number and the same atomic mass number.
- *metastable
- same number of neutrons, same atomic mass number, and atomic number(same number of protons)
- ALL the same EXCEPT that they exist at different energy states because of different nucleon arrangement
Atoms of various elements may combine to form structures called _________.
Did I really just make a flash card for this ??
A ________ _______ is any quantity of one type of molecules.
chemical compound
Almost _____% of the Earth and it's atmosphere consists of only a dozen elements.
Hydrogen, ______,________, and ________ compose more than ______% of the human body.
Carbon, Oxygen, Nitrogen
nitrogen, oxygen, carbon, hydrogen (NOCH)
The smallest particle of an element is an ______, the smallest particle of a compound is a ________.
atom, molecule
The smallest particle of an _____ is an atom, the smallest particle of a ________ is a molecule.
element, compound
Water molecules make up approximately _____ of the human body.
Oxygen and hydrogen combine into water through ______ bonds which is characterized by the sharing of electrons.
Sodium and chlorine combine into salt through _______ bonds.Sodium has one electron in it's outermost shell that it gives up to chlorine which has space for one more electron in it's outer shell. When this happens, the loss of the sodium's electron and the chlorine's gain of an electron causes both atoms to become _________. The two atoms are attracted to each other(the sodium no has a - charge, the chlorine a + charge), resulting in an ________ bond because they have opposite electrostatic charges.
A measurable quantity of sodium bicarbonate (Na HCO3) constitutes a chemical compound commonly known as ____ ______.
baking soda
Some atoms exist in an abnormally excited state characterized by an unstable ______. To reach stability, the nucleus spontaneously emit particles and energy that transforms itself into another ______. This process is called _____ ______ or _______ ____________.
nucleus, atom, radioactive disentegration, radioactive decay.
The atoms involved in radioactive decay are _______.
Any nuclear arrangement is called a nuclide; only nuclei that undergo _____ ______ are __________.
radionuclides, radioactive decay, radionuclides
_________ is the emission of particles and energy in order to become stable.
The most important factor of nuclear stability is the number of ___________.
In addition to stable isotopes, many elements have a ______ ______ or ____________.
radioactive isotopes, radioisotopes
Radioisotopes can decay to stability in many ways such as _______ ______ and ______ ________, or positron emission which is important for some nuclear medicine imaging.
beta emission, alpha emission
The result of ______ _____ is to increase the atomic number by 1
beta enission
______ _____ results in emission of alpha particles, beta particles, and usually gamma rays.
radioactive decay
_____ emission occurs much more frequently than ________ emission
beta, alpha
Radioactive isotopes disintegrate at a decreasing rate so that the quantity of radioactive material never quite reaches ______.
The _____ ______ of a radioisotope is the time required for a quantity of radioactivity to be reduced to one-half its original value.
half life
3.3 half lives = _____(a fraction) life
1 tenth
X-rays and gamma rays are often called ______ which have no ______ and no_______.
photons, mass, charge
X-rays and gamma rays exist at the speed of ________ or _____ ___ _______.
light, not at all.
Photon radiation loses _____ with distance but theoretically never reaches _____.
intensity, zero(0)
An _____ particle is a helium nucleus that contains two protons and two neutrons.
An alpha particle carries ___ units of ______ charge.
2, positive
*amu: 4, charge +2 origin: nucleus(don't get the amu confused with the +2 charge: amu=4, BUT charge = +2
There are two main types of particulate radiation ___ and ________ particles.
alpha, beta
The only difference between electrons and negative ____ particles is their origin.
A _____ particle is an electron emitted from the nucleus of a radioactive nucleus.
An _____ particle travels less than 100 µm in tissue while ___ particles travel approximately 1-2 cm in soft tissue.
alpha, beta
_____are negatively charged particles that orbit the _____ in configurations or ______ held in place by _______ ______.
electrons, nucleus, shells, electrostatic forces
_______ _________ occur when outermost orbital electrons are shared or _____ _______ to other atoms.
chemical reactions, given up
Nucleons, ______, and _______ have nearly _______ times the mass of electrons.
neutrons, protrons, 2000
______ are positely charged and , and _____ have no charge.
protons, neutrons
Elements are grouped in the ________in order of ____ _______.
periodic table, increasing complexity
The ______ on the periodic table indicates the number of________ in the _______ __________.
groups,electrons outer shell
The elements in the _____ on the periodic table have the ____ _____ of ______ ________.
periods, same number orbital shells
Some atoms have the same number of protons and electrons as other elements but a different number of neutrons, giving the element a different _____ ______.
These are called ______.
atomic mass, isotopes
Some atoms, which contain too few neutrons in the nucleus can __________. This is called ________.
disentegrate, radioactivity
Two types of particulate emission occur after radioactive disentegration: _____and ______ particles
alpha, beta
The _____ ______ is the time it takes for the quatity of radioactivity to be reduced to one half it's original size.
half life
Alpha particles have _____ atomic mass units, are ______ in charge, and originate form the nucleus of heavy elements.
*amu: 4, charge +2 origin: nucleus
(don't get the amu confused with the +2 charge: amu=4, BUT charge = +2
4, positive
Beta have an atomic mas unit of ____ and have a ______ charge. Beta particles originate in the nucleus of ______ _____.
0, negative, radioactive atoms
- *amu=0 positive beta particles are called positrons
X-rays and gamma rays are forms of ____________ radiation called _____. These rays have ___mass and _____ charge.
electromagnetic, photons, no, no
______ rays are produced in electron shells, and _______rays are emitted from the nucleus of a radioisotope.
X, gamma
Positive beta particles are ______. They have the same mass as electrons and are considered to be antimatter.