MrsR.days flashcards chapter 3

  1. Bodiversity 
    The number and variety of organisms that are found in a specific region
  2. Protect
    To legally gard from harm a species thst is listed as endangered or threatened
  3. Biodiversity hotspot
    A place where there is exceptionally large number of species in a realatively small area
  4. Community
    A community is all the populations of all diferent species that interact in a specific area or ecosystem
  5. Dominant species
    A dominant species is so abundant that it has the biggest biomass of any community member
  6. Keystone species
    A keystone species can greatly affect population numbers and the health of an ecosystem
  7. Captive breeding
    The size of a population that can be supported indefinetley by the avalibale resources and services of an ecosystem
  8. Ecosystem engineer
    A species that causes such dramatic changes to the landscape that it creates a new ecosystem 
  9. Sucession
    The series of changes in an ecosystem thst occurs over time following a disturbance
  10. Habitat loss
    The destruction of a habitat, usually caused by human activites
  11. Deforestation
    The practice of clearing forests for logging or other human uses,and never replanting them
  12. Alien species
    A species that is accidentally or deliberatley introduced to a new location,usually a result of human activities
  13. Invasive species
    A species that can take over the habitat of a native species or invade their bodies
  14. Overexplotation
    The use or extraction of a resource untill it is depleted
  15. Extinction
    The death of all of the individuals of a species
  16. Biodiversity crisis
    The current accelerated rate of extinctions on earth
  17. Restoration ecology
    The renewal of degraded or destroyed ecosystems through active human intervention
  18. Reforestation
    The regrowth of a forest either through the planting of seeds or trees in an area where a forest was cut down
  19. Biocontrol
    The use of a species to control the population growth or spread of an undesirable species
  20. Bioremediation
    The use of living organisms to clean up contaminated areas naturally
  21. Bioaugmentation
    The use of organisms to add essential nutrients to depleated soil
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MrsR.days flashcards chapter 3
Mrs.R days chapter 3 flash cards