acu quiz 6

  1. A patient presents with lose stool with undigested food, anorexia, epigastric distress after eating, sallowcomplexion, lassitude, pale tongue, white coating, and a thready, forceless pulse. Which one of thefollowing point prescriptions would be best for this patient?

    A) B 20 (Pishu), Liv 13 (Zhangmen), SP 3 (Taibai), Ren 12 (Zhongwan), and S 36 (Zusanli)
  2. A patient presents with renal failure and anorexia. It turns out that they have a vitamin toxicity. What isthe correct combination of the function and the principal sources of the vitamin they have consumed toomuch of?
    Insulin and thyroid function, improves immune function, and reduces autoimmune disease and isfound in direct ultraviolet B irradiation of the skin.
  3. A patient presents with aversion to wind, sweating, recurrent colds, and a shiny, pale complexion. Theirtongue is pale with a white coating and their pulse is moderate. Which one of the following formulaswould be best to give to this patient?
    A) Yu Ping Feng San
    B) Gui Zhi Tang
    C) Yu Ping Feng San with Gui Zhi added
  4. C) Yu Ping Feng San with Gui Zhi added
  5. What will the tongue look like if Lung qi holds the true fire of the gate of vitality as it rises/comes out?
    Center of the tongue has white soft prickles as fine as hair.
  6. Which type of channel is accessed by shallow needle insertion, cupping, moxabustion, plum blossomneedling, dermal needling, and guasha?
    Sinew channels
  7. Which one of the following is the most effective form of handwashing?
    Handwashing with disinfecting soap and running water
  8. A patient presents with short, red, rough, and painful urination. Their face and lips are red and they ask forsomething to drink because they are thirsty. They also have a red tongue body with yellow fur and astring-taut and rapid pulse. What is this patient's diagnosis?
    A) Small Intestine Repletion Heat
    B) Heart Fire Flaming Upward
    C) Small Intestine Qi Pain
    D) Small Intestine Qi Tied
    Small Intestine Repletion Heat
  9. A patient comes to you for help. They have vulvar eczema or sores and vaginal itching. They also arepresenting with papular or vesicular skin rashes and itching. Additional signs and symptoms include afullness of the hypochondrium, abdomen or hypochondrium, a bitter taste, sticky taste, and poor apetite.They are nauseated, a feeling of heaviness of the body, and yellow vaginal diacharge. They are alsoexperiencing mid-cycle bleeding and/or pain. They also mention that they are experiencing urinarydifficulty, burning on urination, dark urine, and dysuria. Their tongue has a red body with redder sides anda sticky yellow coating and their pulse is rolling, string-taut, and rapid. What is this patient's diagnosis?
    A) Dampness in the Gall Bladder
    B) Damp-Heat in the Liver
    C) Damp-Heat in the Gall Bladder
    D) Damp-Heat in the Liver and Gall Bladder
    Damp-Heat in the Liver
  10. A patient presents with short, red urine and a fever for four days. Now in addition to this they are lyingwith a huddled body and have pain in the left lower abdomen. The pain is absolutely excruciating withpressure and is described as a scorching heat. Their tongue is red with yellow fur and they have astring-taut and rapid pulse. What is this patient's diagnosis?
    A) Large Intestine Damp-Heat
    B) Full Heat in the Small Intestine
    C) Intestinal Welling Abscess Pattern
    D) Urinary Bladder Damp Heat
    Intestinal Welling Abscess Pattern
  11. patient presents with acid regurgitation. They have also been feeling a distention and fullness in theepigstrium and abdomen. They have lost their appetite and feel nauseated. They also have been vomitingsome along with belching. They have also noticed that they get tired easily and have an increased desire tosleep. They have also been feeling heavy sensations in their arms and legs. Their tongue is swollen with athick, white and greasy tongue coating and their pulse is rolling. Which one of the following formulaswould be best for this patient?
    A) Bao He Wan
    B) Ren Shen, Da Zao, Sheng Jiang, and Wu Zhu Yu
    C) Shen Qu, Shan Zhi Zi, Xiang Fu, Chuan Xiong, and Cang Zhu
    D) Zhi Gan Cao, Chen Pi, Hou Po, and Cang Zhu
    Zhi Gan Cao, Chen Pi, Hou Po, and Cang Zhu
  12. Which one of the following points is located at the same level as the Xi Cleft point of the YangLinkingVessel?
    A) He Sea point of the Foot Shaoyang
    B) Luo Connecting point of the Foot Shaoyang
    C) Xi Cleft point of the Foot Shaoyang
    D) Jing River point of the Foot Shaoyang
    Xi Cleft point of the Foot Shaoyang
  13. What do swollen, painful red ulcers with white edges on the surface of the tongue usually signify?
    A) Heart heat from Kidney yin deficiency
    B) Heat toxin in the Heart channel
    C) Heart fire blazing upwards
    D) Extreme heat in the Spleen and Kidneys that is exhausting the body fluids
    Heart heat from Kidney yin deficiency
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acu quiz 6
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