Object Pronouns

  1. RID rule for the order of object pronouns.
    1. Reflexive: me, te, se, nos, os, se

    2. Direct Object: me, te, lo, la, nos, os, los, las

    3. Indirect Object: me te, le, nos, os, les
  2. How is an indirect object pronoun used?
    The indirect object pronoun tells us where the direct object is going. 

    • He buys Maria flowers. El le compra a Maria las flores.
    • The flowers are for who? For Maria.

    • The subject is: He
    • The DO: flowers
    • The IO: Maria
  3. He bought a gift for Maria.

    He bought her a gift.
    el le compró a maria un regalo.

    el le compró un regalo.
  4. Identify the Subject, DO and IO

    Juan os compra un regalo.
    subject: Juan

    DO: regalo

    IO: os
  5. What is a direct object?
    The object that is being spoken about.

    i.e.  Carlita toma un café

    the "café" is the DO
  6. Translate: Carlita gave the coffee to juan

    What is the IO in this sentence?
    Carlita le dio a Juan la café

    Juan is the IO.
  7. Carlita gave the card to juan

    Carlita gave it to Juan

    Carlita gave it to him
    Carlita le dio a Juan la carta

    Carlita se la dio a Juan

    Carlita se la dio*

    *the "se" takes the place of the "le" because it is not possible to write: Carlita le la dio.
  8. Since "le" and "les" can mean more than one thing, a prepositional phrase is often added to remove the ambiguity.

    Carlo gave them the cards
    Carlo gave Maria and Juan the cards
    Carlos les dio las cartas

    Carlos les dio a Maria y Juan las cartas

    The prepositional phrase, Maria y Juan, adds clarity by telling the reader where the IO is going to
  9. Ella le escribe una carta

    This ambiguious sentence (without context) can mean any of the following...
    • She writes him a letter.
    • She writes her a letter.
    • She writes you (formal) a letter.
  10. Sometimes a prepositional phrase is added not for clarity, but rather for emphasis.

    Juan me da a mí el dinero.

    (The additional phrase "a mí"  is not a must have)
    John gives me the money.

    (emphasizing that the money is given to me and not to someone else)
  11. except
    excepto, salvo, menos
  12. including
  13. segun
    according to
Card Set
Object Pronouns
Indirect Object Pronoun