MN 3301

  1. What is the definition of a project?
    Are temporary, in that they have a beginning and an end, and they are unique, meaning that each project has characteristics that are different from the others.
  2. How are projects differentiated from programs and from routine operations?
    Programs refer to groups of related projects that are managed in a coordinated way to obtain certain benefits and control.
  3. What is the definition of project management?
    Project Management is the application of knowledge, skills, tools and techniques to project activities to meet project requirements.
  4. What are some characteristics of a project?
    • Temporary
    • Unique
    • Purpose
    • Life Cycle
    • Interdependencies
    • Conflict
  5. What are the 3 constraints of a project that must be balanced?
    • Cost
    • Schedule
    • Performance
  6. Whatis the purpose of the project life cycle?
    Control the progression of the project.
  7. Identify the 4 levels of acquisition management/Chain of Authority.
    • DAE: Defense Acquisition Executive (USD: Under Secretary Defense(AT&L: Acquisition Technology & Logistics))
    • CAE: Component Acquisition Executive
    • PEO: Program Executive Officer
    • PM: Program Manager
  8. What are the advantages of IPPD(Integrated Product and Process Developement)?
    • Fully Integrated
    • Disciplines
    • Buy-in is jointly derived
    • Less Rework
    • Reduced Cost
    • Reduced Cycle Time
  9. What is the “ENABLER” for IPPD?
    Systems Engineering
  10. Identify 4 “Key Tenets” of IPPD.
    • Multi-disciplinary Teamwork
    • Empowerment
    • Customer Focus
    • Proactive Risk Management
  11. What is IPPD(Integrated Product and Process Developement)?
    A management technique that simultaneously integrates all essential acquisition activities through the use of multi-disciplinary teams to optimize the design, manufacturing and supportability processes.
  12. What is the role of formal training in IPT success?
    Without training, IPTs will FAIL.
  13. How does DOD define Acquisition?
    The conceptualization, initiation, design, development, test, production, deployment, and logistic support, modification, and disposal of weapons and other systems, supplies, or services (including construction) to satisfy defense needs, intended for use in or in support of military missions.
  14. Why is DOD Systems Acquisition important?
    DOD acquisition provides materiel for combat, readiness training, operations, and support of U.S. and allied forces around the world.
  15. What does DOD Systems Acquisition impact?
    • Combat Effectiveness
    • Personnel Requirements
    • Logistics "Footprint"
  16. What is DAWIA and what is its purpose?
    • Defense Acquisition Workforce Improvement Act established (uniform) policies and procedures for the effective management (including accession, education, training, and career development) of persons serving in acquisition positions in the DOD.
    • Established Defense Acquisition University.
  17. JCIDS
    Joint Capabilities Integration Developement System
  18. Describe the philisophical differences between bottom-up and top-down capabilities determination systems.
    • Bottom-up is Service singular requirement.
    • Top-down focuses on Interoperability and is more integrated and Joint focused, eliminating duplication.
  19. What are 3 top-level sources of strategic policy guidance used in future capabilities determination and needs identification.
    • NSS (National Security Strategy): President
    • NDS (National Defense Strategy): SecDef
    • NMS (National Military Strategy): CJCS
  20. Diagram the JCIDS process (Top Level).
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  21. Briefly explain the CBA process.
    Capabilities needed to successfully accomplish the mission.  Identifies shortfalls and risk of shortfalls.
  22. JCIDS
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Card Set
MN 3301
NPS Acquisitions