Micro Test 2

  1. disinfection
    • a treatment used on inanimate objects to kill or inhibit the growth of microorganisms 
    • kills vegetative (not endospores)
  2. sterilization
    the removal of all microorganisms including endospores
  3. pasteurization
    the process of mild heating to kill particular spoilage microorganisms or pathogens
  4. sanitation
    removal of microbes from eating utensils and food prep areas
  5. antisepsis
    chemical method for disinfection of the skin or mucous membranes
  6. germicide/ biocide
    substance capable of killing microorganisms
  7. virucide
    an agent (physical or chemical) that inactivates or destroys viruses
  8. thermal death point
    lowest temp to kill bact. in liquid suspension in 10 min
  9. thermal death time
    minimal time to kill bact in particular liquid culture at given temp
  10. decimal reduction time
    time (minutes) to kill 90% of bact at a given temp
  11. L T L T (low temperature- long time) pasteurization
    63 C, 30 min
  12. H T S T ( high temperature- short time) pasteurization
    72 C, 15 seconds
  13. U H T ( ultra high temperature) pasteurization
    140 C, 3 seconds
  14. silver nitrate
    eye treatment for newborns
  15. mercuric chloride
    disinfectant, no longer used
  16. copper sulfate
    • control green algae in pools, stock ponds, et.
    • toxic to small organisms, including fish
  17. zinc chloride
    in mouthwashes
  18. Vertical Gene transfer
    • organism to offspring
    • binary fussion
  19. Horizontal gene transfer
    organism to another oranism of the same generation
  20. sex pili
    protein structures used by bacteria for transferring DNA during bacterial conjugation
  21. bacteriocin
    antibiotic-like substances that kill closely related bacteria
  22. Toxins
    E. coli strains and many others
  23. RTF (resistance transfer factor)
    carry genes for antibiotic or drug resistance
  24. E. coli (or other bacteria)
  25. Yeast 
  26. Vaccinia viruce ( for Vaccines)
  27. stromatolites
    began growing about 3000 years ago
  28. filamentous prokaryotes
    first existed ~3.5 billion years ago
  29. genus
    groups of related species
Card Set
Micro Test 2
Micro Test 2