C++ Chapter 1 Review

  1. What does '\n' do?
    generates a new line
  2. What is a syntax error?
    an error detected by compiler
  3. What are the 5 structures of C++?
    • comments
    • compiler directives
    • braces
    • main function
    • C++ statements
  4. What is the most common compiler directive?
  5. What are commands for the compiler that is not part of the C++ language?
    compiler directives
  6. Each statement ends with...?
    a semicolon
  7. Where don't you put semicolons?
    • comments
    • compiler directives
    • int main()
    • after braces
  8. Incorrect capitalization of letters will result with errors because C++ is....
    case sensitive.
  9. What are the three advantages of low-level languages?
    • take up less memory
    • run faster
    • easier to interact with other equipment
  10. two examples of low-level language
    • assembly code
    • machine language
  11. What does the operating system do?
    • loads and supervises the execution of programs
    • manages hardware resources (like clicking on keyboard)
    • organizes the files
  12. True or False: All C++ programs have a main function.
  13. define: function
    a block of code that carries out a specific task
  14. What marks the beginning and end of blocks of code?
  15. What is the purpose of comments?
    • to explain what a block of code is for
    • keep track of the programs that worked on the program
    • show where changes are made
  16. How do you go from source code to executable code?
    • 1. Compiler translatessource code into an object code
    • 2. Linker takes object code and connects it to your library to create the executable code
  17. What is GUI?
    Graphical User Interface
  18. Name a high-level language
    • BASIC
    • C++
    • Ada
    • Pascal
  19. What language does the microprocessor understand?
    machine language
  20. What is typically stored on ROM?
    Read Only Memory finds the operating system and gets it working
  21. statements ignored by compiler
  22. define: algorithm
    a set of sequential instructions that are followed to solve a problem
  23. What makes it easier to read code?
    spaces and indentation
  24. Why is important for programmers to work with various programming languages?
    different programs are better for different uses
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C++ Chapter 1 Review
C++ Chapter 1 Review