1. # of human in the world?
    fertility rate?
    • 7 billion+ human in the world
    • 10,700 babies/hr
    • growing exponentially!
  2. 3 categories of demographic countries
    • developed countries
    • moderately developed (developing)
    • less developed (developing)
  3. what are the qualities of developed countries
    • highly industrialized
    • low birth rates
    • low baby mortality
    • long life spans
    • highest avg. GNP's (gross national product)

    • examples:
    • US, Europe, Japan
  4. what are the qualities of moderately developed countries?
    • medium evel of industrialization
    • higher birth rates
    • higher infant mortality rates
    • shorter life spans
    • lower avg. GNPs

    • examples:
    • Mexico, Thailand, S. America
  5. What are the qualities of less developed countries?
    • based on agriculture-> low industry
    • highest birth rates
    • highest infant mortality rate
    • shortest life spans
    • lowest avg. GNP/GDPs

    • examples:
    • Ethiopia, Laos, Bangladesh
  6. What are the GDP's of the world?
    • Burunda = $125 per capita
    • Kenya = $780 
    • Mexico = $9000
    • US = $45,000
    • Luxembourg = $103,000 [small country and population with lots of royal!]
  7. Ranking of world's country population
    • China - 1.4 billion
    • India - 1.12 billion
    • US- 300 million
    • Indonesia - 218 million
    • Brazil - 190 million
  8. Demographic transition
    4 stages that shows how industrialization affect pop. size
  9. what happens during stage 1 of demographic transition?
    • pre-industrial stage
    • high birth rate (high IMR)
    • high death rate
    • low pop. growth
  10. what happens during stage 2 of demographic transition?
    • transitional stage
    • industrialization
    • more food availability
    • more health care
    • birth rate stays high
    • death rate begins to fall
    • population grows quickly
  11. what happens during stage 3 of demographic transition?
    • industrial stage
    • birth rate falls to near death rate
    • better jobs and education for women
    • decline in IMR
    • pop. growth rate continues, but is low
  12. what happens during stage 4 of demographic transition?
    • post industrial stage
    • birth rate falls more
    • birth rate = death rate
    • ZPG (zero pop. growth)
    • birth rate declines more and becomes less than death rate = negative pop. growth
    • unsustainability 
    • very few countries
  13. Infant Mortality Rate
    # of babies per 1000 that don't make it to the 1st year
  14. replacement level fertility
    # of kids that a couple should have to replace both parents
  15. What is the avg. # of kids that a woman will have in her reproductive years?
    examples of some countries?
    • about 0 - 5 + of kids
    • Pakistan = 4.6 TFR
    • UK = 1.6 TFR
    • US = 2.1 TFR
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human pop!