Most common adrenal medulla tumor in adults. Episodic HTN.
Most common adrenal medulla tumor in kids. No episodic HTN.
Adrenal medulla, adrenal cortex (neurohypophysis), & adrenal cortex (adenohypophysis) are derived from:
Neural crest cells, neuroectoderm, & oral ectoderm
GLUT-1 transporter
Take up glucose independent of insulin levels (brain & RBC's)
GLUT-4 transporter
Skeletal muscle & adipose tissue; take up large amounts of glucose only when insulin is high enough.
Relationship between prolactin & dopamine
Dopamine inhibits prolactin, while prolactin stimulates dopamine synthesis & release.
Somatostatin inhibits...
Site of action of ketoconazole (-) & ACTH (+)
Desmolase enzyme, for cholesterol --> pregnenolone
Alpha-hydroxylase enzymes used to make: 1) aldosterone, 2) cortisol, 3) androgens
- 1) 21 & 11
- 2) 17, 21, 11
- 3) 17
Regulation of PTH release
- + dec'd serum Ca++
- - dec'd serum Mg++ (diarrhea, diuretics, alcohol abuse, aminoglycosides)
Cushing's syndrome
High cortisol. Iatrogenic (take steroids), pituitary adenoma (=Cushing's disease, high ACTH), ACTH-secreting tumor (small-cell lung cancer), adrenal hyperplasia or neoplasia.
Conn's syndrome
Primary hyperaldosteronism (tumor). Hypokalemia, metabolic alkalosis, HTN, low renin.
Secondary hyperaldosteronism
Conditions that stimulate you to raise BP: Renal failure, renal A stenosis, CHF, cirrhosis, nephrotic syndrome.
Addison's disease
Low aldosterone & cortisol, because adrenal destruction/atrophy. High ACTH, which means hyperpigmentation (a byproduct of ATCH production, MSH, stimulates melanocytes).
Waterhouse-Friderichsen syndrome
N.meningitides sepsis --> adrenal hemorrhage --> adrenal cortex insufficiency.
Sheehan's syndrome
- Postpartum hypopituitarism.
- During pregnancy, anterior pituitary enlarges but blood supply doesn't... then, during delivery, severe bleeding --> infarction of pituitary. Poor lactation, loss of pubic & axillary hair, fatigue, anorexia.
Gottron's papules
Assoc with dermatomyositis. Rash over MCP & IP joints.
Bouchard's nodes
Assoc with OA in PIP joints
Heberden's nodes
Assoc w/OA in DIP joints
Baker's cyst
In RA patients, located behind knee
Accumulation of uric acid crystals in chronic gout. Often external ear or Achilles tendon.