vague, not certain, not determined
unauthorised use of material protected by copyright, patent or trademark law
property which is transferred upon death to a person designated as an heir
official order from a court for a person to do or stop doing something
injured party
party that has suffered a violation of its legal rights
Inn of Court
(UK) one of four institutions that barristers must join in order to practise law as a barrister
inquisitorial system
a judicial system in which the judge(s) conducting the trial decides the questions to be asked and the scope of the case
unable to pay one's debts
written formal legal document
intangible property rights
legal interest or claim in things which cannot be touched or felt
intended beneficiary
person who was planned to benefit from a contract but is not party to that contract. As a result of this, this person obtains rights to enforce the contract
desire/willingness to act in a certain way
inter alia
(Latin) among other things
international convention
an agreement between nations, similar to a treaty but usually relating to non-political or non-commercial matters; written agreement between states or nations governed by international laws
international law
laws that concern relations between countries (= public international law) and laws that concern private transactions and disputes between parties from different nations (= private intemational law /conflict of laws)
to rely upon a certain law, principle or rule in order to support an argument or position
ipso facto
(Latin) by that very fact itself
to produce or provide something official
issued share capital
shares of a company that are held by shareholders
ius quaesitum tertlo (IQT)
right acquired by a third party to a contract between two other contractual parties (also jus quaesitum tertio)
public official who hears and decides cases in court
judge-made law
(also case law, common law) body of law formed through judicial/court decisions, as opposed to law formed through statutes or written legislation
judgment lien
lien imposed on a person against whom a judgment has been entered but remains unsatisfied
judicial lien
security interests arising as a result of court proceedings brought by the creditor to secure an interest in the debtor's property
Juris doctor
(US) law degree (UK LLB)
power of a court, authority or other official body to decide a legal case or to make an order; 2) extent of this power; 3) territory in which this power exists; 4) area in which a particular legal system operates; 5) system of law courts that make up a particular legal system
juvenile court
court that hears cases involving children under a certain age
lack of legal capacity
absence of ability of a person to enter into contractual relations, sue or be sued
Land Registry
a government agency responsible for the registration of title to land
person who owns property and either rents or leases it to a tenant for profit. The female form is landlady.