1. Sinus Rhythm
    • * 60 to 100 BPM
    • * All P waves are identical
    • * All PR intervals are identical
    • * Regular heart Rate
  2. Sinus Bradycardia
    • * Slow than 60 BPM
    • * All P waves are identical
    • * All PR interval are identical
  3. Sinus Tachycardia
    • * Faster than 100 BPM
    • * All P waves
    • * All PR intervals are identical
  4. Afib ( Atrial Fibrillation)
    • *400 to 700 BPM
    • * No "p" but F wave
    • * Irregular pattern
  5. A Flutter ( Atria Flutter)
    • * 200 to 400 BPM
    • * No "P" wave but F wave
    • * Saw Tooth
    • * Very Regular Pattern
  6. PAC ( Premature Atrial Contraction)
    • * Type of premature Heart Beat, irregular heartbeat, or benign arrhythmia
    • * Which starts in the upper two chambers of the heart called the atria
  7. PJC ( Premature junctional complexes)
    * Premature depolarization from the AV node or the proximal portion of the His-Purkinje system
  8. PVC ( Premature Ventrical Contraction)
    • * The heartbeat is initiated by the hear ventrical rather than by the SA node
    • * Sticks out like a sore thumb
    • * Bottom of Heart
    • * 1= PVC, 2=PRS, 3=Salvo, 4 or more rate duration
  9. Non-conductive PAC
    • * Premature Atrial contration (top of heart)
    • * P wave without a QRS
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