Chapter 3 Law and Ethics

  1. The judiciary has two primary roles:
    First, courts adjudicate disputes

    Second, certain courts are charged with the responsibility of judicial review
  2. US Supreme Court
    The ultimate arbiters of federal law are the nine justices of the U.S. Supreme Court.

    Although the Court has both original and appellate jurisdiction, the primary role of the court is to finalize a legal decision on any given case.
  3. Writ of certiorar
    A discretionary order issued by the Supreme Court (and federal appellate courts) granting a request to argue an appeal.
  4. A party filing for an appeal must file a petition for a
    writ of certiorar
  5. the two types of state courts
    state trial courts and state appellate courts
  6. The principal trial courts are the
    U.S. district courts
  7. Federal appellate courts are called the
    U.S. courts of appeal
  8. The ultimate arbiter of federal law is the
    U.S. Supreme Court
  9. Jurisdiction is a court’s authority to decide a particular case based on:
    • (1) who the parties are, Long arm jurisdiction
    • (2) the subject matter of the dispute
  10. Federal Jurisdiction Authority over the Dispute Based on
    Federal question

    Diversity of citizenship
  11. The zippo standard
    comprehensive scheme for testing a minimum contacts analysis of personal jurisdiction based on one party’s use of the Internet in its business
  12. country of origin principle
    apply the law of the country where the defendant’s servers are located
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Chapter 3 Law and Ethics
Chapter 3 Law and Ethics