
  1. 1. All of the following are components of the cardiac conduction system except:
    • a. sinoatrial node
    • b. internodal tracts
    • c. interatrial septum
    • d. atrioventricular node
    • C
  2. 2. Which coronary artery supplies oxygenated blood to the sinoatrial node and the atrioventricular
    • node?
    • a. left main
    • b. left anterior descending
    • c. circumflex
    • d. right coronary artery
    • D
  3. 3. Which of the following components of the cardiac conduction system is considered the
    • pacemaker of the heart?
    • a. sinoatrial node
    • b. internodal tracts
    • c. atrioventricular node
    • d. bundle of His
    • A
  4. 4. The sinoatrial node is located closest to the:
    • a. superior vena cava
    • b. inferior vena cava
    • c. coronary sinus
    • d. right coronary artery
    • A
  5. 5. The sinoatrial node normally fires electrical impulses at a rate of:
    • a. 60 to 100 per minute
    • b. 40 to 60 per minute
    • c. 20 to 40 per minute
    • d. 10 to 20 per minute
    • A
  6. 6. The His bundle has an automatic firing rate of between:
    • a. 60 to 100 per minute
    • b. 40 to 60 per minute
    • c. 20 to 40 per minute
    • d. 0 to 10 per minute
    • B
  7. 7. The Purkinje fibers have an automatic firing rate of between:
    • a. 0 to 10 per minute
    • b. 20 to 40 per minute
    • c. 40 to 60 per minute
    • d. 60 to 100 per minute
    • B
  8. 8. Which of the follow ing components of the cardiac conduction system delivers the electrical
    • impulse from the sinoatrial node to the atria?
    • a. internodal tracts
    • b. atrioventricular node
    • c. bundle of His
    • d. bundle branches
    • A
  9. 9. Which of the following deliver the electrical impulse from the sinoatrial node to the left atrii
    • a. Bachmann's
    • b. Bernoulli's
    • c. Wenkebach
    • d. His
    • A
  10. 10. Which of the following components of the cardiac conduction system deliver the electric
    • impulse to the bundle of His after a 0.10 second delay?
    • a. sinoatrial node
    • b. internodal tracts
    • c. atrioventricular node
    • d. bundle of His
    • C
  11. 11. The atrioventricular node is located at the floor of the:
    • a. left atrium
    • b. right atrium
    • c. right ventricle
    • d. left ventricle
    • B
  12. 12. Which of the following components of the cardiac conduction system deliver the electrical
    • impulse from the atrioventricular node to the bundle branches?
    • a. internodal tracts
    • b. atrioventricular node
    • c. bundle of His
    • d. Purkinje fibers
    • C
  13. 13. Which of the following components of the cardiac conduction system delivers the electrical
    • impulse from the bundle of His to the ventricles?
    • a. sinoatrial node
    • b. internodal tracts
    • c. His bundle
    • d. right'left bundle branches
    • D
  14. 14. Which of the following components of the cardiac conduction system delivers the electrical
    • impulse from the bundle branches to the ventricular walls?
    • a. sinoatrial node
    • b. atrioventricular node
    • c. bundle of His
    • d. Purkinje fibers
    • D
  15. 15. Which of the following terms means the heart can begin and maintain rhythmic activity without
    • the aid of the nervous system?
    • a. automaticity
    • b. excitabilty
    • c. conductivity
    • d. contractility
    • A
  16. 16. Which of the following terms means that cardiac muscle can accept and respond to electrical
    • impulses?
    • a. automaticity
    • b. excitability
    • c. conductivity
    • d. contractility
    • ANS B
  17. 17. Which of the following terms means that a cardiac cell is able to transfer an electrical impulse
    • to a neighboring cardiac cell?
    • a. automaticity
    • b. excitability
    • c. conductivity
    • d. contractility
    • C
  18. 18. Which of the following terms means that the heart responds to an electrical impulse by-
    • contracting?
    • a. automaticity
    • b. excitability
    • c. conductivity
    • d. contractility
    • D
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