Cardiac Review

  1. Aortic Arch I and II become:
    Mandibular and Maxillary arteries
  2. Aortic Arch III becomes:
    LCC artery
  3. Aortic Arch IV becomes:
    • On the left:  the Transverse Aortic Arch.
    • On the right:  The Left Subclavian Artery and the Brachiocephalic trunk.
  4. Aortic Arch V becomes:
    Nothing of particular use.
  5. Aortic Arch VI becomes:
    The Pulmonary trunk and Pulmonary Arteries.

    The distal portion becomes the Ductus Arteriosus.
  6. Cusps of the Aortic Valve:
    Right Coronary Cusp, Left Coronary Cusp, and Non Coronary Cusp
  7. Pulmonic Valve Cusps:
    Posterior (anterior), Right, and Left
  8. Which walls are visible in an Apical 2 chamber view?
    Anterior and Inferior
  9. Embryonic heart arises from the _________ __________.
    splanchnic mesoderm
  10. Pericardial fluid is located between:
    the visceral and parietal pericardium
  11. Neural crest cells migrate into the Truncus Arteriosus to initiate __________ and __________.
    Septation and Innervation.
  12. The congenital defect associated with Cleft Mitral Valve is __________.
    Osteum Primum.
  13. Forceful reopening of the interatrial valvular Foramen Ovale after birth could be secondary to _________ stenosis.
    pulmonic stenosis.

    (foramen ovale only allows flow from right atrium to left atrium)
  14. Partial anomalous pulmonary vein drainage is associated with ________ __________ ASD.
    sinus venosus
  15. LAD supplies the _______ cap.
    apical cap in left ventrical.

    (the LAD's Cap)
  16. Anything "lateral" is supplied by the _____ ______ artery.
    Left Circumflex artery.
  17. In embryonic development, septation of the truncus arteriosus leads to separation of _______ and _______.
    LVOT and RVOT.
  18. In tetralogy of Fallot, the direction of bloodthrough through the shunt in the perimembranous VSD is determined by:
    the severity of pulmonic stenosis.
  19. The most common VSD occurs where?
    Membranous septum.
  20. The left innominate vein can be seen in which view?
    suprasternal Long
  21. In transposition of the great arteries, the aorta arises ________ly from the ______ ventricle, while the pulmonary trunk arises _________ly from the ______ ventricle.
    • aorta:  anteriorly from the RV
    • pulmonary trunk:  posteriorly from LV
  22. Left and Right Innominate veins drain into the _____.
  23. D - Looping (looping to the right) results in _________.
    Levocardia with the apex facing left.
  24. The sinus venosus has right and left horns.  What does the right horn become?  What does the left horn become?
    • Right:  SVC and IVC
    • Left:  CS
  25. Which VSD is commonly associated with endo cushion defect?
    inlet VSD
  26. Failure of the spiro aortico pulmonary septum to form would result in __________ __________ _________.
    persistent truncus arteriosus
  27. Persistent Left SVC defenct connects and abnormally drains into the:
  28. Fully oxygenated fetal blood is only found in the :
    umbilical vein.
  29. In normal fetal circulation, oxygen bypasses the liver into the IVC through:
    ductus venosus.
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Cardiac Review