Python OOP drills

  1. class
    tell Python to make a new kind of thing
  2. object
    two meanings: the most basic kind of thing, and any instance of some thing
  3. instance
    what you get when you tell Python to create a class
  4. def
    how you define a function inside a class
  5. self
    inside the functions in a class, self is a variable for the instance/object being accessed
  6. inheritance
    the concept that one class can inherit traits from another class, much like you and your parents
  7. composition
    the concept that a class can be composed of other classes as parts, much like how a car has wheels
  8. attribute
    a property classes have that are from composition and are usually variables
  9. is-a
    a phrase to say that something inherits from another, as in a Salman is-a Fish
  10. has-a
    a phrase to say that something is composed of other things or has a trait, as in a Salmon has-a mouth
  11. class X(Y)
    "Make a class named X that is-a Y."
  12. class X(object): def __init__(self, J)
    "class X has-a __init__ that takes self and J parameters."
  13. class X(object): def M(self, J)
    "class X has-a function named M that takes self and J parameters."
  14. foo = X()
    "Set foo to an instance of class X."
  15. foo.M(J)
    "From foo get the M function, and call it with parameters self, J."
  16. foo.K = Q
    "From foo get the K attribute and set it to Q."
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Python OOP drills
word and phrase drills of Python Object Oriented Programming vocab