pro specialies

  1. clincal
    • diagnose and treat individuals with psychological disorders
    • conduct testing and provide counseling
    • BOTH
  2. counseling
    • work with people having trouble coping with everyday problems
  3. developmental
    • study the lifelong maturation process
    • BASIC
  4. experimental
    •  focus on any mental psychological issue
    • BASIC
  5. industrial/organizational
    • work with psychological issues related to the workplace/business
    • BOTH
  6. educational
    • study issues related to how people learn
    • BASIC
  7. school
    • test and counsel students having difficulty in school
    • BOTH
  8. social
    • study interpersonal behavior and the role of social forces on individual behavior
    • BASIC
  9. physiological or biological
    • examines the influence of genetic factors on behavior and the role of the brain and body systems
    • BASIC
  10. personality
    • interested in describing and understanding individuals consistency in behavior
    • BASIC
  11. psychometrics
    • develop psychological tests to measure behavior and mental capacities
    • BOTH
  12. community
    • develops and presents programs to help maintain mental health
Card Set
pro specialies
basic. applied. both