1. A system of internal and external reviews and audits of all aspects of an EMS system
    Continuous Quality Improvement (CQI)
  2. The method of not giving the specifics of a project to the people participating in a research or study
  3. A research format in which an observation of an event is made, but withour attempts to alter or change it
  4. A process in which a person, an institution, or a program is evaluated and recognized as meeting certain predetermined standards to provide safe and ethical care
  5. A type of research that examines patterns of change, a sequence of events, or trends over time within a certain population of study subjects
    Cohort Research
  6. A type of research in which a single case is investigated and documented over a period of time
    Case Study
  7. A type of research in which subjects are manually assigned to a specific person or crew, rather than being rendomly assigned; the least-preferred component of research
    Convenience Sampling
  8. A data collection method in which all data at one point in time is collected, essentially serving as a snapshot of events and information
    Cross-sectional Design
  9. Expected errors that occur in the smpling phase of research
    Sampling Errors
  10. Direction given to an EMS service or provider by a physician
    Medical Direction
  11. Medical direction given in real time to an EMS service or provider
    Online Medical Control
  12. The responsibility of the medical director to ensure that the appropriate medical care standards are met by EMS personnel on each call
    Quality Control
  13. A person who follows specific professional attributes that are outlined in this profession
    Health Care Professional
  14. A research format that uses a hypothesis to prove one finding from antoher
  15. The use of practices that have been proven to be effective in improving patient outcomes
    Evidence-based Practice
  16. A health care system designed to bring immediate on-scene care to those in need along with transprt to a definative medical care facility
    Emergency Medical Services (EMS)
  17. A form of research in which the existing literature is reviewed, and the researcher analyzes the collection of research to draw a conclusion
    Literature Review
  18. An early title given to an ambulance-style unit
    Mobile Intensive Care Units (MICUs)
  19. The process whereby a state allows qualified people to perform a regulated act
  20. A data collection method in which information is collected at various set time intervals, and not just at one time
    Longitudinal Design
  21. Time parameters that are set during a research project
    Alternative Time Sampling
  22. Medical direction given through a set of protocols, policies, and/or standards
    Off-line Medical Control
  23. A type of research that gathers information as events occur in real time
    Prospective Research
  24. The process used by medical magazines, journals, and other publications to ensure quality and validity of an article before publishing it, and which involves sending the article to subject matter experts for review of the content and research methods
    Peer Review
  25. A specialized set of knowlege, skills, and/or expertise
  26. Outlined measures that may be difficult to obtain in a research project
  27. A treatment plan developed for a specific illness or injury
  28. A behavior expected by a person or group following a set of rules
  29. The area (clinical, systems, or education) that will be impacted by a study
    Research Domain
  30. Providing information to an entity that stores it in some form of record book. In the context of EMS, records of your education, state or local licensure, and recertification are held by a recognized board
  31. The process of granting licensure or certification to a provider from another state or agency
  32. A type of measurement in research that uses a mean, median, and mode
  33. The specific question(s) that a study aims to answer, and the precise methods in which the data will be gathered
    Research Agenda
  34. A group of agencies working together to study a particular topic
    Research Consortium
  35. A type of descriptive statistic in research that does not use numeric information 
  36. Research performed from current available information
    Retrospective Research
  37. A group or institution that follows a set of requirements for review that were devised by the US Public Health Service
    Institutional Review Board (IRB)
  38. A type of protocol that is a written document signed by the EMS systems medical director that outlines specific directions, permissions, and sometimes prohibitions regarding patient care that is rendered prior to contacting medical control
    Standing Order
  39. A computer-generated list of subjects or groups for research
    Systematic Sampling
  40. A type of study in which the subjects are advised of all aspects of the study
    Unblinded Study
  41. The collaboration of prehospital and in-hospital medicne that focuses on optimizing the use of resources and assests of each with a primary goal of reducing the mortality and morbidity of trauma patients
    Trauma Systems
  42. Who has the authority to issue a license?
    State EMS governmental body
  43. Where was the concept of physician-operated mobile intensive care developed?
  44. The role of EMD in emergency medical services is:
    Emergency medical dispatch.
  45. The level of certification required prior to entering your paramedic training is:
    Emergency medical technician.
  46. The entity that typically coordinates the entire rescue effort is:
  47. The EMT paramedic national standards are regulated by the:
  48. Reciprocity allows a paramedic to:
    Become certified by another state or agency.
  49. Which of the following is necessary when returning to service?
    -Restock your unit
    -Complete all documentation
    -Notify the hospital
    -Assess the situation
    Restock you unit
  50. The patient documentaion is the responsibility of the:
    -Officer on scene
    -Attendant in charge
    Attendant in charge
  51. The role of an EMS medical director includes:
    -Developing clinical protocols
    -Providing input into patient care
    -Participating in equipment selection
    -All of the above
    All of the above
  52. Off-line medical control allows for the developement of all of the following EXCEPT:
    -Telemetry transmission
    -Standing orders
    -Procedures and training
    Telemetry transmission
  53. The patient care report should be filled out:
    -before the end of your shift
    -during the call
    -immediately after the call
    -within 3 hours after the call
    Immediately after the call
  54. A tool that is often used to continually evaluate paramedic performance is:
    Continuous quality improvement
  55. Research that is based on numerical data is know as ________ resarch.
  56. By definition, retrospectice research is:
    -research that is observation only.
    -when a clinical trial is being performed.
    -based on a clearly defined problem.
    -based on currently available data.
    Based on currently available data
  57. Which techniqu requires that the subject(s) not be completly informed about the research that is being performed?
  58. Off-line medical control can best be described as:
    Standing orders or Protocols
  59. Mode can best be defined as the:
    -sum of a formula
    -average number
    -number in the middle
    -most common number
    Most common number
  60. What was established after the publication of the "White Paper"?
    -National Highway Safety Act
    -The first EMT textbook
    -Miami Fire paramedic program
    -Controlled Substance Act
    National Highway Safety Act
  61. What group is responsible for ensuring that a research study is ethically sound?
    -Institutional review board
    -Regional ethics committee
    -Pricipal investigator
    -Research subject
    Insitutional review board
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Chapter 1