provide: cause -symptoms -response -
- cause: blood vessels in nose breaks
- symp: blood coming from nose or mouth
- resp: victim leans forward and pinch nostrils until bleeding stops.
Allergic Reaction
provide: cause -symptoms -response -
- cause: body's response to foreign proteins
- symp: stuffy nose, difficulty breathing, itching
- resp: benadryl or epinepherine pen
puncture wound
provide: cause -symptoms -response -
- cause: object imbedded in body
- resp: don't pull it out! compress bandage around the object
provide: cause -symptoms -response -
- cause: body part cut off
- response: bandage the stump with firm pressure. place amputated part in bag, keep it cool. transport with victim.
provide: cause -symptoms -response -
- cause: body's response due to trauma. reduces blood flow to body.
- symp: faint, pale, grayish
- resp: call 911, lie back with feet up. keep victim warm.
Burns (name the types of degrees)
provide: cause -symptoms -response -
- 1st degree: red, warm, painful
- 2nd degree: skin blisters, painful
- 3rd degree: skin sloughs off, no pain.
- Response: cold water on burn.
- Don't use ointments! protect from enviornmental factors due to infections.
provide: cause -symptoms -response -
- cause: epilepsy, head injury, heat related, low blood sugar.
- symp: falls to ground, no response, jerking movement.
- resp: clear the area, protect the head, don't hold down and check breathing when it's over
provide: cause -symptoms -response -
- cause: brain doesn't get enough oxygen
- symp: sudden numbness, trouble speaking. trouble walking. headaches.
- resp: call 911
provide: cause -symptoms -response -
make sure power is turned off, check for breathing, cpr if necessary. call 911 if victim is unconscious.
temperature emergencies:
heat exhaustion and heat stroke
- heat exhaustion
- symptoms: muscle cramps, heavy sweating, nausea, dizziness.
- resp: cool area, loosen clothing and spray w/ water
- hear stroke
- symp: red, hot, dry skin. vomiting, confusion, shallow breathing.
- resp: call 911, cool area and loosen clothing