Kanji Radicals 5 of 8 Other Components II

  1. 夂 (top)
    ふゆがしら – go, winter, descend, (winter radical)
  2. 夂 (bottom)
    なつがしら – go, summer, descend, (summer radical)
  3. 夂 (right)
    しんよう/じゅうまた - branch
  4. すいにょう – go slowly
  5. ゆうべ – evening
    • ます (orig.)
    • まいあし (bottom) – oppose, dancing
  6. ばく – wheat
  7. また – again, furthermore
  8. 支 (right)
    しんよう/じゅうまた – branch, support
  9. けがわ - skin, leather, hide, folding chair
  10. ぶん/ぶんよう – script, sentence, literature
  11. せい – even
  12. まげあし – lame, crooked leg, big
  13. むにょう – not, crooked heaven
  14. すでのつくり – not
    • きば – fang
    • *音〜が/じゃ
    • おに (orig.)
    • きにょう (enclosure) – ghost, devil
  15. てつ – sprout, old grass
    • やま
    • やまへん (left)
    • やまかんむり (top) – mountain
  16. まがりがわ – crooked river, bend in river
  17. おのれ – oneself, self, snake
  18. み – oneself, self, snake
  19. とます – dipper, Big Dipper, sake
  20. ひらび/いわく – say, reason, flat sun
  21. はは/なかれ – do not, mother
  22. はは/なかれ – do not, mother
  23. はは/なかれ – do not, mother
  24. ちち – father
  25. めめ – double x
  26. あまい – sweet
  27. しろ – white
  28. みずから – self, oneself
    • はな (orig.)
    • はなへん (left) – nose
    • かわ (orig.)
    • かわへん (left) – leather, pelt
  29. なめしがわ – tanned leather
  30. しめす – spirit, show
    • あか (orig.)
    • あかへん (left) – red
  31. つずみ – drum, drum beat
  32. たかい – tall, high
  33. せい – even, equal
    • まめ (orig.)
    • まめへん (left) – bean
Card Set
Kanji Radicals 5 of 8 Other Components II
2nd group of other kanji components