1445 Lecture Exam 2

  1. Inpatient Bed Count – (Bed Compliment, Bed Capacity)
    The number of available hospital inpatient beds, both occupied and vacant, on any given day.  (count of beds set up for normal use whether occupied or empty)
  2. Newborn bassinet Count
    The number of available hospital newborn bassinets, both occupied and vacant, on a given day.
  3. Inpatient Bed Count Day
    A unit of measure denoting the presence of 1 inpatient bed, set up and staffed for use and either occupied or vacant in one 24-hour period
  4. Inpatient Bed Count Days (Total)
    The sum of inpatient bed count days for each of the days in the period under consideration
  5. Rates
    The number of times something happens compared to the number of times something could have happened
  6. Occupancy Rate
    • The percentage of available beds or bassinets that are being occupied on a specific day or for a designated period of time 
    • Note: Occupancy rates can be computed for:
    • 1.       Single day
    • 2.       Entire hospital
    • 3.       Single unit
    • 4.       Several days, weeks , months, years, single year, etc.
  7. Inpatient Bed Occupancy Ratio
    The proportion of inpatient beds occupied, defined as the ratio of service days to inpatient bed count days in the period under consideration
  8. Mortality
    Refers to death; instance of death
  9. Inpatient Death
    Termination of the period of inpatient hospitalization through death;  A patient who expires while an inpatient in the hospital; ie, expires after admissionto the hospital
  10. Newborn Death
    Occurs only in those infants who have shown signs of life at the time of birth
  11. Outpatient Death
    Deaths of patients who expire during outpatient care or are treated on a regular basis and expire elsewhere; not included in hospital death rates
  12. Hospital Fetal Death
    • (Abortion/Stillborn Infant)               
    • Death prior to the complete expulsion or extraction of a fetus from its mother
  13. Death Rates
    Based on discharge data, a list is prepared of all patients who died during their hospital stay. The rate is determined based on this data
  14. Gross Death Rate
    • All eligible deaths occurring before and after 48 hours of admission
    • (Generally A&C deaths and NB deaths are included in this death rate, but it may also be calculated out separately)
  15. Net Death Rate
    All eligible deaths occurring 48 hours or more after admission
  16. Surgical Operation
    One or more surgical procedures performed at one time for one patient using a common approach or for a common purpose
  17. Surgical Procedure
    A single medical manipulation that can be complete in itself
  18. PostoperativeDeath
    Surgical death within 10 days after an operation
  19. Postoperative Death Rate
    • The usefulness of this rate is questionable, but it is routinely used
    • Discharged patients are not used.
    • ONLY patients operated on during the period.
    • Only those having operations (surgery) could die postoperatively
    • Could be more useful when calculated for specific operations
  20. Anesthesia Death Rate
    The determination of what constitutes death due to this can only be determined by a physician. These cases are always investigated thoroughly.
  21. Delivery/Delivered
    Expelling of a product of conception or having it removed from the body. Multiple births are considered a single one. It may include either a live infant or a dead fetus
  22. Not delivered/Undelivered
    When a pregnant woman is admitted to the hospital because of complications of the pregnancy and then goes home without having delivered, her condition is noted as this.A woman may also be admitted following a delivery because of complications will also go home this way.
  23. Partum
  24. Puerperium
    The period of 42 days following delivery; it is included as part of the pregnancy period
  25. Pregnancy termination
    Expulsion or extraction of a dead fetus or other products of conception from the mother or the birth of a liveborn infant or a stillborn infant
  26. InducedTermination of Pregnancy
    The purposeful interruption of an intrauterine pregnancy, with the intention being other than to produce a liveborn infant and which does not result in a live birth
  27. MaternalDeath/OB Death
    Death of any woman while pregnant or within 42 days of termination of pregnancy, irrespective of the duration and the site of the pregnancy, irrespective of the duration and the site of the pregnancy, wither directly related to pregnancy or aggravated by the pregnancy
  28. DirectMaternal Death
    Death directly related to pregnancy
  29. Maternal:  Abortion death
    during or following an abortion
  30. Maternal: Antepartum death
    death prior to delivery due to the pregnancy
  31. Maternal: Postpartum death
    death after delivery due to the pregnancy
  32. Indirect Maternal Death
    Maternal death not directly due to obstetric causes but aggravated by the pregnant condition
  33. Perinatal Period/Perinatal Death
    The period surrounding birth; this kind of death includes both stillborn infants and neonatal deaths
  34. Postnatal/Postneonatal Death
    Death of a liveborn infant from 28 days to the end of the first year of life
  35. Hospital Fetal Death
    Death prior to the complete expulsion or extraction from its mother, in a hospital facility, of a product of human conception, fetus and placenta, irrespective of the duration of pregnancy. The death is indicated by the fact that after such expulsion or extraction, the fetus does not breathe or show any other evidence of life, such as beating of the heart, pulsation of the umbilical cord, or definite movement of voluntary muscles.
  36. Hebdomadal death
    Death occurring within seven days of birth
  37. A Day of/on Leave of Absence
    A day occurring after the admission and prior to the discharge of a hospital inpatient during which the patient is not present at census-taking time because he/she is on leave of absence from the hospital
  38. Leave of Absence
    The inpatient is not present at the hospital for a length of time, but returns before census taking time.
  39. Hospital Patient
    An individual who receives, in person, hospital-based or hospital-coordinated medical services for which the hospital is responsible.
  40. How does ACOG classify fetal deaths?
    • By gestational age
    • By gram weight
  41. Early Fetal Death - by gestational age
    less than 20 weeks gestation
  42. Intermediate Fetal Death - by gestational age
    20 weeks to less than 28 weeks
  43. Late Fetal Death - by gestational age
    28 or more weeks gestation
  44. Early Fetal Death - by gram weight
    500 grams or less
  45. Intermediate Fetal Death - by gram weight
    501 to 1000 grams
  46. Late Fetal Death - by gram weight
    1001 grams or more
  47. Percent of Occupancy:  numerator
    IPSD for period X 100
  48. Percent of Occupancy: denominator
    Total IP Bed Count  X  # of days in period
  49. Formula for percent of occupancy
    • IPSD for period  X  100
    • Total IP Bed Count  X  # of days in period
  50. Occupancy Rate/Change in bed count: numerator
    Total IPSD for period   X   100
  51. Occupancy Rate/Change in bed count: denominator
    (Bed count  X  days)   +   (Bed count  X  days)
  52. Formula for occupancy rate/change in bed count:
    • Total IPSD for period   X   100
    • (Bed count  X  days)   +   (Bed count  X  days)
  53. Deaths NOT included in Death Rate
    • DOA's
    • Emergency Department deaths
    • Fetal Deaths
  54. Gross Death Rate: numerator
    Total # of deaths (incl NB) for a period   X   100
  55. Gross Death Rate: denominator
    Total # of discharges (incl A&C and NB deaths)
  56. Formula for Gross Death Rate
    • Total # of deaths (incl NB) for a period   X   100
    • Total # of discharges (incl A&C and NB deaths)
  57. Net/Institutional Death Rate:  numerator
    Total IP deaths (incl NB)   -   deaths < 48 hrs   X   100
  58. Net/Institutional Death Rate:  denominator
    Total D/C (incl A&C and NB deaths)   -   deaths < 48 hrs
  59. Formula for Net/Institutional Death Rate
    • Total IP deaths (incl NB)   -   deaths < 48 hrs   X   100
    • Total D/C (incl A&C and NB deaths)   -   deaths < 48 hrs
  60. Newborn Death Rate:  numerator
    Total # of NB deaths   X   100
  61. Newborn Death Rate:  denominator
    Total # of NB discharges (Incl deaths) for the period
  62. Formula for Newborn Death Rate
    • Total # of NB deaths   X   100
    • Total # of NB discharges (Incl deaths) for the period
  63. PostOp Death Rate:  numerator
    Total # of Patients Operated on for the period
  64. PostOp Death Rate:  denominator
    Total # of Patients Operated on for the period
  65. Formula for PostOp Death rate
    • Total PostOp deaths < 10 days after surgery   X   100
    • Total # of Patients Operated on for the period
  66. Anesthesia death Rate:  numerator
    Total deaths caused by anesthesia   X   100
  67. Anesthesia Death Rate:  denominator
    Total # of anesthesias administered for the period
  68. Formula for Anesthesia Death Rate
    • Total deaths caused by anesthesia   X   100
    • Total # of anesthesias administered for the period
  69. Maternal Death Rate:  numerator
    Total # Maternal Deaths   X   100
  70. Maternal Death Rate:  denominator
    Total maternal Discharges (incl deaths) for the period
  71. Formula for Maternal Death Rate
    • Total # Maternal Deaths   X   100
    • Total maternal Discharges (incl deaths) for the period
  72. Fetal Death Rate:  numerator
    Total Interm and Late fetal deaths   X   100
  73. Fetal Death Rate:  denominator
    Total Live Births (NBadmits) +  Inter & Late fetal deaths
  74. Formula for Fetal Death Rate
    • Total Interm and Late fetal deaths   X   100
    • Total Live Births (NBadmits) +  Inter & Late fetal deaths
  75. Average Daily Census formula
    • Total IPSD
    • Total # of days in period
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1445 Lecture Exam 2
1445 Lecture Exam 2