Anatomy Muscles

  1. Sternocleidomastoid
    • Action:
    • Unilaterally - laterally flexes head and neck to same side - rotates head and neck to the opposite side
    • Bilaterally - flexes neck - assist to elevate the ribcage during inhalation
    • Origin: Sternal head - top of manubrium. Clavicular head - Medial 1/3 of clavicle
    • Insertion: Mastoid process of temporal bone, lateral portion of superiornuchal line of occiput
    • Innervation: C(1), 2, 3
  2. Anterior Scalenes
    • Action:
    • Unilaterally - laterally flex the head and neck to the same side (with fixed ribs)
    • Bilaterally - elevate the ribs during inhalation, flex head and neck
    • Origin: transverse process of 3rd - 6th cervical vertebrae (anterior tubercles)
    • Insertion: First rib
    • Innervation: C(3), 4-8
  3. Middle Scalenes
    • Action:
    • Unilaterally - laterally flex the head and neck to the same side (with fixed ribs)
    • Bilaterally - elevate the ribs during inhalation, flex head and neck
    • Origin: transverse process of second through 7th cervical vertebrae (posterior tubercles)
    • Insertion: Second rib
    • Innervation: C(3), 4-8
  4. Masseter
    • Action: elevate mandible (TMJ) - may assist to protract the mandible
    • Origin: Zygomatic arch
    • Insertion: angle and ramus of mandible
    • Innervation: Trigeminal (V) nerve (mandibular division)
  5. Temporalis
    • Action: elevateand retract the mandible (TMJ)
    • Origin: Temporal fossa and fascia
    • Insertion: Coronoid process and anterior edge of ramus and mandible
    • Innervation: Trigeminal (V) Nerve (mandibular divions)
  6. Stylohyoid
    • Suprahyoid
    • Action: elevates and retracts hyoid
    • Origin: Styloid process
    • Insertion: hyoid bone
    • Innervation: facial nerve (VII) 
  7. Mylohyoid
    • Suprahyoid Muscle
    • Action: elevates hyoid
    • Origin: Underside of mandible
    • Insertion: Hyoid bone
    • Innervation: Trigeminal (V)
  8. Geniohyoid
    • Suprahyoid Muscle
    • Action: pulls hyoid anterior- superiorly
    • Origin: Undersid of mandible
    • Insertion: Hyoid bone
    • Innervation: C1, 2
  9. Digastric
    • Action: With hyoid bone fixed, depresses the mandible. With mandible fixed, elevates hyoid bone. Retracts the mandible
    • Origin: Mastoid process (deep to sternocleidomastoid and splenous capitis)
    • Insertion: inferior border of mandible
    • Innervation: Anterior belly - trigeminal (V) mandibular division Posterior belly - facial (VII)
  10. Sternohyoid
    • Infrahyoid Mucles
    • Action: depressed hyoid after elevation during swallowing
    • Origin: top of manubrium
    • Insertion: hyoid bone
    • Innervation: C1, 2, 3
  11. Omohyoid
    • Infrahyoid Muscle
    • Action: depresses hyoid
    • Origin: superior border of scapula
    • Insertion: hyoid bone
    • Innervation: C1, 2, 3
  12. Thyrohyoid
    • Infrahyoid Muscle
    • Action: depresses hyoid
    • Origin: thyroid cartilage
    • Insertion: hyoid bone
    • Innervation: C1, 2, 3
  13. Sternothyroid
    • Infrahyoid Muscle
    • Action: top of manubrium
    • Origin: draws larynx downward
    • Insertion: thyroid cartilage
    • Innervation: C1, 2
  14. Platysma
    • Action:
    • assist to depress the mandible
    • tighten the fascia of neck
    • draw down corners of the mouth
    • Origin: fascia covering superior part of pectorialis major
    • Insertion: vase of mandible, skin of lower part of face
    • Innervation: cranial nerve VII
  15. Occipitofrontalis
    • Action:
    • frontalis - raise the eyebrows and wrinkle forehead.
    • occipitalis - anchor and retract the galea posterior
    • Origin: galea aponeurotica
    • Insertion: innervation - skin superior to eyebrows. occipitalis - superior nuchal line of occiput
    • Innervation: facial (VII)
  16. Lateral Pterygoid
    • Action:
    • unilaterally - laterally deviate mandible to opposite side
    • bilaterally - protract the mandible
    • Origin:
    • superior head - infratemporal surface and crest of greater wing of sphenoid bone
    • inferior head - lateral surface of lateral pterygoid place of sphenoid bone
    • Insertion: articular disk and capsule of temporalmandibular joint
    • Innervation: Trigeminal (v)
  17. Medial Pterygoid
    • Action:
    • unilaterally - laterally deviates mandible to oppostie side
    • bilaterally - elevates and protracts mandible
    • Origin: medial surface of ramus of the mandible
    • Insertion: medial angle of mandible
    • Innervation: Trigeminal (V)
  18. Longus Capitis
    • Action:
    • unilaterally - laterally flex the head and neck to the same side - rotate the head and neck to the same side
    • bilaterally - flext head and neck
    • Origin: transverse process of C3 - C6
    • Insertion: inferior surface of occiput
    • Innervation: C1, 2, 3, (4)
  19. Longus Colli
    • Action:
    • Unilaterally -laterally flex head and neck to same side - rotate head and neck to same side
    • Bilaterally - flex head and neck
    • Origin: bodies of C5 - T3, transverse processes of C3 -
    • C5
    • Insertion: tubercle of anterior arch of the atlas, bodies of axis C3 - C4
    • Innervation: C2 - 6 (7)
  20. Corrugator Supercilli
    • Action: produces verticle folds between eyebrows
    • Origin: medial end of supercilli arch
    • Insertion: medial end of supercilli arch
  21. Obicularis Oris
    • Action: closes mouth, compresses and protrudes lips (kissing face)
    • Origin: medial maxilla and mandible, deep surface of perioral skin and angle of mouth
    • Insertion: moucous membranes of lips
  22. Levator Laii Superioris
    • Action: raises upper lip
    • Origin: infra-orbital margin
    • Insertion: skin of upper lip
  23. Depressor Labii Inferious
    • Action: draws lower lip downward and laterally
    • Origin: platysma and anterolateral body of mandible
    • Insertion: skin of lower lip
  24. Buccinator
    • Action: presses chees against molars
    • Origin: mandible, alveolar processes of maxilla and mandible, ptergomandibular raphe
    • Insertion: angle of mouth (modiolus); obicularis oris
  25. Zygomaticus Major
    • Action: smile muscle
    • Origin: laterl aspect of zygomatic bone
    • Insertion: angle of mouth (modiolus)
  26. Zygomaticus Minor
    • Action: retract or evert upper lip
    • Origin: anterior aspect of zygomatic bone
    • Insertion: skin of upper lip
  27. Depressor Angular Oris
    • Action: depresses corners of mouth
    • Origin: anterolateral base of mandible
    • Insertion: angle of mouth (modiolus)
  28. Depressor Labii Inferioris
    • Action: pulls lower lip down
    • Origin: platysma and anterolateral body of mandible
    • Insertion: skin of lower lip
  29. Risorius
    • Action: pulls corners of mouth laterally
    • Origin: parotid fascia and buccal skin
    • Insertion: angle of mouth
  30. Procerus
    • Action: depresses medial endof eyebrow, wrinkles skin over nose
    • Origin: fascia aponeurosis covering nasal bonse and cartilage
    • Insertion: skin of inferior forehead, between eyebrows
  31. Nasalis
    • Action: compress and dialate nasal aperature
    • Origin: frontal process of maxilla
    • Insertion: Major alar cartilage
  32. Oribicularis Occuli
    • Action: open/close eyelid
    • Origin: medialorbital margin, medial palpebral ligament and lacremal bone
    • Insertion; skin around margin or orbit, superior and inferior tarsal plates
  33. Levator palpebrae Superioris
    Action: raises eyelid
Card Set
Anatomy Muscles
Muscles of the head, neck, and face