Deaf Culture Final

  1. What keeps the deaf world going?
    ASL, education, organizations
  2. In what area of living do deaf people exercise the most control?
  3. What is the language of instruction for deaf children?
  4. What was the next philosophy after Oralism to education deaf children?
    Total Communication
  5. Define Total Communication
    Using all communication methods
  6. What is the meaning of TC nowadays?
    signing and speaking simultaneously
  7. Have residential schools diminished since the movement of mainstreaming?
  8. What law refers to Deaf Education?
  9. 2 major problems with LRE (least restrictive environment)
    • 1. OSERS views res. schools as institutions, last resort
    • 2. Deaf require different language, usually not avail at public schools.
  10. Who usually provides programs for Deaf children?
    Hospitals, speech therapists, some private schools........medical view
  11. What are problems in transition from the hospital setting to the school-based setting?
    Hospital focuses more on speech and hearing and schools more on content of learning.
  12. What is IEP?
    Individualized Education Plan
  13. What problems face parents in the IEP process?
    • 1. Lack of communication between the professional and the deaf child
    • 2. Faced with different groups of professionals on different sides of the deaf perspective
    • 3. Professionals who know the law may influence the parents.
    • 4. Testing-different language etc.
  14. Advantages and disadvantages of Day Schools
    • A: benefits of res school and living at home
    • D: bus rides consumes educational time, no after school activities, hearing staff, low expectations
  15. Advantages and Disadvantages of Residential Schools
    • A: socialization, student gov't/activities, deaf staff, role models, language
    • D: curriculum less demanding, voc classes, few deaf teachers
  16. Advantages and Disadvantages of Mainstreaming
    • A: self inclusion rooms, socialize with other kids, better curriculum
    • D: busing problem, no after school activities, language restrictions
  17. Highest drop out rate
    Day school
  18. Lowest drop out rate
    Residential school
  19. What does the Bilingual Education Act provide?
    funding for a wide variety of programs promoting the use of minority languages in schools
  20. What are the goals of bilingual education?
    to teach the student Englishso that he or she can ultimately be educated exclusively in English.
  21. 4 steps to accomplishing Bilingual education goal?
    • 1. fostering a healthy self image in the learner
    • 2. developing the student's cognitive powers
    • 3. creating a bridge to the learner's existing linguistic and cultural knowledge
    • 4. developing the student's reading and expressive skill in English
  22. What is the carrot?
    1965 Bilingual Education Act
  23. What is the stick?
    composed of civil rights statues, which impose an affirmative duty on schools to give an equal education
  24. What 3 features were added when students fell behind in other subjects?
    • 1. to educate teachers about the special cultural problems of minority children
    • 2. to train teachers in the teaching of English as a second language
    • 3. to actively seek and employ teachers of the same minority group as the students
  25. What is the one thing to be learned from this class?
    the best hope for alliances between Deaf and hearing people lies in the creation of bilingual and bicultural education for deaf children
  26. What is metalanguage
    the language used for description of language
  27. What is a metalinguistic ability?
    the ability to discuss and compare languages
  28. What is the 3 part strategy for teaching English in bilingual education?
    • 1. Enriches the children's command of their native language to include the school language register and literacy.
    • 2. Helps them to bring awareness and to talk about the structure of their language and its registers and art forms.
    • 3. Using that expanded repertoire in their first language, it teaches first-language literacy and various cognitive tasks that school involves.
  29. 6 principles of bilingual education that apply to deaf children
    • 1. Respect the language and culture of the child
    • 2. Incorporate heritage information in teaching
    • 3. Use language of child to teach content
    • 4. Increase complexity and metalinguistic knowledge of the language of the child
    • 5. Develop transfer strategies from one language to another
    • 6. Develop a strong metalinguistic awareness of English and how it is used in different settings.
  30. What are the two models of bilingual education?
    Maintenance and transitional-maintenance should be used with deaf
  31. 4 major themes of bi-bi as a mainstay
    • 1. Winning fundamental human rights
    • 2. Education that uses minority language, but teaches majority language
    • 3. Improving deaf access to info through both languages
    • 4. enhancing deaf culture and social life
  32. Changes if Deaf accepted as minority group
    • 1. authority
    • 2. behavior
    • 3. legal status of social issue
    • 4. identification and labeling
    • 5. intervention-no surgery
  33. Rights of the deaf
    • 1. Dignity
    • 2. Language
    • 3. Marry/family
    • 4. Social services
    • 5. Work
    • 6. Drive
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Deaf Culture Final
Deaf Culture Final exam questions