Abnormal 1a

  1. psychological dysfunction is a break down in what dimenons
    • 1. Cognitive
    • 2. Behavioral
    • 3. emotional
  2. Focus of thearpy/disorder
    • Clinical Description,
    • Causation,
    • Treatment and Outcome
  3. Prevalance:
    Course onset patters:
    • Episodic: episodes subside
    • Time-limited
    • Chronic: longstanding
    • Acute vs Insidious: gradually developing
    • Prognosis: WHat to expect, Get better or not
  4. Hippocrates:
    father of medical science: "imbalance of bodily functions" "wondering Utterus"
  5. John Grey
    "mentally ill equivalent to physically sick"
  6. 1950:
    medical attention because increasingly avaible to mentally ill people
  7. 1960:
    communial mental health centers were origonated
  8. Josef Breuer:
    furthed hypnosis treatment (mesmer,Marcot), Collaborator with freud
  9. Who did freud get the idea "Unconsious Mind"?
    Jean Marcot, Mentor to freud, and practiced with hypnosis.
  10. Id, Ego, Superego:
    Id (pleasure), Ego (reality), Superego (consious moral restraints on id's impulses) 
  11. Humanistic Theory:
    basically good, natural tendency toward nautre and develpement Self Actualization (stives for, which is increasing ones self awareness, get on right track of life)
  12. Carl Rogers:
    Client centered thearpy
  13. Maslow
    hieracry of needs
  14. Behavioral approach:
    classical conditiononing (baby albert, pavlo's dog)
  15. Joseph Wolpe
  16. Skinner:
  17. Aaron Bek
    thought, cognition, think, feel, behave
  18. Biopsychosocial Model
    • Biological: biological reason why behavior is happening
    • coginitive: psyhological reason why behavior is happening
    • socioculture: society makes person believe is normal
    • psychological: what they cannot psychologically do that others can
  19. Standardize:
    everyone gets same treatment, how to get it to fit into general pop
  20. reliablitiy:
    consistency, minmal amount of error
  21. Retest:
    for reliability
  22. validity
    • accuracy of test scores
    • perdictive validity
    • concurrent validity
  23. Clinical interview
    • structured: research studies
    • unstructured: typically
  24. MCMI:
    • personlity diagnosis symptom specific measures
    • bek depression inverlory
    • Eating disorders
    • Bek Anxiety
  25. PAI SP
    • Clinical report full scale profile
    • easier cheaper faster, standardizing, good reliablitliy, little error
  26. Axis I
    all disorders basically
  27. Axis II
    • Personality disorders, mental retartdation
    • :things with no 'cures' LONG STANDING very difficult treatment if any
  28. Axis III
    medical condition, exp Cancer, tendency to be relative to axis one disorder
  29. Axis IV (4)
    • psychosocial:
    • no job, illiterate, divorse,... Effects or relative to axis one disorders Helps explain Disorders
  30. Axis V (5)
    how well is the person functioning? 0-100; 100 best
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Abnormal 1a