T-34 Limits

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  2. Prohibited Maneuvers
    • 1. Inverted flight above 220 KIAS.
    • 2. Night formation flights (except in emergencies).
    • 3. Intentional spins with flaps and/or gear extended.
    • 4. Intentional inverted spins.
    • 5. Intentional spins with the propeller feathered.
    • 6.. Inverted stall maneuver
    • Caution
    • Any maneuver that could result in nose-low attitudes shall be performed inamanner to preclude speeds in excess ofmaximumauthorized (280 KIAS).Excessive horizontal stabilizer loads can be encountered at speeds in excessof 280 KIAS.
  3. Maximum takeoff and landing crosswind components:
    • a. No flap — 22 KNOTS.
    • b. Full flap — 15 KNOTS.
  4. Weight Limitations
    • 1. Maximum ramp weight — 4,425 lb.
    • 2. Maximum zero fuel weight — 3,650 lb.
    • 3. Maximum takeoff and landing — 4,400 lb.
    • 4. Maximum aerobatic weight — 4,300 lb.
  5. Acceleration Limitations
    • 1: +4.5gs up to 280 KIAS;
    • –2.3gs up to 220 KIAS;
    • and decreasing to –1.0g at 280 KIAS.

    2. With flaps down, +2gs and –1.0g.

    3. During extension of the landing gear, +1.5g to 0g.
  6. Maximum sink rate at ground contact
    600 FPM.
  7. The following actions may result in aircraft damage and shall be avoided:
    • —Landing on arresting gear cable
    • —Nosewheel contact with cable risers above taxi speed
    • —Braking during cable rollover
    • —Rollover of arresting gear rigged with tire section cable supports at anyspeed.
  8. Operating altitude (Navy-approved limit)
    25,000 FEET.
  9. Maximum inverted flight time
    15 secs
  10. Maximum zero g flight time
    Transient only
  11. Maximum vertical flight, nose up
    15 SECONDS.
  12. Maximum vertical flight, nose down
    3 SECONDS.
  13. Maximum knife, edge, wings vertical
    3 SECONDS.
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T-34 Limits
T-34 Limits Only