Che Ch 18

  1. spontaneous reaction
    • it will occur under a certain set of conditions
    • ^ S universe is positive
    • S sys + S surr = S universe
  2. entropy
    • the direct measure of the randomness or disorder of a system
    • the larger the disorder, the larger the value of S
    • S (solid) < S (liquid) << S (gas)
  3. standard entropy
    the absolute entropy of a substance at 1atm and 25 degrees C
  4. second law of thermodynamics
    the entropy of the universe increases in a spontaneous process and remains unchanged in an equilibrium process
  5. entropy change of the system
    • ^ Srxn = E nS (products) - E nS (reactants)
    • don't forget to multiply by coefficents
  6. entropy change of the surroundings
    • ^ S surr = - ^ H sys / T
    • the higher the temperature is, the less the effect of the heat transfer on the entropy of the surroundings
  7. free energy
    • G = H - TS
    • ^ G = ^ H - T ^ S
    • negative G shifts to the right (spontaneous)
  8. Equation for G and Q
    ^ G = ^ G(standard) + RT In Q
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Che Ch 18