Henle lesson 3.txt

    • author "me"
    • tags "Vocabulary"
    • description "The third declension"
    • fileName "Henle lesson 3"
    • freezingBlueDBID -1.0
    • Agmen, agminis
    • N. Column( of soldiers), army( On the march) , 3 rd D
    • Rule:51
  1. Caedes, caedis
    • F. Slaughter. 3 rd D
    • Rule:50
  2. Caesar, caesaris
    • M. Caesar 3 rd D
    • Rule:46
  3. Clamor, clamoris
    • M. Shouting, shout 3 rd D
    • Rule:49
  4. Collis, collis
    • M. Hill. 3 rd D
    • Rule: exc to 50
  5. Corpus, corporis
    • N. Body. 3 rd D
    • Rule:52
  6. Dux, ducis
    • M. Leader. 3 rd D
    • Rule:46
  7. Flumen, fluminis
    • N. River 3 rd D
    • Rule:51
  8. Frater, fratris
    • M. Brother 3 rd D
    • Rule:46
  9. Gens, gentis
    • F. Tribe 3 rdD
    • Rule:50
  10. Homo, hominis
    • M. Man 3 rd D
    • Rule:46
  11. Hostis, hostis
    • M. Enemy 3 rd D
    • Rule:46
  12. Imperator, imperatoris
    • M. General, emperor 3 rd D
    • Rule:46/49
  13. Iter, itineris
    • N. Journey, march, route 3 rd D
    • Rule: excep. To 49
  14. Lex, legis
    • F. Law 3 rd D
    • Rule:50
  15. Lux, lucis
    • F. Light 3 rd D
    • Rule:50
  16. Mater, matris
    • F. Mother 3 rd D
    • Rule:47
  17. Miles, militis
    • M. Soldier 3 rd D
    • Rule:46
  18. Mons, montis
    • M. Mountin 3 rd D
    • Rule: excep. To 50
  19. Mundus, mundi
    • M. World 3 rd D
    • Rule:35
  20. Nomen, nominis
    • N. Name 3 rd D
    • Rule:51
  21. Pax, pacis
    • F. Peace 3 rd D
    • Rule:50
  22. Pars, partis
    • F. Part 3 rd D
    • Rule:50
  23. Pater, patris
    • M. Father 3 rd D
    • Rule:46
  24. Populus, populi
    • M. People , nation 3 rd D
    • Rule:35
  25. Princeps, principis
    • M. Chief,leading man, emporer 3 rd D
    • Rule:46
  26. Rex, regis
    • M. King 3 rd D
    • Rule:46
  27. Salus, salutis
    • F. Safety, welfare, salvation 3 rd D
    • Rule: 50
  28. Veritas, veritatis
    • F. Truth 3 rd D
    • Rule:50
  29. Via, viae
    • F. Road 1 stD
    • Rule:33
  30. Virtus, virtutis
    • F. Courage, virtue 3 rd D
    • Rule:50
  31. Vox, vocis
    • F. Voice, cry 3 rd D
    • Rule:50
  32. Vulnus, vulneris
    • N. Wound 3 rd D
    • Rule:52
  33. Audivit,
    He/ she/ it heard
  34. Erat
    He/ she/ it was
  35. Erant
    They were.
  36. Muniverunt
    They fortified, they constructed,
  37. Occiderunt
    They killed
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Henle lesson 3.txt
Henle Latin Lesson 3