
  1. 1. As the 21st century began, what percentage of sonographers were estimated to be scanning with pain/injury? a. 35 b. 50 c. 60 d. 75 e. 95
    ANS: D
  2. 2. Which of the following factors do NOT contribute to sonographer injuries: a. awkward/static postures b. interdepartmental communications c. psychosocial stress d. physical conditioning e. gender
    ANS: B
  3. 3. De Quervain's tenosynovitis is typically associated with a. high force motions b. muscular atrophy c. bone spurs d. neuromas e. epicondylitis
    ANS: D
  4. 4. Upper extremity MSI seen in sonographers is most often associated with a. overwork b. decreased oxygen and blood flow c. transducer design and manipulation d. overweight e. oxidation of blood serotonin
    ANS: C
  5. 5. Which of the following statements concerning stress is INCORRECT? a. Stress suppresses immune system function. b. Patient demands can cause stress. c. Stress is a relatively modern disorder. d. Working in crowded environments predisposes to stress. e. Insufficient amounts of stress stimulate energy spurts.
    ANS: E
  6. 6. The type of musculoskeletal pain that is most resistant to medication and therapy involves the a. back and neck b. upper arm and elbow
    • c. wrist and fingers d. knees e. feet
    • ANS: A
  7. 7. The ideal air environment in scanning labs has been estimated to be a. 200–400 positive ions/cc b. 200–400 negative ions/cc c. equal amounts of positive and negative ions d. 2000–4000 positive ions/cc e. 2000–4000 negative ions/cc
    ANS: E
  8. 8. Trigger finger often coexists with a. CTS b. TOS c. De Quervain's syndrome d. inflammation of the palmar fascia e. bursitis
    ANS: A
  9. 9. A focusing defect common to people over age 45 is a. myopia b. astigmatism c. presbyopia d. macular degeneration e. hypermetropia
    ANS: C
  10. 10. Which of the following is NOT a contributing factor to ergonomic stress? a. using outdated equipment b. presence of excessive amounts of positive ions c. use of stationary chairs d. use of bulky transducers e. maintaining static postures
    ANS: B
  11. 11. The most common sites of sonographer pain and injury is (are) a. neck b. shoulder c. wrist and hands d. fingers and feet e. all of the above
    ANS: E
  12. 12. OSHA recommends a ____-minute rest break for every ____hours of scanning.
    • a. 5/1 b. 15/2 c. 10/1 d. 10/2 e. 15/3
    • ANS: D
  13. 13. Ultrasound labs in modern buildings suffer from poor air quality and typically yield ___ions per cubic centimeter. a. 10–15 b. 15–20 c. 25–50 d. 60–75 e. over 100
    ANS: C
  14. 14. Which of the following statements IS NOT characteristic of plantar faciitis? a. Pain is located in the ankle. b. It results from overuse and repeated stress of the foot. c. It is related to being overweight. d. Inflammation will produce arch pain. e. Treatment may require extracorporeal shock wave therapy.
    ANS: A
  15. 15. When doing portable studies, injury to the back, arms, and wrists can be sustained by a. locking the leading wheels of the equipment b. unlocking the leading wheels of the ultrasound unit c. holding the wrists straight when pushing the unit d. b and c e. a and c
    ANS: D
  16. 16. The following statements about internally generated stress are all true EXCEPT a. It is a major factor in development of burnout. b. It is frequently addressed. c. It is self-caused. d. It is a major factor in the development of compassion fatigue. e. It has great relevance to sonographer injuries.
    ANS: B
  17. 17. Resource inadequacy results from a. under-utilization b. being denied access to training c. having to do too much in too little time d. the conflict of performing incomplete patient exams e. c and d
    ANS: B
  18. 18. Which of the following statements about negative ions is UNTRUE? a. They attach themselves to pollutants. b. They produce ozone. c. They are depleted by fluorescent lighting. d. They slow the oxidation of seratonin in the blood. e. They are depleted by nearby electrical and electronic equipment.
    ANS: D .
  19. 19. Which of the following actions are recommended to successfully cope with stress? a. awareness b. avoidance c. analysis d. acceptance e. a and b
    ANS: E
  20. 20. To decrease eyestrain and fatigue, the room luminance recommended is a. high ambient lighting b. fluorescent lighting c. strobe lighting d. tinted bulbs e. full spectrum bulbs
    ANS: E
  21. 21. Carpal tunnel syndrome is caused by a. miniscule tearing of the wrist tendons b. tearing of the median nerve c. compression of the median nerve d. impingement of the wrist tendons e. inflammation of the wrist tendons
    ANS: C
  22. 22. To avoid arm and shoulder pain, the scanning arm should NOT be abducted more than a. 30 degrees b. 40 degrees c. 50 degrees d. 60 degrees e. 70 degrees
    ANS: A
  23. 23. The tarsal tunnel syndrome a. is caused by pressure on the anterior tibial nerve b. is caused by pressure on the posterior tibial nerve c. is caused by thickening of the tendons
    • d. affects the area in the region of the styloid process e. can lead to radial nerve neuroma
    • ANS: B
  24. 24. To protect the scanning hand and wrist, sonographers should NOT a. use a cable brace b. drape cables over the shoulder or neck c. change their grip during scanning d. grip the transducer only tight enough to maintain control e. select a transducer with flexible cables
    ANS: B
  25. 25. Decreased motion of the lower thumb joint and crackling noises during movement are descriptive of a. CRS b. Flexor digital tenosynovitis c. De Quervain's syndrome d. fibrotic palmar fasciitis e. b and c
    ANS: E
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