Chapter 4

  1. T or F:
    During handwashing, foodhandlers must vigourously scrub their hands and arms for 5 seconds.
    F (10-15 seconds)
  2. T or F:
    Gloves should be changed before beginning a different task
  3. T or F:
    Foodhandlers must wash their hands after smoking
  4. T or F:

    A foodhandler diagnosed with shigellosis cannot continue to work at an establishment while he/she has the illness
  5. T or F:

    Hand antiseptics should only be used before handwashing
  6. What are five ways where foodhandlers can contaminate food?
    • 1. Have a foodborne illness
    • 2. Have symptoms of diarrhea, vomiting or jaundice
    • 3. Have wounds that contain a pathogen
    • 4. Have contact with a person who is ill
    • 5. Touch something contaminated and then fail to wash hands
  7. Who are "carriers?"
    Those that can spread an infection without getting it themselves
  8. Why is handwashing so important?
    Because a simple act of running fingers through your hair, wiping your nose, scratching parts of your body or touching an infection and NOT washing afterward can contaminate food.
  9. What do the diseases AIDS, Hepititis B, and tuberculosis have in common
    They cannot be transmitted through food.
  10. What is the most critical aspect of personal hygiene?
    Washing of hands
  11. What are the five steps of proper handwashing?
    • 1. Wet your hands & arms with running water as hot as you can comfortably stand (at least 100°F)
    • 2. Apply & lather soap
    • 3. Scrub hands & arms for at least 10-15 seconds
    • 4. Rinse hands & arms under running water
    • 5. Dry hands with a single-use paper towel or warm-air hand dryer
  12. Foodhandlers must wash their hands before they start work and after:
    • Using the restroom
    • Handling raw meat, poultry, & seafood (before & after)
    • Touching hair, face, body
    • Sneezing, coughing, or using a tissue
    • Smoking, eating, drinking, chewing gum or tobacco
    • Handling chemical that might affect the safety of food
    • Taking out the garbage
    • Clearing tables or busing dirty dishes
    • Touching clothing or aprons
    • Touching any surface that might contaminate food
    • Handling money
  13. Guidelines for hands:
    • Keep fingernails short & clean
    • Don't wear false fingernails
    • Don't wear nail polish
    • Wear a bandage over wounds and a single-use glove or finger cot over the bandage
  14. Single-use glove guidelines:
    • 1. Should be disposable -- single use only
    • 2. Different gloves for different tasks -- long gloves for salads, colored gloves to prevent coss-contamination
    • 3. Provide different sizes
    • 4. Make sure gloves are specifically made for food contact
    • 5. Use latex alternatives
  15. Food handlers should change their gloves:
    • 1. Before the beginning of each new task
    • 2. At least every 4 hours
    • 3. After handling raw meat and before handling ready-to-eat food
  16. Aspects of proper work attire:
    • 1. Hair restraint
    • 2. Clean clothing daily
    • 3. Remove aprons when leaving food prep area
    • 4. Remove jewelry from hands & arms
  17. What is the proper way of tasting food during preparation
    Place it in a separate dish and taste it with a clean utensil
  18. Restrict from working around food or Exclude from operation?

    1. Foodhandler has a soar throat without fever
    2. Same as #1 but with a high-risk population
    3. Foodhandler has at least one of these symptoms: Vomiting, diarrhea, jaundice
    4. Foodhandler was diagnosed as having an illness caused by: Salmonella, Shigella, Shiga toxin-producing E. Coli, Hepititis A, Norovirus
    • 1. Restrict
    • 2. Exclude
    • 3. Exclude + to return must be symptom-free for 24 or have a written release from a medical practitioner
    • 4. Exclude + notify regulatory authority
  19. Management's responsibilities for personal hygiene program include:
    • 1. Establishing policies
    • 2. Training foodhandlers
    • 3. Modeling proper behavior
    • 4. Supervising food safety practices
    • 5. Revising policies when there are changes
  20. What are some basic work-attire requirements for employees
    • 1. Wear a clean hat or hair restraint
    • 2. Wear clean clothing daily
    • 3. Removing aprons when leaving food-preparation areas
    • 4. Remove jewelery
  21. What personal behaviors can contaminate food?
    • 1. Wiping or touching the nose
    • 2. Rubbing an ear
    • 3. Scratching the scalp
    • 4. Touching a pimple or an infected wound
    • 5. running finger through the hair
  22. What is the proper procedure for handling employee wounds on hands or arms?
    Bandages must be worn and must keep the wound from leaking. Use a glove or finger cot to keep the wound from leaking.
  23. What procedures must foodhandlers follow when using gloves?
    • 1. Use single-use gloves. Never wash & reuse.
    • 2. Make sure they fit properly
    • 3. Never use gloves instead of washing hands
    • 4. Wash hands before putting on new gloves & whe changing to a new pair
  24. Change gloves when:
    • As soon as they become dirty or torn
    • Before beginning a different task
    • At least every 4 hrs on a single task & more often when necessary
    • After handling raw meat & before handling ready-to-eat food
  25. 1. What employee health problems pose a possible threat to food safety?
    2. What appropriate actions should be taken?
    • a. Sore throat with fever: Restrict foodhandler from working around food. Exclude foodhandler if serving high-risk population.
    • b. Vomiting diarrhea, or jaundice: Exclude foodhandler from operation. Can't return unless no symptoms for 24 hrs. or written release from medical practitioner.
    • c. Foodborne illness caused by Salmonella, Shigella, Shiga toxin-producing E. coli, Hepatitis A, Norovirus: Exclude foodhandler from operation. Notify regulatory agency.
  26. What must foodhandlers do after touching their hair, face, or body?

  27. What should foodhandlers do after prepping food and before using the restroom?

  28. Which piece of jewelry can be worn by a foodhandler?

  29. When should hand antiseptics be used?

  30. Foodhandlers should keep their fingernails:

  31. A cook wore single-use gloves while forming raw ground beef into patties. The cook continued to wear them while slicing hamburger buns. What mistake was made?

  32. When a foodhandler has been diagnosed with shigellosis, what steps must be taken?

  33. Foodhandlers cannot work in their operation if they have an illness caused by which pathogen?

  34. Foodhandlers who work in a nursing home cannot work in the operation if they have which symptom?

  35. Foodhandlers should not eat, drink, smoke, or chew gum or tobacco while:

  36. What should foodhandlers do if they cut their fingers while preparing food?

  37. What should the manager at a nursing home do if a cook calls in with a headache, nausea, and diarrhea?

  38. T or F:

    You should wash your hands after taking a break to smoke
  39. T or F:

    You should NOT wear jewelry while handling food
  40. T or F:

    Wearing a dirty uniform or apron can contaminate food
  41. T or F:

    Use hand antiseptic before washing hands
  42. Laura, a foodhandler at a local nursing home, began her day by preparing to d=go to work. She took a shower, trimmed her nails, and put on a fresh coat of nail polish. Then she put on a bracelet, a watch, and her clean clothes and went to work.

    Wht did she do right?
    What did she do wrong?
    • Right: Shower, trim nails, clean clothes
    • Wrong: Nail polish, jewelry
  43. Put handwashing steps in the right order:

    a. Vigorously scrub hands and arms for at least 10-15 seconds
    b. Apply soap
    c. Dry hands with a single use paper towel or warm-air hand dryer
    d. Wet your hands with running water as hot as you can comfortably stand (at least 100°F)
    e. Rinse you hands throughly under running water
    • 1. d
    • 2. b
    • 3. a
    • 4. e
    • 5. c
  44. Which actions can contaminate food?

    a. Running your hands through your hair
    b. Wearing a hat while preparing food
    c. Touching a sore or pimple
    d. Wearing a clean apon
    e. Wiping your nose
    a, c, e
  45. Exclude or Restrict:

    a. A foodhandler at a hospital who has a sore throat and fever
    b. A foodhandler at a nursing home that has jaundice
    c. A foodhandler at a restaurant was vomiting this morning
    d. A foodhandler at a restaurant has a foodborne illness caused by Norovirus
    • a. Exclude
    • b. Exclude
    • c. Exclude
    • d. Exclude
Card Set
Chapter 4
The Safe Foodhandler