
  1. Kinds of Sentences
    • Declarative
    • Interrogative
    • Imperative
    • Exclamatory
  2. Declarative
    Sentences that form a statement. (Tomorrow I will go to the store.)
  3. Interrogative
    Sentences that from a question
  4. Imperative
    Sentences that make a command or request (Get me some water.  Leave that cat alone.)
  5. Exclamatory
    Sentences that attempt to powerful feelings or emotions (I love you so much! I'm leaving)
  6. Complete Subjects and Predicates

      Every sentence has two main parts:

           a complete subject

          a complete predicate
    a complete subject:  includes all workds that tell who or what the subject is (Most birds can fly)

    a complete predicate: includes all workds that tstate the action or condition of the subject (Most birds can fly)
  7. Compound Subjects
    When two ore more subjects are compounded with and, they agree with a plural verb

    (Blueberries and pineabble taste good after a spicy meal.)
  8. Compound Predicates
    The predicate is the part of the sentence that makes a statement about the subject.  The predicate usually tells what the subject is doing, or what is happening to the subject

    (Adam lives in Bangor)
  9. Compound Sentence
    is a sentence that contains two complete ideas (called

    clauses) that are related. These two clauses are usually connected in a compound

    sentence by a conjunction. The coordinating conjunctions are "and", "but", "for", "or",

    nor, "yet", or "so".


    Batman is a hero. He is successful in catching the criminals in his city.

    Batman is a hero, and he is successful in catching the criminals in his city.


    Batman is a hero, for he is successful in catching the criminals in his city.
  10. Conjunctions
    a word that connects other words or groups of words

    • Examples:
    • In the sentence Bob and Dan are friends the conjunction and connects two nouns and in the sentence  He will drive or fly,  the conjunction or connects two verbs.  In the sentence It is early but we can go, the conjunction but connects two groups of words.
  11. Complex Sentences
    A complex sentence is made from an independent clause and a dependent clause joined together.


    After I came home, I made dinner

    (dependent clause: "After I came home")

    (indpendent clause: I made dinner)

    We visited the museum before it closed.

    (dependent clause: before it closed.)

    (independent clause: We visited the museum)


    Complex sentences are often formed by putting these words at the beginning of the dependent clause: as, as if, before, after, because, though, even though, while, when, whenever, if, during, as soon as, as long as, since, until, unless, where, and wherever. These words are called subordinating conjunctions.
  12. Recognizing Nouns
    person, place, thing or idea
  13. Common & Proper Nouns
    Proper nouns are words that name a specific person, place, thing or idea


    George Washington, White House, United States Constitution
  14. Possessive Nouns
    A possessive noun shows that someone (or something) owns an item. In the simplest cases, an apostrophe and the letter 's' are added to the noun to show that ownership. Some examples are baby's, boy's, and army's.

    • Example:
    • The new car belongs to Joe.  Joe's car is new.

    (The possessive noun always comes before what it owns or has)
  15. Action Verbs
    They are expressing action, something that a person, animal, force of nature, or things can do.  As a result, we call these words action verbs.

    Giggling is something that Michele can do; Reaching is something that David can do—happily, if his mouth is on fire; Buzzing is something that the alarm clock can do
Card Set
Blake - 6th grade English